Northern Michigan Resorts Few planos offer so nmny advantgea for tired people ís do tiio jji)]nilar resorts on the shores oí Lakcj Michigan and its tributary baya. Bay View, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Gharlevoix, Traverse City, and Grand Traverse Bay Resorts are peculiarly invií.ingduriug the hot weather sin' hrneing air, cofcij nights and freedom from ilu-l i'ontrilr.ite lo makc tliis regjon a natural TanitaYium, for the recuperation of exhausted enérgies. To those intorestod. Bay View offers special advantanes in tiegreát C'hatauqáá course and Assombly. held in July aud Angust, the program oí' which will Ík' of unnsunl excellence thia yi'iir. coraftristug Elasses in nisnv branches ol' U'nrninu: and leetnres by noted professors aud teachers from the highesf colleges aud universities oí tliis cnnin n . The Way to Reach these RESORTS ís VIA. Tin: CHICAGO A3SD WEST MICHIGAN Railway. which ruus thróugh the entire región, and is known as " The Scenie Line," on account of the beautiful scenery through which it. passes, traversing the shores of lakes, rivers. and bavs. for miles, which, with the splendld service offered by this line makes the trip a delightfn] one. Through parlor aud sleeping cars from Detroit to Petoskey and Bay View, are nm during July, August and September; via. the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Railroad to Grand Kapids, thence via. the C. & W. M. Tourist tickets at reduced rates are sold at principal stations on these and other lines fronï June lst to Rept, SO- good to return until Oct. SI. GEO. DeHAVEN, Gen'! Pass's Agent, Grand Rapids, Michigan. P. S.- Send for our book, "Tours ia Michigan. DRY STABLÉ FLOORS Stable iloor alwaj's dry. horse lias a dry bed, sïable and horse easily taken care of, no bedding" wasted and the ofíensive stable ordor avoidfd by usin; our iu-w Talent Stable Floor Draloers. Kasily put into aoy comrnon plank iloor; íloor can be level if desired. Higlily apprecialed by every one who líkes a clean stable. Mali orders filled at SI per set for one stall, charges prepaid. AMEKICAX FLOOR DRAIN CO., ASX ABBOBi &IICH. Samples can lie socn at SCHCH & MUEHLIG'S IIAUIMVAltE STÜÜK and VOLLAND'S HAENKSS STO1ÍK. E. IST. BTLJ3IE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin Germanv. Can be seen Tuesdays and Fridays at his rooms, 51 N. Main Street, Anu Arb'or Organ Coinpanys' BlocU. FOR SALE. Hy stock of Farm Itnplem'ents anrt 8eOds; also store property 25-2.7, Detroit St., junction 5tU Ave. tor sale or rent. Iiiuire at resuU'noe, ïS'o. 7 KT. División St. 22 K. J. ROGERS. lËpi ' W. H. BUTLER, Postoffice Building. WHERE THE SUMMER BREEZES BLOW. Would yon fly if you could To a glen in the wood, To a spot in the shade That jjature hath made: Kich with ferns and wild flowers One of nature's fair Bowers? What is life to the stnü If to labor is all? What is joy to the heart When for rest we deparl To the woods and the dells. Does your heart erv for rest In a place that is biest, With no shfidow or sorrow Nor care for the morrow? If so, send your address for a list of "SUMMER TOURS," published by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway. Geo. H. Heafford, Gen'l Passenser Agent Chicago, 111. Ar v i kMi.iii i. work for the causo oí 1" ■ im'i i pi.uiiig rcíiable itiforniajV. i riiti tiaras f your acquainII j.'itj are, yii shitald be identified with TM' r.iEílCAN PnoT-crrjE Tariff LEAGUE, 13? W 23D ST NEW YORK. lul ■ i -,,- i i.i seud it to th Leapm mv" a brlpilUT hand. f ; _- LUfl :i"!":-'-:'a' Xt Cures Colds, Coughs, Bore Throat, Cronp, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a lure relief in ad vaneed stages. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers every where. Larre botÜes 60 cents and $1.00. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Or-HDe Cream of Tartar Powder.
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