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Miss Julia, liever is visitimg i'rirnd.s i 11 Munroe. Ki-v. J, W. Bradsliaw is in the PeInsfcey región. Miss Hattie Stewart has gome to Briglitotn for the week. Prof. E. H. Har toan, of Au Sable, is au Ann Arbor visitor. EU. H. Eberbaah went to Zukey Lake Saturday, returolng Monday. George K. Barker, of Plint, is yisiting Ann Arbor friends for a time. Wm. M. Osband, of t-lie Ypeilanbiaa, was a P'leasant calle last Friday. John 0. Thompson, of the Dexter Deader, was anxlLed ia upcm na Monda.y. Eev. ('auKlca M. Cobern preached in tJie M. E. cluirch in i'ei iskcy, iaat SuiMiay. Mdss .itniiic Mclntyre left Fritlay for an extended visit with Grand RapIde rricaiis. F. A. Hoteieti went to Cavanaugli Lake Saturday evetning, returning Momday a. ni. Mtee .Mali lia llromi lias gone to üa is üle for a couple of weeks to i-ii i'! ■!.■! i i es. Dr. V. eissénger, who had been visttiaig oüid friends at Iloweü. returned ■ : une Satrarday. Mi.-s Hattic Ixxng lias returned afber several nionth's residence in Toledo, Oliio. Miso Nina M. Davison rcturned Satunl.-iy ïrom a tiïü weeks' stay with ïriends in Toledo. l'roï. 1'. F. Trowbridgie, ol Kakimazoo, arrived in the city last week for permanent residence. Witt Maynard, Viu. BJiss and Frank Kennedy will spend tdie coming two weeks at "Whitniore Lake. Mise Lou D. Giles left for Detroit yesterday, to visit tlie iaoiily of her bi"Ot.lier for Bever al weeks. Denjiis Cliurch, of Toledo, Ohio, is visitliig his latlier, C. C. Cliurch, of t.his city, for a few d&ys. Ju.lius Burliliardt, of the Courier force, is taking a week off, whicli lie is enjoying at Base Lake. Dr. o,iul JIrs. J. L. lioso went ïo Crooked Lake, Ghillson, Saturday, ïor a couple of day's recreatlon. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton expect to leave to-day for Coacord, to visit Mrs. Morton's parents for a time. Mr. ieumÏ Mrs. J. J. Bead, of Chicago, are visitimg Mrs. R's parents, Mr. and Mis. Daniel Hiseock, on N. Main st. Mr. ad Mrs. John V. Sheehan sailed fioni Sout.liampton on .Tu'.y i), and are expec-ted lioane to-day or tomo-rrow. A'.d. ('lias. W. Wagmer has been at home for a few days from AVequetoiLsing-, where he will return in a short time. W. H. Dellemback, lit. '93, is estaWifiüied in the proiessión of law at Chicago, and at present reereating at ait Bay View. Harry E. Poaid went to Flioit last Saturday, to be absent a couple of weeks, visiting liis grandparents and ui her reliatives. It is reported tliat Dr. W. H. Dorrance is seriously UI. He is in the east, wliere he went sonie weeks ago lor tlie Bunimer. Mr. anwl Mre. E. A. JIcAllister, and Mrs. Oooper will go to Webster tomorrow ior a week's visit with Wm. Sctuliii's people. Pei-cy üeiijamin, of Aim Arbor, is visit i lig W. E. AldriclL and wife and a little time at the late.- Fenton Independent. Miss Nima llowlctt retormed (rom Cavaiaaugli Lake Monday, with her fat.lier, and itlie reimaiader of the i'amily wül return Friday. ilrs. Frank Heatou, of Jackson, aceoanpaaiied ty lier daughter Miss Blamclie, were guests of Mrs. F. J. Lewis, on S. Fii'tli &ve., last week. A. F. Spring-, of fchat place with an uaipronounceable name, renetanguisliiue, Ont., bas been his motlver, in this eity, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. F. Armstrong, aaid son Louis, accoinpanied by Mr. Ai-onstrong's motlier, leave to-morrow for Strathroy, Ont., Canada, to be absent a lew weeks. Prof. and Mre. II. H. Kornpf gave a very pleasant reception Friday evenirng, &t tdieir home on S. División st., in hionor of Mrs. O. KLotz, of Canada, Mis. Kcmpfs rsister. At "Widenmaim's (rovc, Whitmore Lake, tliis week, and Pauline and Kmma ■RauscucHiberger, accompanied by Lydia Kebb, of KaLaanazoo, and "Wm. Arniold, Jr., of Ann Arbor. HarrLson M. Randall, lit. '93, ril. M. '94, of tliLs city, has acceptcd the ehair oí Physics aaid Chemistry in the ,West Bay City Bohoote, aaid wÜl loavc tlicrefor in a couple of -weeks. Judge Kinne retumed Monday {rom a couple of week's stay on Long I-sland. The Judge hasai't added to his avcrdupois particularly eiince his absence, tut he caughft a lot of sunburn dovn there. Rev. H. Xj. Willet, of this city, -vlio holde tiie ciiai.r f Hebrew at the Bay Vin I nlveralty, lias been doliverin.u- a Berlea of addresees at the Eureka, 111., Sunóner As-si-mbly. He is expected liome soon. l'iiu'. II. S. Oarhart, lils uaughter and non, of Ann Arbor, are Rpendinga íew .wetks at Bay A'iew. They oame up Satupday. Mr. Carhart is professor of piiysics in tlie Uuiversity óf Michig-an. and is one oï the ackmqwledgd electrieal experts oï this country.- Daüy Koorter. Adnan Press Witticisms. Aid. H. J. Brown had a wheel Ltolen day before yesterday, i'iom in front of his store.- Ann Arbor Ooarier. Then Aid. Brown is an acceissory before the fact. We oan't understand why the alderman should have it stolen. He must be soine ïelation to the Pittsfield farmer who had his house burned. People who have these crimes committed should be laterviewed by the prosecutor. The Ann Arbor Times of last Friday, had a comrnunicátion from someone, signed S. A. J. It went over a column or more, to demónstrate some point, or answer some criticism, or criticise some answer, but as it alludes to something concerning Capt. E. P. Allen's candidacy for congress, we are inclined to believe that his competitor, A. J. Sawyer must have written Ihe article and got mixed on the initials. Prof. Stanley, the modest, unassuming, yet very efficiënt director of the University of Music at Ann Arbor. has been re-elected president of the Music Teacher's National Association This is an honor, but it is the society which is honored. The professor is one of those teachers so perfect in his acquirements and so apt in his instruction, that he easily walks in the van of the prof'ession. If there's anything in the musical line to be done, he simply says: "La! do se mi do it," and he does it with ali his sol. When the Republicans of Washtenaw have a county convention, and the delegations are full - beg pardon - complete, there are 220 delegates. This may be called a "mass" convention, and is but a few short of the entire Republican vote of the county. Washtenaw county has 79 justices of the peace "all saddled and bridled and ready for flght." This is exclusive of one Lenawee justice, who becomes a sort of side magistrate, while he occupies a wool sack in the Argus office. They dispense with a great deal of justice in that county. Bondholders have picked up aü exoept 20 shares of the stock of the Ann Arbor street railway, and it is supposed these twenty are not worth picking vp. A meeting; of shareholders is culled for Aug. 16, when there will be elíctftcl new officers, and something will be clone toward putting the line in service again. Bondholders are taking great interest in the matter, ani they would be glad to take some of the interest c'ue on the bonds they hold. The st'Okrolders and bondholders will act in great harmony. Hall & Bogardus is a new Ypsilanti flrni, who may establish a manufacturing enterprise in that city. They have some new patent devices for ni";:ding and coupling hose. Tt is nothing to come into competitioii with tlw good housewife with her darn neeile, for their energies are 'n (.he direct Ion of repairs to garden hose. Tf tliey''e got anything that will .ioin the to the nozzle, and prevent the usual leak that Iets a little stream trickle down ono's arm and flnds an outlet through a hole in the heel of hls stocking, ilii-y f.ught for the sake of a long sarieriii:? public, to make it known and send samples for trial.


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Ann Arbor Courier