A Glorious Law
I.Mfct Fiidny's klaily papers eontninfil the io'.lowinu' dispateh : ;.i .i..:., i ir,., Aug. j:1,.- Tlio town i-u . 'i.-i; lui n .i.-,-tül '.i resolutlohn regulatiufg the Éteed dressss o:' ladies al public meel og . It piwldes that they Wial'. ei. her go bareheaded with their hair c,u1 nhort, or with opera i-i P-. fittjnjg '. ii ■ li-.-ni dboeelyj bo as 1:0! to obstruct thu view oí those sitiing behiiul. Tho memburs of that town council ■ 1 n u. 1 1 f necelve a vote of thauks for that darüig step taken in the right únrctiion. A gold medal with j inoiMl Fctiings would le none too i gaod Sor tiuem. I.' Coiigressmanliold : excuse liaste - Gandidate Spaldingj oí llonroe, ■vvonld oaily (Spell hi.s namie with a u, he wouW oblige the printers and prooi readers of the 2d oougressional district. It fe eo awkward, you krnow, tö leavu that vowel out. The Adrián Times is 29 years oíd It is oae of tlie best papers in Michigan. It is ttaroughly reliable and ■vton you wee it iu the Times you may kmow it is bo. Alire and up with all current events, it is one of thie i-oi-t of newsp&pers a oommunity likcs to tie to. Mr. Cleveland gaine nothing by not siiiiing tlio tarii'ï biLl and allowing it to becoine a la,w without hls signature. K the law is wrong in hi8 opinión, lie eliould have been manly enough to have vetoed it. Allowing it to beoome a law practically gives it lii.s ondorsumeut. Duriug our most prosperous year of Protection, 1892, our excess of exports over imports reached $202,875,686. A year later, with the threatof Free-Trade hanging over us, we itnported $18,737,728 worth more of foreign goodsthanall our exports of doinestic goods. ïhis was a net loss to us, in a single year of $221,600,000. No wonder American gold has been leaving the country. T-here is oue pipe in the big organ now being (placed in Univei-sity hall, that takes the combined lung power oí Bixetalwart fog-horn men to strike note. That would le a loor oaanpaigu hom for the democrats to blow taiis year, for it is doubtful if tliere could 1e found wind enough iai the cutiré party to strike a faint note. There is oaie thing the new tariff bilí has accoonpliehed, it has made tlie whisky trade remarkably brisk. WImmx th,e UU takes effect whisky will be worth. 20 cents more per gallon, than now, and eo the dealers, all over tfoO country are up, to get tJie benefit of os many twenty cent pieces as possible. Olie democratie idea, eeems ito work first, of course. How doth the naughty, naughty man Improve each mooiilight niKlit' By making love to oue sweet airl UliKii the other is out of sight.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier