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To Down spooks. A -wealtliy bachelor declared that a liorrid hag liad glaröd at liim Uu-ough tHe night. II in [rtende Laugihed at htm but he úisLsted that tlit house was hauated. He grew ill. of extreme heaviness In t die stoimach, his appetlte íailod, he g:rew saüow, emiaciated and despondeat, believimg" lie was going to die, the spook belnig o, warning, and declared lie could hear funeral bells ring1in!!? in Jiis ears, and even hinted at a suicide. A friend induced him to use Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery, an,d Jie rapidly grew well, spooks and all Ibis distressing symptoms disappearimg. A torpid liver and dyspepsia, caused his euiferiiig and the medicine cured bott. A pamphlet free or a' largO Book, on Xiver and Stoniach diseases and how to cure tliean (136 pages) for G cents in postage staanps. Address World's Dispeivary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier