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Try the New Fig Honey. Honey mixed with. a nice extract of California figs, etc, make ''Honey of Figs," Wie most delicious. oí all gentle cures íot Constipation, Colds, Fevers, Nervousness and Disordered Kidneys. Caliioornians greatly prefer it to simple syrup. Old folks enjoy it and bables love it. The Fig Honey Co., or San Francisco make it. No otlier laxative is so soothing or 6ells so well. Large bottles (50 doses) f0 cents. Trial slze 10 cents. In tto-is ag-e of progresa be wlae and get the lest. Eberbach & Son, Agenta for Ann ArbOT. Notice to the People. "y peison nowing of the existence of any nuisance detrimental to public healtli will piense leave a notice with the city clerk, or in wrlting to any member of Mie Bonrd of Health. Tli nuisance will be investigated and abolishcd al once. Bv order of the Board of Healtn. y Dr. John Kapp. Health Offlcer. H. B. Düssley, Inspector. Kli W. Mooke, Ass't Inspector. Ann Arbor, June L8, 1891. Sept. 19 COM-MJSSIONERS' ISToTICE. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiity of WashteThe undersigned havins; been appoiuted by the Probate Court for ad Gounty, Commlssioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persous against the estáte of Adam U. Seyler. late of snid county deceased. hereby give notice that six montbs from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of E B. Pond, Esq., in the city of Anu Arbor, in said County, on the 25th day of September and on the 2th day of December next, at ten o'clock, a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adiust said claims. Dated June 25, 1894. SÍ' S Comml„loner,. Estatb of Clara Pearl Abnold. STATE OF MICHIGAN', County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of WashtenaWj holden at Probate Office, in' the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. the loth day of June, in the vear one thousand eiiiht h'uudred and niuety-four. Present, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge ol Probate. In tlie matter of the estáte of Clara Pearl Arnold, minor. Mattie Arnold Boughton the guardián of said ward comes into court and represents that she is now prepared to render her final account as siu-h guardián. Thereupou it is ordered, that Tuesday, the Í7th day of .luly next, at ten o'elock in the foreiioon, be assigued for exumining and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said ward and all other persous interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, whv the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said guardián give notice to the persous interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tuis order to be published in the Anu Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County, three successive weeks previous to said dáv of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, A true copy) Jüdge of Probate. W. G. Doty. Probate Register. COMMISSIONEKS' NoTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. The undersigned having been appointed by tlie Probate Court lor said County, Commissloners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persous against the estáte of Mary liradford, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notlce tliat six months l'rom date are allowed by order ol said Probate Court, fur i'reditors to present thelr claims agaiust tlie estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the ofïice of E. ü. l(nd, in the cityof Ann Arbor in said County, oft the tenth day of September and on the lOth day December next, at ten o'cloek a. m., of eacli of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated June lOtli, 1894. io. ü. Pond, ) Ij. Grunbk, i-Commissioners N.J.Kyer, ( SAFETY DEPOSiT BOXES TO REST, In the New Vaults of m ui n wm mi Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured Ui at the quality and weiglits will be the same as ií you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a 0 FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock, z I am better prepared than ever to np ply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phoue 705 105-83


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Ann Arbor Courier