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HutzeFs Water Back ! A very important inventiun whiclwill be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hoi water circulation. Alter years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcoraes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in watei backs, , often making them useless and in great many instances beconing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using citj water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ast your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges foi sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine thu useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbera and Steamfitttrs. AJSTN ARBOT?, - - MIOB. TO FARMERS The Ypsilauti Robe and Tanning Co., feeling certain that they can make it an object to you, invite you to cali at 25 S. Hurón St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to tan Furs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens. Or we will pay CASH FOR HIDES. CÜSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, tanning hides for owners at reasonable figures. Farmers can thus secure flrst-class Robes at nominal prices. We make a specialty of MOTHPROOF ROBES from hides of cattle, which to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and see us. YPSILANTI Robe and Tanning Co., 25 S. Hcron SL YPSILANTL MICH. IÏIS HU NATURE To Want Somethinsj for Nothing. IVimm GIVIN Af Aï t F, LODÉf Iracery Store, 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Tliis is the way it is done: With every cash sale, whether it be 10c or $50, we give you a coupon showing the amount purchased, and when you have bought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of $40.00, $45.00 or $50.00, you can have vour choice of the 20 Beiiitifiil hm of Siherware ! Such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Bern-, Pickle and Butter Dishes, Etc. CALL AND SEE. Remember, everything in the Grocery Line sold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. W. S. MOORE, D E 3ST T I S T. Work done in all forms of modern dentistrv ; crovvn and bridge work a specialty, Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 57 S. Main st Ann Arbor, Mich. ly. WOOD'8 PHOSPHODINE. The Great Enslish Remeir. ÊtBh. ÊSÊk FromPt1y anl permauently Ub cures all forms oí Kervous mÊSf L& glBg gMWeakness,Emi8sio?is, Sperm? XS "cj!j fIfDir'lt:ai Impotency and all jéNL?T'K. V effects f Abuse or "oesses. ÍSCítxí. I'ecI1 Prescribod over 35 jPJfrgjIgjgijjlBycarsla thonsamlsot cases; Befare andAfter. istheoní Btíiablear,dHo J J est medicine knotciu Ask druggist for Wood's Phoaiihodine; If be offers some worthles8 medicine in place of thls, leave hls dishonest store, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, 81;six, SS. One willplease, six will cure. Pamphlet In plaln sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The W-ood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mlch. Sold in Ann Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. riHIS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO X economize; but you can't afford to ahvays walk when POLHEMUS has addedalot of new stylish rigs, before hard times were upon us, and now is determiued to make the prices so low, that it will be a pleasure to spend a dollar now and theu. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I arn prepared to answer all calis for Hacks with the fluest turnouts in the city. Cali up POLHEMUS by 'Phone, or order at bara, corner Main and Catheriue streets. Cars from University stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27. 1394. jVilCHIGAN (TENTRAL " The Niaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 1,184 CENTKAL STANDARD TIME 5 :? : g : Ú is j SJ : : d ï W : á' (S :???TÏ !? i ti ji?r?S;; JKSSS : .(-I.53 ■fj . '■ i'r. tr. ir. ir. '.i-S ' " ------ Q _ ■; é '■■ '■ S g „; ==: : :::= = da i . . ; ; . ta .■■;:.. - ■ sa w ca o. ss es ri s sá -i ó. C. m nciuio toiocotoc-öi t; dog 5c ocoö"èi i- Bfl il: :s 'Í L5 ; : j S fl ó : : : : iá a cj - : : " 1 gg5S i : :SS : s;q s : : :i3 ó: {-a -ciö t -fi - : : - I " '"' t " __ è é é ! i ! JSS S SS : : I j j S J : : : : '-.A d ' ■ & m iS8 ; j ; i od S8 : : :S : i já? i ' ■ ói ■ ó! -ü j ot i ■ ■ o o - i Iji jee f ssi ji: e P 8SS i i 28 isa SS :s :g ; : 88S a g ás _ ás 2 s i i i i ! i !iL ? j j j i i j: Hi . ijijljinti : j jiMliÜI 3 êijjljjiiii s .i!!; ii;ii j E i ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i i s ;;; = ;:;! O 1j ; ; o ■" üiiíjgiii e iiiiüJiíiii O. W. RÜGGLES, H. W. HAYES. G. P & T. Agt., Chicago Agt. Auu Arbor . TOLEDO n Ann arbo H (? AND LL _r NÖRTH MICHIGAN) C RAILWAY. I-J - Howard Cjf__jf'' BAY CITY , TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT STTiT3D"2-. IE.' 2C, 1SS-Í. Traías leave Ann Arbnr bv Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. T : 25 A. M. 12 : 15 p. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. +9:15 a. m. f8:15 p. K. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. fTrains run Sunday only. W. H. Bensett, G. P. A. R. S. Gbee.nwood, Aot EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TlTTTQ TRY LE DUC'S "PEi-JA.JjLlltÍJ RIODICAL1: PILLS írom Paris, France. Established ín Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, $2. American Pili C'o., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., Wholesale agenta, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to briníon the " chance.' CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to MUIÍN & CO., who have had nearly flíty years' erperience in the patent business. Communications gtrictly confldential. A Handbook of Information concerninR Patent and bow to ODtain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientiflo booka sent free. Patenta taken tbrough Munn & Co. recelve SDeclal noticeintho Srie'ntiíic American, and thus are brought wideiy bef ore the public without cost to the inventor. Thts splendid paper, issued weetcly, eleffant ly lllustrated, has by lar the largest circulatioa of any scientiflc work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, JB.50 a year. Single copies, !2o cents. Every number contains beauttful platea, in colora, and photofïrapha of new houses. witti plans, enabling bullders to sbow the ltest tlesijins and secure contracta. Address MUNS & CO, New Yokk, 31 Bkoadwat. Ud ■■■ ■■■■Al The best Historv of ths nnT nnnnTTv the ü- trom ih iia■ i V n i covery of America to ■UirlvUM 'he Present time. s I CDLUMBIi For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart. Ind. BOOK AGENTS PRIZE HISTORY OF THE GREAT FAIR. The World's Columbian Ssposition ZUustrated received the Highest and OXLY Award at the World's Fair. as the Richest Illustrated and the Most Authentic and Complete History of the World's Columbiau Exposition. Sells at sight. Large Commissions. Exclusive Territory. Euclose 10c in stamps for terms and particulars. Address J. B. CAJIPBELL, 15B-161 Adams Street. Chicago. 111. áSTHiü soNOT,N GURED, but ThO PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwii 3;ve instant relief. 2SC and 5Oc Slzes. Sample jmiled free. At dmgííists or ma i led uu receipt of jiriop i.-The Peerlest Kemadv Co. f Goblöville, Micü


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