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dreadfüTpsoriasis Covering Entire Body tvith White Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cuticura. My disease (psoriasis) first broke out on my lef t cheek, spreading across my nose, and atmost covering my face. It ran into my eyes, and the physician was afraid I would lose my eyesight áltb"ether. It spread all over my head, and my & _ hair all feil out, until I was Jt&mSSBfo. entirely bald-lieaded ; it then OWMfMffxiA broke out on my anus and UjknJB shoulders, until my anus were Kgs-t ) iust one II covered my tm ö pM entire body, my face, liead, V 'J and shoulders being the worst. N . The white seabs feil constantly Tl from mv head, shoulders, and Y "-i2. arms ; the skin would thicken tf._JTB and be red andvery itchy,and W$&fL-ír would crack and bleed if tSJf scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars, I was pronounced incurable. I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, and after using two bottles Ccticura, I could see a change ; and after i had taken four bottles, I was aünost cured; and when I had used six bottles of Ccticuka Resolvent, one box of ConotraA, and one cake of Cüticuk Soa.1", I was cured of the dreadrul disease f rom which I had suffered for flve years. I canuot express with a pen what 1 suffered before usintr tho Remedo. They saved my life, and I feel it my duty to recommend them. My hair is restored as good as ever, and so ïg my eyesiffht. Miis. ROSA KELLY, RockweU City, Iowa. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Evervthing about these wonderful skin cures, blood "purifiers and humor remedies, inspires confidence. They afford instant relief and speedy cure oí the most torturing and disflgurmg of itching, burning, scaly, skm and scalp diseases. They cleanse the blood and skin of every eraption, impurity and disease, and constitute the most effective treatment of modern tunes. Sold throuehout the world. Price, CuTictJRi, 60c Soap 25c; Kesolvent, $1. Potter Drdo akd Chem. Corp., Solo Proprietors, Boston. " How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed f ree. DIUPLKB, blackheads, red and oily Bkin preI I Hl vented and cured by Ccticdba Soap. Mi IT STOPS THE PAIN. BjW Iiackache.kidney pains.weakness, BHHrheumatism, and muscular pains reWlmL lleved in one minute by the CutifJH locura Auti-1'aiu Piaster. 25c. BUS Y STORE OF Schairer & Millenl GREAT JULY MARK DOWN Clearing Sale OF Summer Goods ! FOR THIBTY DAYS, Commencing - - Saturday Morning July 7th. No person who is anxious to and really wants to economise can spend time more profitably than attending this sale. Ladies Duck Suite in Light and IDark Shades, very stylish and perfect fitting, July price .$3.00. Cambric Dresses, two pieces, very neat and pretty, worth $ 2.00, dow $1.25 a snit. 5 Doz. Indigo Blue Print Wrappers at 58c each. Light and dark Print Wrappers, July price 75c each. One Lot Gingham Wrappers worth $2.00, now $1.50 each. Fine AVhite Lawn Wrappers, July price $2.00 each. To close 42-inch Black Embroidered Flohncings in Patterns, 4M yards for 75c. Closing out all 12}C, 15c, and 18c Satines, Batiste, and Llamas for 10c a yd. Blue and Black 45inch Storm Surge, July price 39c a yd. 20 pieces White India Liiien worth 10c, now 5c a yd. White Plaid and Check Muslin, July price 5c a ya. 30 pieces lJm Dot Swiss Muslin, July prices 10c, 15c, and 20c a yd. 50 Doz. Rubber Dress Shields at 5c a pair. 15 Doz. Infanta White Muslin Bonnets at 10c each. 50 Pieces Mosquito Netting, July Price 25c a piece. 100 English Gloria Urnbrellas, July Price 59c each. All Table Linens, Towels and Napkins, marked down for this sale. Silks, Black and Colored Dress Goods, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery all marked clown for tlvs sale. piiÏMILLEN, LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, "We don't need to wipe out high prices. If we did, it would indícate we had treated our customers unfairly before. Our prices are riglit now as they have been heretofore. There are some things though to which we want to cali your attention. We have the largest and most complete stock to select from. We have never allowed a competitor to undersell us on any article, and will do anything for y on that others will do. GOODYEAR & CO.


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