A Patriotic Speech
.The, laai ÁdrÍEto Times has the íollowing account of tlie spreek deliverimI by Ifon. A. J. Sawyei-, of IhN city, at ■Uu1 ■ lose oí the recem.1 congres ion,il ninTiuiim in tUSrt city. It Is worthy mi' ihc geoitlemasj : "I.Ion. Andvew J. Bawyer, i' Anü Arlior, wöe noxt prescated. IL ho ] , ; i l Ih'cu the aioniinoe he could nothave, veeeived onore hearty recognitioui. His iildiess was oarnt-SL, k ndi. . ihonifhtful And (011 of feelhiKFirst hé sppke of the co-nvpntion .wlio-c luisiiH'ss had just ,begn jinishimI, pi Ilir loyaliy ahowu liiinseli and ihlrrs hy ilic deiegati-OOS, hÓW for Iwi'lvi' ino-.tal honrs íbe delegares had stniggied, ïeesoméd and arguVd, a.iul ye1 toerer onoe lost tixeir temper or iorgvot tlieiv honor as He drew fioin it aai iliusti-ntion of the In c: h.M-iy dcvoüim iliat oharacterizés the fncman's land. "'Where else could it have happi aed ?" he aeked. He cxpiessed to the Washtenaw deiegatioi] ihis lieartf.H gratltude for tlirii' iideliiv. Their gallaiit battle lor üiian tauched his hea,rt more tlian anytihlug etee. "I do not mind Bayj ing iiow tJiat I did not oare to be uominated," was hfe fearless utter aaioe. "I owly became a candidate becauee I was so earaiestly Urged by the best republicaine oí Washteiiiaw."' Ht'wiiithat aftera eeTere struggle : lliirty years iai his profession, during which (he had been compelled to gala u !iat Jie now possessed by the hardest blows, Jie preferred to pass ilic cvrn-tide of his life surrounded ly Itihe p.'aeeiul comfort of his home, i'ather than enter into the excitement and i situdes oí public life at Washington. He was satiefied to fche niominai o i ji ', o ('en Spaldimg, and li ■ could comoeive of no hig'her oonip'liinent tihara havlng twentyoüe distinguished iniLMi vote for him aiul stiek to.him In n bette:1 men than himself wero b dag cairii'd over liis liead. He would jnake no promises for Waslitim iw as 'to wh it it woull do Gea. Spaldinig'. "Look, general,'' iie sald, ituning to Gein. Bpalding, "int o the face of tJiose men tliei-e and satisfy yo'urself of wliat theyVill do for you. 'ilü'y tire representatives of Washteaaw people." Mr. 8awyer asserted ihat tlie most ilncrfnL 'jH-o-pect of 30 years confronted republican to-day. He ecathingty arraigned President Cleveland for hauling down the American over Ilawaii, and attemptíní'toíorcaa queenuponus dt'nounsed tJie democratie tariff policy, and Ijo'mted to tilie party's action in con- is ridictilous. It had made a ooi of it -elf in attempting to manage Uit' affaire o!' tto country. The honorable eentlcman's fins ad8 ended amiüst a storm of applause.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier