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Co-education A Success

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The July Forum has an article on co-educetiom that wiU be perused witn Interest by eevry persom who has cliild-ren to edúcate, and especially by the the frieaads of the University of Miohigaji, wJiich was the first great imiyersity to open its doors to womeu. In the Awsociation of CoUegiate Alumaiae tliere are 180 marrled women members. To these, circular letters were eemt to ascertain if tliey, educated in oo-educational tions, would edúcate fcheir chiklrcu in oo-educatioaial institutions. A majoiity eaid yes, and g-ave guod reaaons tJicrefor. The success which oo-educational instüutions liave attaióed and the prom inence whieh thoir gradaates have attainpd, bear testknooy to the ailvanta-ges of co-edcatin. The idea that boys .'uid izivls eliould be oducaicd apart, should never know one er except as mysterieus aaid non-approacJiable creatures, is g-i ving away to ,the wholesame amd sensible idea that nii uid women grow better Uroader and Jiilier manliood and u .,- manhood when brousyht into Intelligent contact witli one another. If párente lUn-ew off thé mask of taJse no'desty and miscliievous secrecy wtoich is the nccepted rule of conduct towa-rda cJMldrein, to teacli them thn liUrht'st inlcllectual .-nul physical mission ot nan and Avoman, tliere would e feivfi' mieguided imes, lewer dtoappoimtmente and iewer improrldent mjriaig-Es. A ymnis man a young woman who woulxl not j)roi'it iutellectuallv and soclaJJj by belng in eaoh other's sotiety, better not le sent to scjiool it a.ll. uiiless it may be xhe reform school.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier