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Nerve JjjL Biood Sr J&BmBfêWK.JSÈr Send fo gw jfBZ MrmmkÊW descriptivo L_ THTDI ■"' r paruphlet. c ïur s.50. Schenectadv. K.Y. Qulckesi Time Ever Made TO i Florida ore New Orieans, VIA rf- ■ O: NCI N NATI 8-V- Ch'c PF ÏO DETROIT F ROM Toledo or Detroit, For Rates or Information, write to D. B. TRACY, NorthBrn Passenger Agett 155 Jefferon Avenue, Detroit. Mich. JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agí 5 Bridge Strest. Tolsdo, Ohio. D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Aget Cincinnai. Ohio. Unlike the Dutch Procesa ÍRo Álkalies Other Ciiemicals are used in the preparation of W, Bater I Co,'s Breakfast Gocoa, ■ihich is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan three times the strengíh oí Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, casting ltss than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester.Mass. TlE.ll AnU fiUlllLn work by addressng the CON1 BKXVILLE MFG. Co., MANVILLE, 1. 1., mfgr's. of Normandie Pluehes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention this paper. REÜL DIEFFENBACH'S ■$O. PR0TA80N CAPSULES, Yjm%%t Sure c'jre f or eafe Men as AVr %Sv provedbyreportsof leadingphyCsimS'--&á il sicians. State ago in ordering. lfiff1 olPrice, SU. Catalogue Free. ■0 1110 A -A safe aucl speedy 1 ill ilMiff tl V BÏ C"re for Gleet, IHmNL Stricture and all vV BHBv unniitural discharges. PriceSiS. VZ$ma? ftREEK SPtCIFICSRSS BB %nnci8hInBl8eaeB,8croft olons Sores andSyphilitlc AfTectionts, witil out mercury. Price, !3. Order f rom THE PERÚ DRUG & CHEMICAL GO. 3. 139 Wisconsin Strset, jIILWAÜKEE, WIS. IsCHSFFIvflANN'S Asthirsa Curei Slvever f&ik to pive inLt-iat relief in the worst ra escasea, and eüecM cares wliert? uthern l'iii Rj W Trial Pactapt lUEE of Drusi;il5 or hj SalL ffl H Uta i DB. B. SOHIFFMAKN, St. Pao!, ElinD, B Repijnt Frank Leslie'a niu8trated I ■ Weetly War Illustrations 1861-65 two ■ I vols. íoUo,$16.60, payable gs.00 ■ ■ ly. Peliveredby expresa prepaid. Send ■ I for illustrated circulara. Al salesmen I I waiitcd. ■ STANLEY BEADLEY PUB. CO, I I S EAST 16TH ST., N.Y., U.S.A. i OIVE EJNJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system eif'ectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the atoraach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its mauy excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by ali leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOU1SVILLE. Kï. NEW YORK. N.Y. At the expense of little pkÈéf i moi'oy and nis spare VSC ï time obtain a fair f3 VX ' 1'STUDY ATHOMEI THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE 1NSTRUCTI0N, t Comprising the leading correspondence schools in theworld. t SUBJECTS TAUGHT. t I 1111 The School of Law prepares pupils for admission J ! I SW to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Hasj ■ '"1' over i,to) students in every part of the country. 4 tmrniill IPS1 This school teaches journalistic J j JDURMftLloivi adnaS(!r.!e;pr.y work from " fou' I t nnnll 1rrnilUO Tllis school is conducted by I UUUt ULLI 'HU boot.teeping in America, j SfllinnT Ulijn Thisschool tcachesshort-handby 4 t SHIlK I -nSrJll tlK best system, and from the t J OflUfl I IIHIJU ginnirig to the best expert work. f tnnrrl _.. J I 1TIM Tllis school teaches { i RHFFK anfl LA IN la in" cornpoatl and { i UIIILLIX aU t-fl III hl5tory, fmm the f j tioQ to the most advanced work in the classics. 5 The at)0Y6 schools teach by the i i ence method only, and recognize uo rivals 11) Í 5 their respective flelds. ■ S F - Address, stating m r J j(L&jl$!MgJ&& I 1' DETROIT, MICH. 5 i ÍS' Telephone Bldg. t 120 DOLLARS %&%J pER M0NTH IN YOUR OWN LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, voinan,boy, orgirl cando the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for moneymakiug ever oflered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted a learning the business. We teach yon in a night how to succeed from the lirst liour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, fürnish everything needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in ueed of ready money, ana wuiit to know all alout the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particular. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. WANTED Men to work for us who desire to make money this fall and winter during slack times. íjxcellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paying business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurserym an ROCHESTER N. Y. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdor World's Fair Highest Award.


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