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of the late democratie convent ion : "We point to i't -vltli pride ?" Farmer Ricli lias the people ivith hini. Millionaires ]!liss and PlnjfTee have the dollars witli them. In this insianoe we'll -vager our inoney on the people. The sánate ypsterday passed its sooalled tariff bill. It is mainly lleKiuleyism mixed with whisky and sugar. It is the dtegraoe of the democratie party.- Detroit Eveming JNVws. As the tariff bill left the U. S. Seiiate, irool, lumber ;tii1 salt were placed upon the free list, and Biigar, iron and coal protected. Tliat Is tlie deniocratic idea of tariff reform ! Yn.iiilerbilt's famous Bentenee "ïlie public be i d," raai never be quotni 6n (icri-iiiii by Qebs and hts framr. Tlu'.v iuay nor liave uttered bhewords, bui ilicy have dom' Avorse, they have put .thom toto actual practice. The very persoow iii have reoeotly taken men ofi of train?, maltreated and aften killed theun for atttMii])tiii}ï 't o i-urn an honesi Uvellhood, are bowlers "personal liberty." Is tliri-c noongniOUS in 1 in ir act ion ? Before the one term Wea tor the göv eraor&hip beoames a ctustom it would in' a fine thiug for the constltution ai i he si ate to be aiuended making the berm one of four years. ..t-ss fi-equeait electioiis would le a gooü thing for the peop-le. me cry 01 iiic ;uicint Roman gladiators, "W who are about to die ealute thee, Caesar," portrnys the attitude of tiie recent state democratie convent ion in indorsíng tJie Cleveland admiiiiti-at ion vwy tóearly. - Dnndee I dger. Erery member of the ooinpany of state 'luilitia, in San Francisco who mutinied and dellrered over hls anus to tthe strikera sliould te either court nrartiated for deeertioo or proeeeded n.n-.-mist for treaeoá. Either indictini-nt wouid stick. The ipopuiUsts Jiave trotted Waitci Q. Gresham out as their ca.ndidate for United States semator in Illinois. Thnt'.s yery rougii on Altgeld ; but Gresliam went to his oivii and they recelved liim, for they knew their man. - Oedar Sipttaga Clipper. The question natura ly euggests itself, if Attomey General Ellis is sucJi aai innocenl vell-meaning individual, whydidn't the deoioorats renominate Iiim ? It wou.lJ liave been a vindioatkwi 61 his oareer in office, and a. riigihteoue thing for ïiic party bo have done. The ,prou(l baast of the American citizen tiliat hls land is the land of liberty, ,has been nacBy abused during tho past two weeks. The trouble appears to be that eoime labor leaders, haviiiií aitained a little power, thousht they could change the meantag oí t li o Avonl. (i.iid limit It to their desiree rnul whims. Mayor Pingree tnuBt iiaro lost liis gooü common, or else lus last eLectiou must have turned.his heul. l'he idea that he shouLd allow his name to be prcspinod to tlie state ■onvcntioD of populista for tlie gubernatorial nominatlon, is eertainly a very Btra.nge oaie, not savoring of that geirtlcmau's usual yood judg mnt. The populista nomijiated their state ticket at the Lanstng eoovention Ju ly 4tih, as folloy.s : Governor, A. "W. NícJioúb, Greenville; Lieutenant ernor, Ferry Mayo, Battie Creek ; Secretfu-j- of State, EUaha Pangborn, Trai-erse City; stat o Treasurer, Edward, 8t. Jotas; Auditor General, Robert McDwogtees, Hillsdale ; Attorny General, J. E. McBridge, Grand Rapids; Comimissionier of Land Office, Addtson O. Kelly, Detroit ; Superintendent of Public Instruction, M. O. Graves, Petoskey ; Dmlted States Senator (loog term) E. H. Belding, Horton ; (sbort terra) Henry I. Allen, ScJioolcraft. wrnild it do ito prosearte the great Atlamtic Steaitnabáp limes for the lalior troubles now agitating thte (■oiiin.y? Those cooipanies ure rtirectly responsiblo for lic iresence here of tbe ereater part of this distui-bIng element. Their ngents are co-nstontly Bcoüring Eurone, woi-king up ouugramxe )or the sake of the steerage passage imoney i-eeeived. And ihey do not eare wirat ]in,i o a liuman animal t.h.-v get as tang as the animal ca.u Kct tijftctJii-r eoongh money to pay ithe passage. The greatest aaetmres this naton has are these graspIng a ml greefly ooean steamship companies. Tüey are not only enemies to the niation, but bitter enemies to the RTeat maso n.f ritino i,,.n .,,!,„ earn tbeir bread by the sweat of their brow. Por these immigrants come liei-e lo undevbid theo in -ages, and ore ahvays reslloss and dissatisfied. Uhey are ignrant .-md brutal, with only ne irloa finny ïixed in their mind, and i.hat is to iü "agip th. govemment."


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