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Republican County Convention

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The republicau convention for Washtenaw county, to elect delegates to attend the state nominating convention, elect a new county committee, etc, assembled yesterday at the court house at 11 o'clock a. 111. It was callecl to order by Dr. W. BSmith, chainnan of the county commit. tee, wlio called Hon. H. Wirt Newkirk, of Dexter, to the chair. Beth Randall, of Ami Arbor, was made teniporafjj Becretary. : The following committees were appointcd : On Credentials- Evart H. Scott, Aim Arbor; A. F. F reeman, Manchester; JohnW. Blakeslee.York; AlliertC.Schr.macher, Ann Arbor; Win. Judson, Sylvan. Rules, Order of Business, and Permanent Organization- Dr. W. Iï. Sniith, Ann Arbor; Wm. M. Os band, Ypsihmti ; Edward Ball, Webster; George . Wheeler, Salem ; Chas. S. Stannard, Scio. Resolutions - John F. Lawrence, Ann Arbor; C. P. McKinstry, Ypsilanti; Thos. Birkett, Dexter; Thos. Sears, Lima; Henry Waldron, Xortlifield. The convention then adjourned until 1 :30 p. m. AFTERXOON SESSION'. Upon reassembling the temporary officers were made permanent and Mr. Xewkirk delivered a ringing fi ve-minnte speech that brought down the house. The Committee on Credentials then reported the following de legates present and entitled to seats : First Ward, Ann Arbor City.-A. J. Sawyerj .1. T. Jacobs. J.J. Goodyear. Heury S. Dean, G. F. Allmeudiuger, W. B Smith, Wm. F. Breakey, Eugeue E. Beal, Seth C. Raudall. Ser.ond Ward.- Geo. Apfel. ft. Gundert, D. O'Keefe, A. C. Schumncher. Jno. Hi-inzmnn. Gottlob Schneider, N. Stanger, Fred Huhn, Wm. Hollands. Third Hord.- C. E. Hiscock, Zenas Sweet. Jus. E. Harkins. M. M. Steit'y, Dauiel Hiseook. Milo Pulcifer, J. A. Dell, W. G. Burchfield, J B. Saunders. i J. C. Kuowlton. Geo. H. Pond Jno F. Lawrence, Wm. C. Steveus. Jno.' S Nov.hind. N. 1). Corbln, W. E. Stocking, Wil fred Eames. Fiith Ward.- Eli W, Moore, A. Hammond Eli Mauly. Thomas B. McColluin. Sixlk Ward.- Evart H. Hcott, Fred C. Brown Thos. J. Keecli. Geo. V. Bullis, E. F. Johnson Wm Blgfts, H. P. Dauforth. Emmet Conn. knn Arbor Town.-D. L. Godfrey. E.G Bisby Jos. H. Vanee, I. N. S. Foster. Christian Braun Smith Bottsford. Jno. T. Fuller. Augutta.-B. P. Thompson. Jesse Hewens has. H. Greemnan. E. C. Howard, m. Hanngburg, Richard Walters, John Lawson, John í. Campbell, .lesse Hay. Hexter.- M. E. McNelll, Willis Benton, Richrd Whalon, Thos. Birkett Umn.-Tnos. Sears, Thos Jewett, Frank Vard, O. C. Burkhardt, Jas. McLaren. Lodi.-il. O'Htira, G. L. Hoyt, H.O. Lampkin, . Jedele, J. S. Wood, A. M. Humphrey, A. A. Vood. .miñón.- Lester Canfield, Richard Clark, loivard Caufield, Wm. Canfleld. MnnchestPr. - A. F. Freeman, Jas. Martin, Vm. Burtless, Tho?. Farrell, Fred M. Freeman, A. J. Waters, J. H. Kingsley, ï. B. Bailey, Geo. . Haeussler, B. W, Amsde'u, A.;a. Striugham. Northfield.-T. Larned, E. E. Leiand, H. P. Dodge. VV. Rane, F. Barker, W. P. Groves tuMeld.- Morton F. Case, Sani'l R. Crittendeu, Audrew Campbell, Jas. H. Webb, Louis 1. Olds, Hiram H. Webb. Salem.- Geo. S. Wheeler, S. C. Sober. Jno. Manu, A C. VauSickle .sv,í;p._Fred Moehn, Geo. Burkhart, Alex Baker, E. A. Hauser. J. W. Huil, W. D Mead, R H. Marsh. Beuj. Monroe. W. .'). SlmmonSÍ Scio. - Amos Phelps. H. Wirt Newkirk, Spencer Pierce C. H. stannard. A. L. Lyon, Ben Culy, Dan'l Lyou, H. VV. Booth. Frank A. Smíth. A. R. Beal. Sharon. C. r.. Dorr, A. Hitchcock. Storrs Crafts, Al. L. Raymond, Henry O'Neil. Superior.- P. i,. Townsend, Philo E. Galpin. Wm. H. Crippen, Geo. M. Voorheis, Arthur H. Covert, J. A. Wilber. Sylvnn. - Wm. Judson, Jas. L.. Gilbert, Stephen L. Gage, Godfrey Grace, Benj. Hawley, Geo. H. Kempf, A. U. Mensing. Geo. Begole. A. Steger. A. VV. Wilkiiison, Fred Begole. J. II Van Riper, P. J. Lehman. Webster- A. J. Sawver, C. H. Van Riper, T. R Stanton, Edwin Ball. Bert Kenuey. York.- Jno. V. Blakesley, Chas. W. Parsous. E. B. Ford, John ('ook. A. D. Jackson, K. P. Pyle, iLd. Van Valkenburg, L. P. Salsbury. So. F. Richards. Ypsitanti Tnwn.-W'm. Osband, F. A. Gravtes. G. D. Wiard, Russel Roberts, B. I. Loonlis, Geo. Scotnev. Vptilanti City, First Ward.- Jas. Chidestcr. Anson Williams, Herbert VV. Childs, John A. VV ilson, Jóhn Reed, O. A. Ainsworth, Fred D-. Webb. Ben W. Kieí. Secovd Ward.-J. B. Wortley, C. P. McKinRtry. David Kdwards, Geo. O. Smithe, D. E Wilbur.C N EUi?. Thirú Ward.-h K. Owen, E. P. Alien, Wm. B. Seymour, J. P. Vroman, D. C. Batchelder, H.D. Wells, Stantou FerRuson. Fourth M ard. - John Thompson, Chas. Donhertv, Geo. A. Damou, S. L. Champlain, A. A. Bedell. Fifth Word.- H. B. Jenks. W. J. Wallaoe, V. A. Worden, Ed. Wailace, O. B. Bradey, Ëd. Thompson. G. M. Huil. John F. Lawrence, from tbe comniittee on resolutions, reported the following, which vvere adopted unanimously by a rising vote : Whekkas, The republicans this day In convention assembled. 'point with pride to theadministratioo of Hon. JohnT. Ricli. and believe tliat It commends Hself to aü right minded men, therefore, Kemlved, Tliat the delegates chos-. this day to represent Waslitenaw count.y be instructed to use their best eif'orts to secure the renominatioQ of Hon. John T. Ricti for governor. The convention proceeded to elect a delégate at large. Hon. E. P. Allen nominated Hon. J. F. Lawrence for the position, which was seconded by Hon A. J. Sawyer, Hon. Joseph T. Jacobs, of this city, and Hon. A. F. Freeman, o Manchester, and he was elected withou a dissenting vote. The uext business in order was to separate into representative districts, eacb to select ten delegates to the state convention. The gentlemen elected were : FIBST DISTRICT. H. WirtNewkirk, Scio. James ].. Gllbert. Sylvan. George ij. Wheeler. öalem. Wllllnin Judson, Ohelsea. HeuryT. Dodge Nortbfleld. Edwin Ball. Webster. Col. H.s. Dean, Ann Arbor. J. E. Beul, Arm Arbor. F. C Brown. Ann Arbor. E. H. Seott, Ann Arbor. BECOND DISTRICT. E. P. Allen, Ypsilanti. John Thompson, Ypsilanti. C. P. McKlnstry, Ypsilanti. A. F. Freeman, Manchester. Andrew Campbell. Pittsfleld. Elias B. Ktone, Augusta, A M. Humpbrey, Lodi. George D. W iard. Ypsilanti town. R. H. Marsh. Saline. Jolin V. Blakeslee, York. The selection being ratified, Dr. W. B. Smith arose and said that lest some of the delegates might not have fully uuderstood the resolutions passed, he 'moved that the delegates just elected be ínstructed to use every effort in their power to renominate Hon. John T. Kich for governor. Carried unanimously. Horace G. Prettyman, of Anu Arbor, waij then elected chainnan, and Nathan D. Corbin secretary of the county committee. Tlie various townsliips and j wards presented the following names to act as a county committee : COUNTY COMMITTEE. Ann Arbor City- lst ward, G. F. Allmendlnger. 2d ward, A. C. Schnirmclier. 3d ward. C K. Hi.-cock. 4th ward, Geo. H Pond. 5tü ward, Nornmn D. Gates. 6th ward. Fred C. Hrown. Sylvan township - Wm. J ndson, Chelsea. Ypsilanti townsh i p- Geo. Scottney, Ypsilanti. Limit towns'iip - Krank Ward. Lima Center. Websier towuship- Kdwin Buil, Dexler. scio township- C. H. Stanard, Dexter. .Saline -G. Burkliardt. Kn.iue. Salém lownshlp- A. . VaaSiokle, Salem. I odi township- G. L. Hoyt. Saline. Ypsilanti City- lst ward, F. W. Green. 2d ward. J. B. Worlley. - 3d ward, Stanton Kni'geson. 4tli ward, A. A. Bedeli. "ith ward, V. J. Wallace. Superior townsbip - Piulo E. Galpin, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor townsliip - Fred B. llraun, Ann Arbor. NonhnVld township- Henry P. Dodge, Ann Albor. PttUifleld township- a. R C'rüttnden. Pittsfleld. Aus-'iista township- Clias. H. Greenrnan, Wliittaker. Brldgewater township - George S. Rawson, Manchester. Freedorn townsliip - John Essig, Fredonia Manchester townsliip-T. J. Farrell, Manchester. Sharon township- M. L. Raymond, Manchester. York township - J. H. Ford, Milan. Dexter townsliip- T. B rkelt, Dcxter. Lyudon township- Richard Clark, Dexter. After this sonie excellent speeches were made by Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, Hou. A. J. Sawyer and Col. H. S. Dean, of Ann Arbor, and Andrevv Campbell, of Pittsfield, which closed the lirgest, best and most enthusiastio republican convention ever held in Washtenaw county.


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