The Ann Arbor Courier
WKDXF.KPAY, AUQ. -'!. 1894., The A n n A rbor Con ri er (Published Every Wenesday . Has n Larse Circnlattou mong Mërchants, Mechantes. Manufactnrers. Fannci ■- . and Families (ïènrally. A Yery Desirable Medium ibr Advertiscrs JUNIUS K. BBIAL FDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS; $1,00 per Year in Advance. To Subscribers out of the County, 15 cents extra, to pay postage. Eiitered at the Ann Arbor Postofficeas SecondClass Hall Matter. OSLY ALL METAL CUTS INSERTED. JOB PRINTINTO Ve have the most complete job office m the State or in the Northwest, u'hich enables us to print Books. Pamphleis, Posters, Programmes, Bill-Heads. Note-Heads, Cards, Etc, in superior style. uiion the shortest notice. BOOK-BINÜING. Connected irltb The Courieb office is au extensivo Bo8k-Bináery,employing competent and expeiienoed hands. All kinds of Hecords. Ledgers, Journals, Magazines, Ladies' Books. Rurals and Harper'a Weeklies,Etc, bound on the BQortèst notice and in the most su tial manner, at reasonable prices. Music especially bound more tastefully than at any other bindurv In Mk'hÏKan
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier