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Hou. Edward Duffy of t.liis city, is a member oí t.he democratie state central committee for this district. The recent census developed the lact that nearly 500 hogs of various ages sizes, color, and pedigree were kept witliin tlie city lrniits. TUe Ypsitontian eays : Miss Siininer has decidednot to teacli next year and so refused fcbe position ofiered her in the Ann Arbor high school. ïhe Aun Arbor Knights oí Pythias Avill talce a vacatlom. during the suinmer eetison, having theii; olosing work ora tlie 3d (logreo Monday evemng. The doors are locked, the shutteys are etosed, the people are awa.y ior vacation. 'Tis quiet pow as may be supposed, luit it's ix way we Jiave in tliis nation. It was report ed hiere jast week ihat soinc 500 IJ. of. il. studente liad been stranded in Chicago by rcason of the R. E. strike, und ,were all aüxious to tLear ïroni sapa. Down east the potato erop wiU in1 a vei-y poor ome it is asserted. mal ougiit to be emcouraging to our íarmere, íorie tuber bidis fair to give un excellent yield here. ín spoaldng oï the private librarles in last week's census .returns, tlu largest one in tlie .city, beloughig to ExGov. A'.iilu hs Felch, containing .5,000 POJiumes, was ly accident .omui en. If the aich mem coima aecertain ïor ilicni-i'lves the poor men live, I and tlie .poor men could understand how the a-ich men woïfc. there would be a íar better .feeling betweea the two elasses in this nation. Tlie city taxes wiU be due a.nd colleetable next Monday, July 16th. As the treaurer receives caUs cvery day from people wtoo are anxious to pay thelr taxes, it might be well to renn'inber tibe date : Mouday, July 16. Rey. Anthony Burke, recently orclatoed as a priest in the Roman Catholie ohurch by Bishop Foley, at ïetrott, ceJiebrated hifi first Hig-h Masa at ,St#ratrick's church, NorthïieW, last Sunday. Fr. Burke te the first priest ordained out oí tihat parish in itfi 63 years oí existente. Though woman, lovely woman öometlmes falle to have her way, You can bet your bottom dollar That she'll always liave her say. - Indiauapolis Jourua!. Gil Snow lias eold out lus livery business on N, Main st., to Messrs. E. T. Ailber and Clias. BLaess. Tne editor oí tlio Courier has just secured p, flint lx;k gun, one of the earliest types, made iii 1806, carried tlirougli the war of 1812, by'I. C. Seeley of Oaioodaga county, N. Y. Pay -the printer and the preacher. Tlie printer gives you the news of fhte world, and the preaclier the news of the woi'ld to come, so keep in good standing with bo-th.- Plnckney Dispatoh. One yoiiiig' maa in the city wlio is quite a liternry fellow, .being asked wtuat liis opinión was of the Bhips Tliat Pass in the Xig-ht, remarked : "Tbey are all very ."vell, but Iot my part I prefer tlie echooaiers." Bepublicíins will please notlce the oaU for ward caucuses, to be held on Friday July 20tli, and also tlie oaU íor the Couiity Convention to be lield in this eity 011 Tuesday JuiY 24tJi. Every republioan ehould be present. Tli ose who boug-ht wiough ,sugar to take titean through fruit eanning time are fortúnate indüvduals. ;l te demooratic tariff ■tiinkers liave .alreaUy j sent it up one .cent per pound, nd j tihere is ïio luiowing ,hov niuch more it will go tip. , Tliis thought olipped irom an excliamge, is about correct : Every man who succeeds, inclines to ascribe all the credit to hte owux ability, sbrewdness, iadustry ; "but when he faiLs, he laye the Mame wholly upon others, upon circuimstances, upon iate. I Petitioms nre bt-ing circulated íor a bridge on AV. AVMliam st.j over the T. & A. A. IX. R.t racks. This is said -to be tire most available street ia the city tor brWgiing, and it is estimatea tliat it wffll oost less thaul $1,500 Lo buiJd a bridge on tliis orossinsTA rmost düíicult job has jast been ooinpieted by Ilcinzniann & Laubengayer, it being nothiiig less than tlie ralsing' of their mili a distance oí Uve feet, thus enakiíiig it more oonvenient íor faroners in loadmg and nnloading llouí, gram, etc., and also in gi-ving tlie mili a better and more commodiious basement. "In the suramer," said a housewife, "tJie ice iaithe refriígerator melts very rapidly. To jnake it last as long as possibie we used to Vrrap aroivnd it as oíd blruiket or piece of carpet, but now we wrap it np m newspaper. It fceeps botter in newspapers aml we nio longer have the trouble of vrasbing and (Ivyiiiiï the otber wraps ; when the newspapers are wet, wc simpy llivow tlicm awny." The 4th of Jiily ,was a very quiet day in Aun Arbor. Ttoe occasional banging oi a íirc cracker, and Uve incessa-nt clatter oí i-mallov crackers and borpedoee by the small boys unid girte) wae the ouly tlüng that kcpi tibe peopïe who .remaimed in teil city ;nvakt. Alun-óst everybodj itook occasioai to get out ,of town on that day. Some wout to Detroit, ethers to Jacksoai, Dexter, and other surrouiiidiug to-ivns, while many others v(llt .to Whitmore, Zukey and varioufi otli-er latees im tlie vicinity. "We aro iníonned tliat experimente are marte on the M. C. Rwitih a Diew pattern ,oi steel rails. Tiliey are simety íeet J)oing,thaee times the leaig-th oi those ,now in use, and in: eafl of the ends coming squnvely togetlier as do the o'.ú ones, the joint will be lapped as Lf epttoed, the enüsl taperimg to a wedge Biiaped point. It is tdvougïit that .tfiis wffl not only stop tlie unp'.casaiit ,Of the cars ia passing over . a joint, but wiU ■ii-eaf.y Ktrengthen the rail ,and revent breakiug irom expansión or connv.cnorn. I would I were nn cicle. I would my nielting soul Werc goiiiKon a bicvcle Pellmcll "toward the pole I I'd like to liear a blizzard whiz, And get agoodly slice; My solé d'esíre this moment is To put myself ou ice. - Atlanta Constitution. A jewelry and 'repair Bíbtop lias been opened in tlie opera house block by S. Frledberg. Marshal Banfield found a new pair of shoes on Ashley st., the otlier night He wlll oertainly wear them out himself il the owner doesn't show up soon. Hooray ! The court house has a brigiit, new United States .flag, with forty-four etars. It was first used to oelebrat-e the toation's birthday last AVednesday. It is Baúl tliat a beetle, brick red in color, bas hatclied itself out, lts eilief aiim in life being the destruction of potato bug egg-s. Hurrah for that beetle ! Labraclit G. üuchholz died Monday niomiing last, of qulck consuniption, aged about 82 yeai-s. Funeral today, fi-om his ïatliei-'s residence on W. Huixmi et., Eev. llax Hein oonducting th i&ame. Tlie Ana Arbor Kifles' excursión to Detroit and Put-in-Bay occurs July 18tli. Fare to Detroit $1 ; to Putin-Bay $1.50. Cliildroii hall price Train leaves Ann Arlor at 0:30 a m., stanidard time. Tliere is always soanething new comIiHg forward, uid here is how the campers at the lakes, ov any one else who choses, may mend their broken crockei-y: To mend broken crockery, says mi exchauge, 8'ou should first tie all the tooken pieces in their plac uicely witli any kind .oi string tha suits, before t.liey are .allowed to ge dirty or greasy, tlien put into an iro Oa' tlll lL&n, pOUl 111 cl iUWU min. w _ wüi cover the fractures well, put on the tire and boil about 10 minutes ! aiaú the operation is complete. Do I not uBdo tlie ■wrapptag until the Oish is periectly cpld. Mr. Fraaik iHess, wJio has been in the empfl'oy of t he Aim Arbor Gas Co. lor a aiumber of years, was married last Saturday, July 7tli, to Miss Georgia Hawes, of George M. Hawes, proprietor of the Arlington House. The young couple have gone to AVolf Lake for a few week's stay, after wJiich they wiU return to Aun Arbor and reside at N-o. 2S Thonip.son Street. Tlie couple have maaiy warm friends in the city wto wüJ wish tliem kw mul ha.nniness as they travel down liïe's patJnvuy. A lost itribe oí Ooxey's army lias paid Milan and Ypsilanti a visit duriiiü- the week. At neither place were tlie .people rentuarkably happy over tlieir arrival. aml at both places the litizen alter feeding taie niuu&i-j a ragged horde, dil the very, best tiu-y knew how to expedite tlieir departure. They (Iklu't appear to cure wiierc the so-cnlled army went ae loog as it went. aheir destinatiüu appeared to be the aext place, and thelr oommander, named Connt Wearylouseskl, eo sahl. bad eucoeeded in levyimg enough grüb on tihe frightened residenta along ■ ilie liae of march to keep tiie rank ! and iSiLe pretty fat and "sassy. kreat is i!n' name of Coxey ! The most Oüïicult thing for printers to be absoiutely correct in is figures. Figures are more preverse than are the letters in u. proper name. And if you are extremely amxious to have anytining right, tlien is. the time that , the "pure euseedness"- there other KifoU'h phrase exaotly espresses what yon wiflb ,to exprese- dispiaye itself. In tli .census table in last week's paper, .for instance, the 6th ward is cvedited with 1039 pop-ulation wlii'u it rinouW have been 1839. How thiat 8 ifrui-ned itseU Snto a 0 froin the time the prooi sliert left hnuds until it was made up j in the inrm. is ,:i mystery that na one appea-TS competeet to iathom. But i it did. TIh'ü aiïain .the 5th ward tig ures s.hould have been 7:!l! and not ! 738. Miss Helen Rice of Chicago, a gradúate oí tlie Cook County Normal and oí tlie University of Michigan and a teaelier oí eix years' experience, lias beeai secured as preceptress at tlie higli sfiliool aiext year. - Ypsilantian. Tlie Uaiversity Sivmmer Bchool opened its úoors Tuesday moraing wlth upwiards of flfty ritudeuts ready to commeiice work. Indlcations are that the number will be swelled to over 100 before the end of the week. Th s faculty having the school in charge are quite elated over the prospecte, pnid are putting" iorth every effort to auake the school a great i cess. Tho Teachers' Institute now in session at the High School chape!, is very uccessful, both in point of num bers and excellence of work being done. ïliere are upTvards of 100 teachers present, the , instructora Proí. F. A. Barbour of Tpsilanti, Oouaty Commissioner Cavanaugli oï this city, aaid Prof. J. H. Lee of Mt. Clemens. The session will close Friday. The Aam Arbo.r Co. is in tbe miitet of Borne big improvements. The water wheeüfi at the Argo Mills have been taken out and the fluim e lowered umder theun about live feet, so tliat tlieir iull -power may be secureil. TluMi the olcl timbera ajul walls of the ïlume are being replaeed, and stantial impiovements made taat wm le permanent. The race on the nortli (,i the mili is being arehed over in place of briclsred. and everyüiing put in a neat and durable condition. W. E. Howe is doiiig taxe caipeater and timlier wort. TJicie axe i-urne queer.thingss happening in tlüs world,.and one oï tluit nort biappeoied to the Board.oi Health last week. A resident of the th ward - just reoollect itiie ward, iplease - caone to the city clerk's office suad eatered complatat, in a very .formal marnier, against bis wife for ,not keeping tlieir house clean. He prayeil ,the Board of Healtli to oome aiul examine the premlsea and take inicli .action as would compel Ma wöe ,to cast oif her slatternly ways and beeome .a neat and tidy housekeeper. There.was no tumbiing over each other .011 the part oï the members oí the board to attend- to tlils case, in iact each. one insisted that it was -tbe special province oï the other. There ,-was unaniraity on part, however, .on one point, amo that was that whoever went tliere would be served with aremai-k; able relibJi oï hm itongaie. The board finally agTeed to reier .tae case to the sewer ooanmittee, witli power .t: ac1 j i. e., to cali upom the tire department ' to turn on the .Iioscj


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier