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Republican County Convention

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The couraty convention to choose delegates to the coogressdona] and senatorial conventions, assem bied at the court house last Tuesday. It was a live eonvention, and ALL THE TOWNS AND WAEDS in the tuumr liad rep resem tatives present. The convent-ion was called to order by H. G. Prettyma.n, chairman of the eounty coonmittee, who called the Hou. Geo. S. Wheeler, o! Salern, to the chair. J.. H. King-sley, oí Manchester, was chosen temporary Secretary. The following committees were appointed : Credentials- Chas. E. Hisciock, Ann Arbor ; Dr. Pyle, Hilan ; Win. Judsmi Sylvan ; I'hilo E. Galpin, Superior ; E. E. Leland, Northfield. Permaneut Organization and Order of Businesw - Dr. F. K. Oven, Ypsilanti ; A. F.' Freemaii, Manchester; T. J. KeecJi, Aim Arbor; Wan.. Campbell, Pittsfield ; Honry C. Calhoun, Birdgewater. Reeolutioms- -J. C. Knowlton, Ann Arbor ; Wan. M, Osbamd, Ypsilanti; A. F. Freeman. .Manchester; J. H. Kuig'sïev. Manchesicr ; .Tolm F. Lawrenoe, Aun Arbor. Tlie oonvention then adjourned until 1:30 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Upoo rea.sseanbling tlie committee nu rredentlals reported full delegat Milis f rom every town and ward in Ann Arbor. This is a fact that should be noted, for it is perhaps the first oojivontion tliat bas asswnbled liere in niany years that can report that ïaet. Amiong the deïegates also were no less than eight men who never acted with the republican party 1efore. Out of 221 deiegates there were 217 present. The coanmittee on resolutions then reported tiie Jollowing which were adopted by a rising -vote : The delegaties ,to the republican county conevntion assembled at Ann Arbor, Mloliigam, ithie seventh day of August A. D. 1894, re.affirm tlieir faitli in the pricnipies oi the republioan party as announced at the natioiial convention held at Grand Kapids oa Juily 31st, 1804,. "We isecoud the efforts of the republajean party in congress to protect Aanericam industries, to Bustain ithe uiitional credit and to give to the people hoaiest money. Tlliis day we are reaniaided of the faet that ome of ithe moet difitingTiished nien of the etate has beeu caUed f rom rus. In the death of Austiu Blair itiie people of the state of Michilg-an 'are eorely afïlicted. Our "War Govemor" is bo longer witli us, but the moble life he lived will not be forgotten ; it wild be ior us and tliose who coone otter ns, an exfunijle of coni'age amd genuine honesty of purpose. We extend to the friends of the deceased our appreciatioai of their great sorrow. After same delay caused by a friendly diiferemce of opinión, tlie committee on permanent organization and order of business reported. The temporary officers were made permanent, and aai order oí business reported. The following gentlemen were appointed tellers : G. F. Allmendinger, Ann Arbor ; Saanuel Osborne, Sharoai ; Dr. F. K. Owen, Ypsilanti ; and Evart H. Scott, Ann Arbor. The offioers were all sworn aocording to law, Johai F. Lawrence beüig the notaiy called npon ior t.hat service. ïlii'ii caiuc a ballot ior the choice of tlie couvention lor congressinan, the result being as foUows : J. fiawyer, Ann Avbor, 128 Edward 1'. AUen, Ypsüanti, - 80 Janies O'üonnell, Jackson, - - 8 Gen. Geo. Spauldin, Monroe, - 1 217 Tliis gave Mr. Savvyer a majority oí 39 over all and practically deeided for wliom the delegates elected should cast tlieir ballots. Aiter clioosing1 A. F. Freeman, of JíaiicJiester, as delégate at large, the oonvention, as usual, divided into representative districts and chose the foUowbig delegates : TO CONGRES8IONAL CONVENCIÓN. lst District- Cha. E. Hiscock, J. F. Lawrence, H. G. Prettyman, E. D. Kinne, Aun Arbor ; Wm, Judión, Sylva.11 ; Geo. H. Kempf, Chelsea ; Kmery E. Ila,nd, Northfield ; John Buss, Freediom ; A. J. Sawyer, Webster ; Geo. 8. Wiieeler, Salem. 2d District- C. C. Dorr, Sliaron ; Win. Hin-tlcss, Mancliester ; Árenle, Bridgewater ; E. A. Hauser, Saline ; S. R. Critteaden, Pittsfield ; fichael O'Harn, Lodl ; E. F. Pyle, Yoik ; J. 1!. Wortley, Ypsilaaiü ; Perry L. Towiisend, Superior; H. 1'. Tlioimpscm, Augusta. TO SENATORIAL COXVEXTION'. At Large- "Won. JÍ. Ostand, Ypsilanti. lst Dtetrict- Albert C. Scliumaeher, Seta C. Ramdaill, Geo. AV. Sweet, S. A. Moraji, Ann Arbor ; Clxas. Stannard, Scio ; J. Wood, Saline ; Xai H. Pieroe, Lima ; Lester Canfield, Lyndon ; Frank Barker, Northfield ; ,Wm. Smith, Dexter. 2d District- Henry D. Platt, Pittsiiekl ; H. P. O'Neil, Sliaron ; Philo E. Galpin, Superior ; W. I. Yeekley, J. D. Forsythe, H. S. Boutwell, Dr. F. K. Ovren, Ypedlaníi ; F. D. Ford, Ixxli ; Hemy C. Calhoun. Bridgewater ; Jotai K. Caanpbell, Augu-sta. A resolutkni was tlien p&ssed instructing tlie delegates to the congressioiual convention to use all reasonable efforts rto secure the nomination of Hon. Andrew J. Sawyer, of Ana Arbor, for member oï Bongrees f rom ithe second district. The delegatioms -vere empowered to fill ajny vacancy tJiat miglit occur in their raiiks. After tliis the candidates for congress were called in and speeches demanded. Mr. SaTer spoke first, tliamking íthe convention for the great Jioaior conferred upon him, and very p'leasamtly and eloquently asSTiring tlie colllenti'on that if nominatc(l lie wO'iiül to everytli'lng in his power to be elected. Capt. Alien, followed in a noble, geaierous spirit, and proved to t-he eoinrention tliat he could rise above biimself and put his party's will abo--e au things else. He made everyone iai the convention his friend by what he had to sa y. Tlius ended a ootoble con"ention, anl cune that -vill give hope and strengttL to the party in November. A precipítate dessert - Hasty pudding'. "For butter or Avorse'" - Oleomargarime. Alivays a pressing (kneed - Making bread.


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Ann Arbor Courier