Japan Claims To Have Plenty Of
anoney, plenty of men, and believes liersclí perfectly nb'.e ito cope rith her celestial enemy. líiO Detroit Evening NewB was 2] years old Thursdny, and ve'll wag-er a oew silk bat that there fen't a person in Mlciügan who can teil how tdie X:'ws wül Aote. Tliir.k of ii : It te Kemi-officially annouuced troon "Washington that Mr. (1 Tl ui 1 o 1 1 liko a íou' th nomin ition. Nothini; wonld be more pleainiiï 10 the repubUcams. R. P. Bisliop, of Iudlngton, the repubiicaai nominee ior congress in the 9th disbrict is a gradúate of the Universúty, law '72, and a man of excellent abtlity. He will be elected, too, eo tliey 6ay up there. There was an increase of $39,000,000 in our imports of foreign goods in 1893, as compared with our prosperous McKinley Protection year of 1892. Thia is significant. But it shows tliat with the mere threat of Free Trade we began to buy more foreign goods, while exporting $184,101,126 less of domestic goods during the same year. ThO New York Times was sold a few days ago for $225,000. Some two vears ago and over the same property boM for $1,000,000. ïivo yeare of Grover made quite ashrinkage. Everything, all over the country is the saane. And the Times advoc-ated the change. Wonder how It euits ? As the modus operandi of the incomo tax clause of tlie tariff bill, reoeatjjy passed by congress, disclosOs itself 'tlie villiamous enormity of the thing becomes more and more apparemt. It is one of the most corrupt and damnable laws that was ever placed -upon the statute books of this Tiation, and wilí causo more bribery and blackmail haa was ever known . In fact it appears totea law framod lor the expresa purpose of placiing n premium upon vi'lainy.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier