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Republican Candidates Again

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In tlie 2d reprcsentntive district the name oí .Tabez Wordey is beinjj talked up for the run on the republ.iean ticket. He ma-de tlie race once, against overwhelmiog odcJs, and came nea-r getting there, and wouM try it ajgain if hds party is wüling, whioh no doubt it is. REPBESENTATIVB - 2ND DISTKICT. Mr. WortLey is a hustler. He is ! ome of the beet known men in his ' trict, and can probably poll more v(jtcs than anr other man in the district. The city oí Ypsilanti ou.Hl to be glvem a represenfative in the legislatura occasiomally. It lias interests tdiat meed a good business man, comvt'rsaiit itherewith, to I sent to tlie legislatm-e, and .Mr. Wortley is just that eort oí a man. He avíü be om; wím wíU be heard troon, too, if lie is elected to tliat position. REPKESENTATIVE - lST DISTRICT. The first choice oí Aun Arbor repub'ican, añil íor matter nearly all the republieanis in the lst reprcsciitalive district, is John F. Iiwrence. H is a maa wbo possesses emhijent abilily iorthe piafe, aud one ■vlio would take a oomuiaawllng jiositioai ïroni tlie first. He would be looked up to as a leader, and the district woiild íeel proud of sucli a repn-rntative. But Mr. Lawrenee is dilfident about gohig on the ticket, ice] tliat JiLs private affairs demand Jiis presence ;rt home. and that j it wouild be a great personal sacrifice to accept the position even were tibe electioa" asBured, consequentiy he declines, tliough it is possible he mar lie induced to listen to tlie popular demanil and euUow li is nameío be used. There is amotber gentleman in the district who would be au honor to it, couild he be induced to run. We refer to Htn. H. "SVirt Newkirk, of Dexter. iLike Mr. Lawrence lie hesitates about allowtog the oí his name. He has a lucrative business that needs Jiis personal attention, and lie v.ould liave it-o mate personal sacrifioes .to accept tlie office. He was a meniber of the laat legislature, liowever, fromi Lake county, where lie then resided, and oonseiuently would make i valuable man now tor this district, as he is canversant with the ways of the body and would have to spend no time in the ropes'' a.s the expression is. He lias excellent ability and could he be iuterested in the matter would make a lively canvas., tor lie is composed of the aotrt' of material tiiat never gives up th sliip. Tlie name of Eniery E. Leiand, of Xorthfield, lias been sug-gested. Mr. Leland is one of our best known farmers, a, míun of good judgment, and a liead stocked wlth good, conimon soase. He is mot a candidate in the sense of seeking the office, but under certiiin conting-encies ivould accept the noimination,. He would -make a good legislator. FOK SHERIFF. Since our last issue the name of J. H. Kingsley, of Manchester, lias been hied into the ring for sheriff. Mr. Kingsley is mot seeking the nominatkxn, but would accept if the convention feit that he was the man. He is a fine appearing, wide-awake business man, would make an excellent run, and a good sheriff, too. Mr. Burtless, we mnderstaiid, does not desire the'noinination. COUNTY TREASURER. Aniong other names jiot mentioned last week is tliat of Ferry Townsend, of Superior, for County Treasurer. Mi-. Towmsend belongs to a íamily noted for tlieir push and energ-y, and represente a section oí tlie county tliat eeldom is piven a posltion on the county ticket. It is stiated t-liat Saline wül coime to tlie convention with a solid delegation íavoriiig George A. LindenBChmidt, the present republican treasurer oí Saline townsJiip. Mr. LindenscJiimklt was elected trensurer oí Saline last spring by 48 majority, overcoming- a lemocr;itic majority of any■vvhere irom 80 to 100 and upwards, and is an extrediely popular gentleman. He -n-ould niake the dry bones crack if he should be placed upon the ticket, that's suve.


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