LOW PRfCES TWENTY CUSES NEW NU. GOODS OPEN TUIS WEEK. 100 dozen Pure Linen Towels at 12%c each. 50 Chenille Table Covers at 69c eacli. 100 large s ze White Bed Spreads at G9c each. 1 case White and Grav Blankets at 59c a pair. 2 bales Fine Yard-Wide Sheeting at 4c a yard. 15 pieces Yard-Wide Silkoline, a bargain, at 10c a yard. 20 pieces Xew Irisli Lawns, wortli 18c, for 10c a yard. Dotted Swiss Muslins, the 20c quality, for 10c a yard. SELLING OUT 200 REMNANTS OF TABLE LINEN AT NEARLY HALF PRICE, CONSISTING OF BLEACHEDCREAM AND TÜRKEY RED DAMASK. 100 Pieces New Fall Dress Goods in Black and all ttie New Fall Shades, SCHIER & M1LLEN. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE. INSECTS HOLD HIGH CARNIVAL on all vegetable life at thia time of the year. Chemistry affords rneans of quickly and effectually exterminating them and protecting the plants- whether flowers or vegetables. We have the stuff that will do the work. A good article will go twice as far as a cheap one. And we sell the best at the lowest price. GOODYEAR & CO. NO. ó SOUTH MAI. STREET.
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