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Hutzel's War Mï ! A very important invention whict will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATEE BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances beconaing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can affbrd to be without it. No more trouble by using cit) water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cail and examine thüuseful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers and SteamfitUrs. ANN AT? BOB, - MIOP. TO FARMERS The Ypsilanti Robe and Tanning Co., feeling certamthat they eau make it an object to you, invite you to cali at 25 S. Huron St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to tan Furs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens. Or we will pay CASH FOR H1DES. CUSTOM.WORK.' AVe will do Custom Work, tanning hides for owners at reasonable figures. Farmers can thus secure first-class Robes at nominal prices. We make a specialtv of JIOTHPROOF ROBES from hides of cattle, which to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and see us. YPSILANTI Robe and Tanning Co„ 25 S Huron SL YPSILANTL MICH. IT IS HUMAN NATURE To Want Somethinsc for Nothing. silïïfme ma awï t F, LODHOIZ' Grocery Store, 4 & 6 BROADWAY. This is the way it is done: With every cash sale, whether it belOeor $50, we give yon a coupon showing the amount purchased, and wben you have bought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of $40.00, $45.00 or $50.00, you can have your choice of the Ü9 Seantiful Fieces of Silvsrware ! Such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holdera, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Berrv, l'ickle and Butter Dishes, Etc. CALL AND SEE. Remember, everything in the Grocery Line sold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 44 6 BROADWAY. ! W. S. MOORE, D E 2ST T I S T. Work dnne in all forms of modern dentistry; crown and bridge work a speeialty, Gradúate of the ü. of 31. Offlce,57 8. Main st. Ann Arbor. Mk'h. lv. lf W( COMPOUND. jy3 y recent disco very hy an old QL wf „J physician. SttccessfuHy used k J "r.monthli b'j ihousands of LaAies. Is the only perfectly 'Ö safe and reliablo medicino disCOTercd. Beware of iraprincipled drugglsis who oLter inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no sutstitute, or inclose SI and 6 cents in postage in letter andwe wlllsend, sealed, by return mail. ïullscaled particulars in plain euvelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Addrosa Pond Lily Company. No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Ann Arbor and everywhere by all dnvj.L'isls. THIS YEAR THE BOYS. WILL WAM' 10 economizc: lut you can't afford to alvTAys wulk when POLHEMÜS luis addedalot of neiv stylisb riss. before hard times were upon us. aud now is deterinined to make the prices so low.that it will bea pleasure to spend a dollar dow and then. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gsutlemea. I bid prepared to answer all calis for Haeks with the Buest turnonts in the city. Cajl up POLHEMÜS by 'Phone or order at barn, corner .Main and Catheriue streets. Cars from ünlverslty stop at our office. 88yr Sept. 27. im. fltiCHiGAN Central "The Niaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 1, 1894 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME lS jíj : S : á J3 j S j tí : : á M "ó- : á " 03 ]%?.%?. 833 Í K If-Ss M?$. : a, _„ .,.-...-, a m : : SS ES : : : : : SS " Ag . . do, cd. ■ ' - . ad ' '.%%?. I? J53f?33 8 82 :8 :2 j : JS5 ! ■ 3 (X Óí Ü P 4r - 'ei ÓJ HMr x 5 S S3 ,; S HS i a M "á da Sla ;;; jss éé j j j j j s o i : : : : a o a ■ : ■ j ;ss ■ i Iss :kjS S3 S JS? i j -Sy.S ü i- '■ ■ '== :'- ; jj '■L '-l ' ' :■ s s s j j j j jss s ás j j j j j j s 3" : : : : :a a '■'■' ''■' fien 8E8 : i :S j JSS m 88 j j J8 ;S?S 4; lii iLá f éái i IN i P5 ti; aeá tj eses " ( SSS i i :SS ÍSS SS ÍS :S i i JSS8 j Sí' : :"ö :ë 'S. üö !- q .Sc SS . BS S 3 ! ó ï - fi r: r: - ■ '-' x : oo =c X x os = 32 " s i j j i i i ; j!" 5 iiiilM'iil' g: ::]:: s: j j j j j j j j jï MllüuNII iijiiiilnl! s :o : : : :o :g : ; s 'a ï -3 : : : :o ' o :S ■:;( ö :: o : ;3- :a : . . -o ; 0 ís : : :c- $ ■ -is --■- ililsjlsfl ifslisllli O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P & T. ARt., Chicago Agt. Aun Arbor . TOLEDO n AND [[ J 1) NORTH MICHIGAN) c{ RAILWAY. "-1 :&- lal " - ZJ CZfSoul"hB7nd 7P7T0'lÍdOJÉ 1 14Sq Wayue_V „--' - pc ?le . bcü-cá TIME TABLE. TAÊING EFFECT Traius leave Anu Arlmr by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 7:25 a. m. 12:15 P. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. t9:15 a. M. +S:15 p. m. "Trains run between Ann Arbor aud Toledo onlv vTraius ruu Sunday only. W. H. Ben.nett. G. P. A. R. S. Greenwood, Ast EBERBACH k SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. X A TVTIT'Q TRY LE DUC'S "PEJ_lü.JJIllÖ RIODICAL" PILLS froin Paris, France. Established in Europe 1839, Cunada in 1878. For Suppressions. Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly mediciné. They ahvays relieve. Any druggist, $2. American PUI Co.. Proprietora Spencer, lowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., Wholesale agents,and all other drugsrists in Aun Arbor. These pilla are warranted to brinc on the " chantre. CAIÏ I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora ï)rompt auswer and an honest opnnon, write to SilïNK & c:o.,who have had nearlyflftyyears' experienoe in the patent business. Communications etrictly conflctcntial. A Hiindbook ot Information concerning Fatents and how to obtain them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientiflc books Bent free. Patenta taken throngh Mrarn & Co. receive special noticointhe Sirïpntific Amerirnn. and tbus are brought widely before the public without cost to the inventor. This splenclid paper, issued weekly, elefiantlyillustratecl.haabyfai-thQ largest circulation of any scientific woele in the world. !3 a year. Specimen cnpies sent rree. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, 5 cents. Every number contains beautiful platea, in colora, and photosrraphs of new houses. with plans, enabling buiiders to show the latest desiims and secure contracts. Address MUKN & CO., NEW YOUK, 3Ü1 BKOABWAT. BURBANK & DKXÏKR, BERRY & APPLEBEE, Propriétore. um BI inilll The best Hi.-tory of the nñT rfHrinTv s from the di3, v n! t covery ot 4jMrlca to UUaUllGvUM the preseut time. 7JST i COLUMBIá For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart. Ind, BOOK AGENTS PRIZE HISTORY OF THE GREAT FAIR. Ti World's Columbian Esposition Illusiratsd received the Highest axd ON'IA' Awakd at the World's Fair. as the Kichest Illustrated and tbe Most Autheatic and Complete History oí th,e World's Columbián Exposltlon. Sella at slght. Large Commiásions. Excln sive Tervitory. Enclose lUc in stamps for terms and par tieuUii's. Address J. B. CAMPBELL, L59-1P1 A dams Street. ('hioago. 111.


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