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Its Effect On Wall Street

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The view vpry taken of the wffia act ion of tlie strikers ís, that its own exoesses briug a Speedy rcmcdy. AVall atréet itakes little stock in the Relic-mes of mere agitators; Euad in tli-e Matant pretensions of Debs it sees a daaiiagiaig biow to the demag'og'iam tliat pre vades a certai-n class of umioiis, thou.urh fartunately ly no means all of tliem. The present strike in spit of its magnitude and its display of ihreats a.nd forcé, has brouerlit out íiin aeeuraaoe -w-lnch nat only goes far towards allayiiifr the present trouble ,but will also prove an jnvaluable protection against íuture dispute? bet-íveen the raUroads and their empfloyes. The Govenmient has reached the conclusión that it is legally concei-ned not only in preventinfr violent Interierencea with the transportation of the maüs, hul also with the interruptiom of the carriage of passengers and freisii1, as btwen sctate and state. Hite, upan full considenitkm ly the hisUcst legal authorities, the Admiimfetration accepts as a true coiistnicttan of rthe Inter-State Comiüerce law-. This aotion puts before railroad employee tlie certaia prospect of Uieir havíng lo lenl wih the arined power oí tJto r'niicd Niales in any future attempts to aoforce their strikes by vioveiK-e. 0 liis is not only of iAim auie TO Mie raui-oaus, m reliev tJiem oí a constant menace to their property md operat ons it wiül be equally wck-onied bj' the public at large, wteo have suflercd great ineonvenience and loss froan these interruptions oí travel and transportatiom. üeyond thls, th action oí the (Toveinincni carrlee-a .g-reat moiral assurance to tlie country at large. Tlie lawiess proceedings oí labor organizations liare so long been quietly tolerated a to produce a growing ing of distrust as to the sufficiency of the laAvs for the preservatkm of order; and tlii.s Spectaxjle of tlie impunity of Tiolence has been a direct eucouracmciH to tlie disregard of the civil rijg-hits of the eitizen. It is tJierefore a most refreshing assurance to &ee Mie highest authority of the natiou ttous boldly declare that the rights of property, und liberty lor lts unobstruoted use, must and shall be respected. Durliig the latter half of the week, tlie market ïor seeurities whowed the beneficia! effects of these assurances. The EnsUsh market is betoming a mucJi more important element of support .to New York t,liaii it lias been ïor niany montJis pust, il not since the passage of tlie Hl1enmu.11 Silver Act. ïhis aeems to b"e in, a large nieasure due to 't.lie expeotatioai tkat, when the tariff biil is out of tdie way, there will be a revival oí fcustaees iu this jeovmtry and a more sèttled ooudition of poüties. There is eertainly an im])roved tome iu moet branches of trade. uuyers ïrom the interior report a prospect for about a.n average i'all trade ; and what is very important, they aeern to agree tliat p rices have touc.ued battom. It is true, there is no iery niarkcd improvemeat in the amuouait of purchases ; aor is it expected tJuat the business of the secoud hiail of the year -vill bIiow a realliy brisk aspect ; ior buyers are likely to ding !to the habit, acquired last year, of epretwiing tJieir pureliases er the blasón, matead oï supplying their waiits by large transactious at the begtaudng, which may inipart to ti-ade tlie appear&nce of contlnuetl conservattam. In tliis sense, nü imniediate exoessive wtivity in ti-ade ie pected.


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Ann Arbor Courier