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Wanted--a Gallows

Wanted--a Gallows image
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Tliat notorious anarchist, Herr Most, wliose imsilaaiiiinity onee lrad him to hide under a bed when the olficers were after liiim for an íncendlaa-y speech he made, asked what he tJioiíg-lit oí (ai doath, replied: "Well, I tliijik tbe hog gliould lia ve been stuck toog ago. You aon't see a.ny band around ray li.-u, ilu yira V Well. oieitlier wouhl you Bee aaiy if tJie wlioie torood of autocratie hogs w-ere butehered, aU in a heap. They ought to be given their quietus iii chovas of 40 and 50. Not 1 11.-1I ('aniot was aiiy particular luminous mark toaim at. He was not exactly wliat nie wotild cali a despot. But uu uig, overDea,rmg pig serawled his name to evcry document tJiat steeped bemest folks deeper mid deeper Into Siarery. It was rigfat, it was just, to sucli a Ufe." Any being utterlng Kuch word commits treasoiii to the government UB-der wJnose lias lie is permitted to cxist. The puinishiment for treason in all coumtrles is deatiti. To banish liim ivoiilil be but to impoee npon the peopfe of same other country, even the oaamlbate of the South Sea blanda sJiould he Te pent there, for the very of a man who could give utter■i ooe io i-ufh inliuman thoughts, would prove f-o taintcd and v-ile that lt would he sio temptation to a crocodile's not over partioular palate, and nie wouM nee fronn it as froni a pestilente. Worms alone ph-ould paryike oí meto food, and the sooner they ,-uc given th,ia particular mea! the botter for nll mnnklud.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier