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The Income Tax

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Collector Sniith oí this infernal revei.iue district, bas repeived inimetims froni Washington what to. do in the event'of the tatriff biHS beeomingaluw. The liill providesöm Jan. 1, 1895, to Jan. 1, liioo, eyery citizen of tbe United States, wltetherresidiugathome or abroad, who shall have an income froni any source of over $4,000 sliall pay a tax oí - per pent. The tax is to be provided by the commissioner of internal revenue, and paid upon the gains, profits and income for the vear ending IVe. 31, next proceeding the time for levying aud paying the tax. In estimating the gains, profits and income of any person, there sliall be ihd inled all iucome derived f rom interest on notes, bonds and other seeurities exeept government bonds exejnpt l'ruin taxation, profits on real estáte purehased within two years; interest on notes, bonds and mortgages uot colleeted but considered collectable, less the interest which bas become due froni such persons ; the amount of sales of live stock, sugar, ootton, wool, l)utter, eheese, pork, beef, mutton or other meats, hay j and grain, or other vegetables, less the amount paid in any way in their production. Any money or personal propertv aequired by inheritance shall be includèd and all other gains, ]rofits and income, derived froni any source whatever, except that portion of the salary, compensation or pay received for services in the civil, military, naval or other service of the United States, inclnding senators, representatives and delegates in congress, from whicb the tax has been deducted, and except that portion of any salary which the eniplover is required by luw to withhold, and does withhold, the tax and pays the same to the officer authorized to receive it. MITST MAKE A STATEMENT. It s made the duty of all persons having inconies of f3,000 or more to make a list or return, as may be provided by the commissioner of internal revenue to the collector or deputy collector of ternaí revenue in the district where such person resides. If any person reEuses to make such list or falsifies it, the collector shall make the list, adding (50 per cent. to the tax as a penalty. A person may be permitted to swear that bis income is not $4.000. The tax on the incomes shall be due and payable on or before Jan. 1 of each year next following the year for which it is collectable. The usual exemptions are made for states, counties and municipalities, companies and associations conducted solely for charitable, religious or edücational purposes. All persons in the civil, military, naval or other employmënt ia or service of the United States, including senators and. representatives and delegates in congress, shall pay a tax of 2 per cent. on the residue of all salaries received over and above ■f4,000. No person connected with the government shall, under penalty of $1,000, make known anything concerning the business or income of any person. The collector shall from time to time send his depüties through the district and inquire after and concerning all persons therein liable to pay the tax. Corporations shall make a full report for the year beginning 1895. First- The gross profits of such company from all kinds of business of whatever kind. Second - The expenses of such poratioa, company or association, exclusive of interest, ammities or dividends. ïliird- ïlie net proflts of such corporation, company or association, without allowance for interest, ammities or dividends. Fourth - ïhe amount paid on account of interest, ammities and dividends stated separate ly. Fifth- The amount paid in salaries of $4,000 and less toeach personemployed. Sixth- The amount paid in salaries of more than $4,000 to eacli person employed and the name and address of such persons and the amount paid to each .


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier