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Honor tto those whose words and deeds Tlius help us is our daily needs. - Longfellow. TVlien a man and woman are married their romance ceases and their history conimences.- Rochebruns. Trust him llttle ivho praises all, him less wlio censures all, and him least of all who is indifferent to all. - Lavater. The alm of all intellect ual training for ttoe mass of the people should be to cultívate eammon Bense. - J. Staart MiU. Good manmers are a part of good moráis, and it is as muoh your duty as your interest to practice boüi.- Hunter. Men have eig-ht ; -svootnen insight.- Yictor Hugo. Eannestness commands tlie respect ] of maaikind.- John Hall. All human power is a compound of of tinxe iand patience.- Balaac. Conceit ornay poiff a man up, but but cannever prop him up.- Ruskin. AVords are an amazlng barrier to the receptioai of truth.- Sidney Smith. Take not too Bhort a time to make a world wide bargain in.- Shakespeare. The ehowy lives its little hour ; the truc To aftertimes hears raptures ever new. -Goethe. Who lives ito nature rarely can be poor ; who lives to fajicy never can be ricli.- Edward Toung. In the matter of dress, people should always keep below tlieir ability.- Montesquieu. A cheerful temper, joined with innooence, wlll niake beauty attraetive, knowledge delightful, aud wit good nnlured.- Addison. A docile dlspoeitioü wlll, -vitli applicatioai,. sunmount every diffieulty.- MnniluTS. To le traduced by ignorant tongues is tli lrake t ha t virtue must go tlirough. Apothegrms ave In history the same as penrls in the sand or gold in the mine. - Brasmus. Learn to say "No ;" it wiU be of more nise to you than to be able to read La1 in.- Spurgeon. Be lií-crcte about olí t.liings. and so render it tmnecessary to be mysterious nbout aiy.- Wellington. Trae dlgnlty is (aerer gained by place, and oiever 1-ost Avilen liouors are wtthdrawn. - Mafieimger. A hnndred men make an eníampinciit, bat It tetes a woman to make a iionie. - Chinese Proverb. No Story i tlif same to us after the l&pse oí time; or, rather, we -who read it are no longer the same interpretar.- O eo rge EO io t . He 1 1 1 a t loseta wealth, loseth much; he that loseth (rienda loseth more; but he that loseth hls spirit loseth al!.- Spanish Maxim. Mankind is nlwnj-s happier ior havtog been made happy. Ii you make them happy now. you -iviil make them thrice happy twenty years henee in the memory of it.- Sidiney Smith. Kind louks. kind words, kind acts and warm hanrtshukes- these are the secondary meíuis oí grace when men are in trouble aaid are fighting their


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Ann Arbor Courier