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The Advance Agent's Tales

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The man who is "seven days ahead" is tlie man who interests me. He is the man who is supposed to be "with the show" and at the same time ahead of it, paradoxical as it may seem. Out in Memphis, the average citizen does not wear creases in lii.s trousers. He does not sleep on them between two inattresses, or give a quarter to have them pressed. He just wears them, and Iets Nature take its course. Nat urally they get "kneed,"and in a very prouounced way. My friend, "Seven Days Ahead," was standing on a street-corner in Memphis. So was uiother gentleman, the proflle of whose trousers were presented to view. They (the trousers) were "kneed" to :ui exaggerated extent. Tlie man ahead saw them and watched. He kept on watching, but nothing happeued. Finally he lost all patience and said ! "Say, if you're going to jump, why don't you jump?" And then the mau turned around. One day misfortune and darkness overtook "Seven Days Ahead" in a small town in Wisconsin. Of course he went to the hotel in none of the best of humor. The landlord showcd him up to his room. "Don't put your gripsack over in that corner," he said in remonstrance. "You see, the roof leaks a little when it rains." The water was coming down in a stream, and the agent moved his traps to another side. "I don't think it's going to rain rriuch longer," said the landlord; "but if it does come down a real smart shower after you go to sleep, it wijl wake you up quick enough.and you'll flnd an


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier