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Fallen Into Good Hands

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It is proba bly fortúnate for the city that the street railway has fallen into good bands. Mr. ReynoUls wlio has coime here to g-et it started, ia a clean-cut business man, who will bi'insj a good equipment and give the publie the right kin-d oí service. A proposition is novr being discussed to join tihO motor road, to equip it wlth electrioity, aaid to run through -without ciiamge of cai-s. If the citizens of the two cities give it the proper eneouragement it can be tlone this fall, tliereby greatly helping Ann Arbor. For, as it now is, farmers all along the road go to Ypsftamti to trade and ttoe people of tffat city trade at home, instead of coming here, as they forimevly did. T3ie eosDSOlidatlon of tJie roads -vould mean the bringing in +o Ann Arbor of from 500 to 1,000 pieople per day. They are practically sliut out iiow by the extra twenty ((Hts bus ride. If the motor road .-hall be run by electricity, hourly ti-ips can be made, to the greater coavenienoe of the traveüng public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier