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ANNUAL TAX SALE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, f The Circuit Court for üie County of Washtenaw. In Uhancery. I) the mal ter of the petitlon of the State of Michigau for ihe sale of certaln lands for taxes assessed thereon. On reading and Illlng the petilion of the Auditor General of the State of Michigan praying fora deeree In favor of the State of Michigau. aiiainxt each parcelof land therein descrlbed, lor the amounts therein specifled, claimed to be due for taxes, Interest and charges on esich suoh parcel of land, and that such lands lm sold for the amounts so claimed by the State of Michigan. It is ordered that sald petition will be brought on for hearing and deeree at the October term of thls court to be held at Ann Arbor, iii the oounly of Washlenaw, State of Michigan, on the first day of October, A. D , 1MM, at the opening of the com t on that day, and that ali persons interested in such hmds or any part thereof, deslrlng lo contest the lien claimed thereou by the State of Michigan, for such taxes, interest and charges, or any part thereol, shall appear in said court and file with theclerk thereof acting as register in chaucery, their objections therelo on or before te first day of the term ol' this court above mentioned, and that In default thereof the same wlll be taken as conleswed and a deeree wlll be laken and enlered as prayed for in said petition. And it is lurther ordered that in pursuance of said deeree the lands described in said pelltion for which a deeree of sale shall be made, will be sold for the several taxes, interest and charges thereon as determiued by such decree, on the first Monday in December thereafter, or on the day or days subsequent Uiereto as may be necessary to complete ihe sale oí sald list and ol' each and every parcel thereof, at the office of the County Treasurer, or at such convenient place as shall be selected by him at the connty seat of the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and that the sale then and there made will be a public sale and each parcel described in the decree shall be separately exposed to sale lor the total taxes, interest and charges, and thesale shall be made to the person offering to buy for any given tax and paylng the full ainount charged agaiust such parcf 1, and acceptinga conveyance of the smallest undivided fee simple interest therein ; or, if no person will buy lor any ol' said several laxes and pay the balance thereof and take a conveyance ol' less than ■the entire thereof, then the whole parcel shall beotfered and sold. If any parcel of land cannot be sold for taxes, interest and charges such parcel BhaJl be passed over for tlie time being, and shall, on the succeeding day, or before the close of the sale, be reoffered ; and il', on such second offer, or durlng such sale, the same cannot be sold for the amount aforesaid, the County Treasurer shall bid off the same in the name of the State. Wltness, theHon. JtSdward D. KI nne. Circuit Judge, and the seal of sald Circuit Court of Washtenaw County, this seventeeuth day of July, A. D, 1MJJ. (Seal) E. 0. KINNE, Coutersigned, Circuit Judge. Akthuk Bkown, Regi&ter. STATE OF MICHIGAN. To the Circuit Coitrt for the County of Washtenaw , in Chancery: The petition of Stanley W. Turner, Auditor General of salo" State of Michigan, respectl'ully shows ttiat tlie list of lamis herelnafter böt forth and marked " Schedule.A," contains a desoription of all lands in said'-County of Washtenaw upon which taxes were assessed for the years mentioned the,rein, and which were returned as delinquent for noh-payment of laxes, aud which laxes have not been paiü ; together with the total nraount of sucii taxes, with interest'computed thereon.tothe time fixed for sale, and colleetion fee as provided by law, and the cost of adve rtisiner and olher expenses of sale oí' eacli of said pareéis of land. Your petitioner further shows to the court that said lands were returned to the Auditor Genera! under the provisions of Section 123 of Act 206, of the Public Acts of I89:i, as delinquent for non-payment of said taxes for said years respectfutly, except such of the taxes set forth in this schedule as were returned to the Auditor General prior to the 12tu day of June, 1ÍS93, and remaiu unpaid. Your petitioner further shows aud avers that the taxes. intérest, colleetion fee aud cost of advertislng and other expenses of sale, as set forth in said Schedule A, are a valid lien on the several pareéis of land described iu said schedule. Your petitioner furthei shows that the said taxes on said described lands have remained unpaid íor inore than one year from and alter the date of their return to the County 'freasurer oí' said County of Washtenaw un der the provlsious of Act munber two hundred of the Public Acts of 1891; or under the provisionsoftheseveraltax Jaws under which auy of such taxes were previously returned, and for more tlian one year prior to the flrst day of May, 1894 ; and the said taxes not havinL been paid, and the same being uow due and remaining unpaid as above set. foith, your petitiouer prays a dt-cree in favor of the State of Michigan against each parce! of said lands, for the pay ment of tli e several amounts of taxes, interest, colleetion fee, cost ofailvertising and other expenses of sale, as cornputed and extended in said schedule, against the several pareéis of land contained therein, and in default of payment of Die said several sums computed and extended against said lands, that each of said pareéis of land may be sold for the amounts due thereon. as provided hv law, to pay the lien atoresaid. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc. Daled July 13th. 18SI4. STANLEY W. TURNER, Auditor General. SCHEDULE A. TAXES OF 1858. Township 2, South of Range 6 East. fl o i i 3 I ÍS S 6L ë g Westerly & souiheily part of e Y2 oí s wW_27 45 $7 21 $20 02 $0 29 $0 70 $28 82 n end oi f y, of n w ÍÍ-M 22 3 97 11 35 ü 16 0 70 16 18 TAXES OF 1891. CITY OF ANN ARBOR. Jliscock's Addition. Lots 2 aud 4 Block 12__ 11 44 2 52 0 40 0 70 15 12 TAXES OF 1892. ♦ Town i, South of Range S East. eofsw n w 14 2 20 3 08 0 56 0 18 0 70 5 40 Town 1, South of Range i East. s w 4 of s w % 30 40 1 18 0 17 0 05 0 70 2 10 n poiut of n e frl ]4,except l:i ac owued by Jones 36 86 17 87 2 50 0 71 0 70 21 78 Town 2, South of Range s East. 2 acres bd n, e and s by high'wy.w byDawsou2 2 0 66 0 09 0 03 0 70 148 % acres bd n by IthacaMUI, e and s by Good a 1 e, w by Delhi Mili 2 75 2 64 0 37 011 0 70 3 82 Lot. bd ii by Mili property, e by high way, s ty st, w bySchneider 2 0 66 0 09 0 03 0 70 ■ 1 48 21% acres ou w Xofne M, bd n by sec line, e by highway. s by Xewkirlv , w by Baker 7 27753933 5 51 157 070 17 11 Towmhiv Í, South of Range o EOst. s fractional s w '4 less 17acres,30 525012 24 171 0 49 0 70 1514 Town i, South of Range 6 East. n e li of n e i 17 40 6 56 0 92 0 26 0 70 8 44 120 acres bd n and e by I)ay,s&w by Shaw.l8fel9 20 355 050 0 14 0 70 4 89 s w of n e ]4 24 40 10 56 148 0 42 0 70 13 16 n e i or n e 54 of s w ü 24 10 1 98 0 28 0 08 0 70 3 04 32 acres on . w lA of n w lí bd n and e by road, s by road, and Kiver, w ! L I i -- o ■ c x 2 - o es 3 H = fe o L bySawyer2S 32 6 73 0 94 0 27 0 70 863 2 acres on s e !4 bd D by river, e by Mi I ler, s by road, w by cemtery 29 2 5 60 0 78 0 22 0 70 7 30 e Ü of w % of i) w JÍ-32 40 13 44 1 88 0 54 0 70 16 36 2 ac bd n by roacl, e by R R, s by River. w hy V a n Waruer ..35 2 1 96 0 27 0 08 0 70 3 01 Tnum 4, South oj Range 7 East. w 14 of s w KofneKlS 20 1' 42 1 60 0 46 0 70 14 18 ejofne W23 80 8 30 1 16 0 33 0 70 10 49 w3ofse!425 80 2608 3 65 1 Oí 0 70 3147 CITY OF ASN AKBOR. Lot 11 and that part lot 12 ]ying s e of Traver st 4 72 0 66 019 0 70 6 27 ejof lot 1, blk 4, n r 5 east 3 15 0 44 0 13 0 70 4 42 e Uof lots 11 and 12, blk 5, s r 6 east 31 50 4 41 1 26 0 70 37 87 Lot 3 and ny2ot lot 4, blk 2, a r 13 east 3 15 0 44 0 13 0 70 4 42 Lot 7, blk 5, sr 1 w 236 0 33 0 09 0 79 3 48 Begluning at the w line oí Mann &t, 8 rods n of Hurón st., thence n to Durican land, tlieDoe w to J. M. Wheeler's land, thence 40 rods to H y a 1 1 's land, thence e to place of beginnlng 7 87 110 0 31 0 70 9 98 A piece oí'land 6 rds e and w, i y 200 rds n and s bd s by Jolly, Hallock & Patio n land, n by Washington st, e by Hmitb's Add, and v by lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, blk 2, s r 13 east 157 0 22 0 06 0 70 2 55 Lot bd e by State st, n by Churcb laúd west by Swathel's land, and s by Ghurch land 2 36 0 33 0 09 0 70 3 48 A certain piece or parcel of land bd n by Haviland's land, s by lots 16 17, and 18 of blk 3, u r 15 e, on tl) e e byJohn Campbell land, v by lot 19 on theabove rnentioned blkand r.. 1 57 0 32 0 06 0 70 2 55 Also land bd n by Camp's land, on the s by lots 13, 14, 15, n rió e. ou e by Hen ry ömith's land and on the wtoapt 0 78 0 11 0 03 0 70 1 C2 Town 2. South of Range 6 East. That certiiiu piece or parcel ol land situated in t li e city .of A A, helng a part of sec 20, t 2 s of r 6 ê, bd as follows iCommencing at a black 'oak tree S Iridies in diameter. 4 chs -■ ' 27 Iks w of center of said sec, and running thenee s Sdegrees w to tl) e center oi Hiscock rotyd, thenee w aiongsaid rnad to center line of bh1(J sec llieiiee e to a point 2 clis (W Iks w of the place of beginning, thenee n SOU degrees, e, l ch 86 Iks, thenue2 chs '25 ikö to place of beglnnlD g, about % acres 38 16 5 34 1 53 0 70 45 73 A piece of land on sec 32, bd n by Hill st, e and s by Moran and Lawrence land, and w by J. W. Roger's land, see 32, 3 a. -.12 60 176 0 50 0 70 15 56 A piece of land off the e side of n 'Aot w ]4 of n e4 of sec 32,"t 2, s r ö e, except 2 acres on the e side and the ligut of way to the T& A a K R sec 32 6 30 0 88 0 25 0 70 8 13 College HUI Addition. Lot 17 2 36 0 33 0 09 0 70 3 48 Davidson & Giteau's Addition. Lots 11 and 12 1 57 0 22 0 1)6 0 70 2 55 Eastern Addition. The vi 14 of lots 5 and6, blkliur 10e236 033 0 09 0 70 3 48 Lot 7, bik B,n r 10 e 2 36 0 33 0 U9 0 70 3 48 Feich's Addition. Lot 2, bik 4 -.8 36 0 33 0 09 0 70 3 48 úott's Addition. Lot 17 0 78 0 11 0 03 0 70 1 62 Hali's Additimi, Lot 16 5 50 0 77 0 22 0 70 7 19 Hamilton, Rose & Sheehan's Addition, Lot 1, bik 6 4 72 0 66 0 19 0 70 6 27 S. P. Jewett's Addition. Lots 32 and 33 1 57 0 22 0 06 0 70 2 55 Lot 6j aud 78 18 90 2 5 0 7(i 0 71) 23 Cl Krause's Addition. Lotl ■ 315 0 44 0 13 0 70 4 42 . F. Lawrence's Addition. Lot 6, bik 3 6 30 0 88 0 25 0 70 813 Mann's Addition. Lot 2 9 45 1 32 0 38 0 70 11 85 Maijnard's Plat. Lot 17 7 87 110 0 31 0 70 9 98 H'. S. Maynard's Ist Addition. A strip of land ly. ing e and adjoining lots 1 aud A, bik 5, s r 2 e, and extend'g in equal width of said lots to the w side of s Öecond st 6 30 0 88 0 25 0 70 8 13 Ormshy & Page's Addition. Lots 1 and 2, bik 18-14 17 1 98 0 57 0 70 17 42 Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10 and 11, bik 18- 9 45 1 32 0 38 0 70 11 85 Parlridye's Addition. Lot 1, bik 2 . 1 57 0 22 0 06 0 70 2 55 Lot 9, bik 6 0 78 0 11 0 03 0 70 16a Tenbrook Addition. Lot 26 6 30 0 88 0 25 0 70 8 13 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Lots 10, IX, and 12 - 1 31 0 18 0 05 0 70 2 24 Lot29 0 22 0 03 0 01 0 70 0 96 Lot35 044 006 002 0 70 122 Lots 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,45 198 0 28 0 08 0 70 3 04 Lots 30. 31, 33, 34, 92, . aud 93 131 0 18 0 05 0 70 2 24 Lols 95 and 105 2 19 0 31 0 C9 0 70 3 29 Loísmo and Ï07 2 63 037 OU 070 3 81 Lots 219. 262, and 335 0 6li 0 U9 0 03 0 70 148 Lots 3J3 and 378 0 44 0 06 0 02 0 70 122 Lot 475 0 24 0 03 0 01 0 70 0 96 Lot48S 043 00(i 002 0 70 121 Parcel of land bd s by land of Mis. Boatman, e by River st, w and u by Norris st, extended 117 010 0 05 0 70 2 08 Parcel of land bd n by Miller's Add, s by land of A Baumstark, e by iand of John Gilbert, w by Prospect st. Also paroel of land, bd n by land of H. Carpenter,. s by land of Clara Koster, e by land of John Gilbert.w by Prospect st, (asone)_.10 39 145 0 42 0 0 12 9j Parcel of land bd n by land of Wra. Gun. s by land of the M C II R. bd e by land of John Schoft, and w by Prosect st 27 96 3 91 1 12 0 70 33 69 Parcol of land bd e by Suramitst, w by land of Mary F, Cross, 8 by land J, I J g il s I 5 i ■"c-i m CEk ü H ofMrs HE Hulls, n by land ol Bran Horn. 10330 14 46 4 13 0 70 122 59 Parcel of land bd n by land of LCrosby, s and e by land of K C Dolson, w by First Ave 4 59 0 04 0 18 0 70 611 Parcel of land bd s by Chicago ave, n by land of Gustave Bertram and H Coe, w by land of S Campbell, e by land of J D Kirk 6 91 097 028 0 70 886 Parcel of land bd . n by laud of Jas Hutchinson,w by Corporation line, s by s line ofWatling farm, e by Tb lid ave, Park Ridge Subdivisión 1-199 2 10 0 60 0 70 18 39 Parcel of land commencing4 rds s of s w angie of Buffalo and Huron sts, thence s 4 rds tlience w 8 rds, thence n 4 rods. thence e 8 rds 1132 158 0 45 0 70 14 05 Bartholomew's Addititm. Lot 9 0 87 012 0 03 0 70 172 Lots 109,110,118, and 114 350 049 014 070 4 83 Clark's Additiun. E 73 ft in width of Iots2aod3 5 7b 0 81 0 23 0 70 7 50 Cross & Bagley's Addition. Lot 17 5 27 0 74 0 21 0 70 6 92 Davis' Addttion, Lot 34 2 33 0 33 0 09 0 70 3 45 Hunter's Addition. Lot206 430 060 0 17 0 70 5 77 II. W. Larzahr't Addition. Lot 36 4 59 OW 0 18 0 70 6 11 Lot3__ 229 032 009 0 70 3 40 Mei "arm lek' Addition. Lot 10 5 70 0 81 0 23 0 70 7 50 Morse's Addition. Lots 1,2,3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 17, 18, 19,20.21,30 31. 32 33, 34, a5, 36, 37, 38 and 39 3123 4 37 125 0 70 37 55 Lots 5, 8, 7, 8 and 9, 13 16 1 81 0 53 0 70 lü 23 Lot 44 _. 3 45 0 4 014 0 70 4 77 Morse & Cross' s Addition. Lot 410 23 53 3 29 0 94 0 70 28 46 SBXoms, Follet, Joslin & Sk inner' s Addition. Lot568 18 64 2 61 0 75 0 70 22 70 wjof sof lot 572 1 98 196 0 56 0 70 17 20 Park Ridtje Addition. Lots 46-59 Inclusive 3 OH 0 43 0 12 0 70 4 31 Lot 132 0 22 0 03 0 ld 0 70 0 96 Lots 133. 134 and 4S0 1 31 0 18 0 05 0 7J 2 24 Lots 15U-163 inclusive 3 06 0 43 0 12 0 70 4 31 Lot 274 0 44 OOfi 0 02 0 70 128 Lots 492 and 493 116 0 16 0 05 0 7U 2 07 Park Ridgc Subdivisión. f Lot 269 115 0 16 0 05 0 70 2 06 Lot 379 0 44 0 06 0 02 0 70 123 Lot469 115 016 005 070 2 U6 VILLAGE OF DEXTER. Lot 3, bik 1 118 0 17 0 05 0 70 2 10 Easterly part of lot 10 and 79 feet of weterly side of lot 9, blkl__ 7 08 0 99 0 2S 0 70 9 05 Kntii'e, bik 6 0 66 0 09 0 03 0 70 148 Lot 11, bik 17 5 90 0 83 0 24 0 70 7 67 VILLAGÉ OF JtlIiAN. Haek's Addition. Lot 1 9 80 137 0 39 0 70 12 26 1 Richard' 8 Addilion. Lot7 0 98 0 14 0 04 0 70 186 VILLAGE OF MOOKEVILJE. Hotel and 10 aeres in Mooreville. bd n ande by st, sby River, w by Holconib 1120 157 0 45 0 70 13 92 VILLAGE OF SALEM. Lot 6 and 7, blk 1_. 26 29 8 63 1 05. 0 70 31 72 Fredertck'a Addilion.. Lotsll, 17, 52 8 0f 113 0 32 0 70 10 19 BenneWs Plat. Town 3, South of Range 5 Kast. W ',í of lot 43 3(i 15 0 70 0 10 0 03 0 70 1 53 Lots 47 & 48-Í6 51' I 84 0 26 0 1)7 0 70 2 87 LotóO&fl-otí 50 3 87 0 51 0 15 0 70 5 03 Lot 99 3tí 26 1 15 0 16 0 05 0 70 2 06 STANLEY W. TÜRXBR, Auditor General. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEXD SECT1ON SETKN OF Af( OEDIXAJÍCE ENTITLED " AX ORDINANCE RE1ATIVE TO STREET RAIMVAÏS," ADOPTED AUGUST 18, 1888, AND AS AJfENDED SEPTEMBER 6, 1889, AND APPROVED SEPTEMBER 11, 1889. All ordinance toamend Section 7ofan ordinance entltled "Ad ordinance relative to Street Rallways," adopted August 13, 1888. and as amended September 6, 1889, and approved September 11, J8S9. The Comraon Couueil of the city of Ann Arbor ordains: Sec. 1. That Sec. 7 of au ordinance entilled 'An Ordinance Kelative to Street Rallways" adopted August 13, 1888, and as amended September 6, 1889, and approved September 11, 1889. be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 7. The cars used on said rallway slnill be drawn by animáis or electricity only and at a speed not exeeeding the rate óf eight miles per hour. and shall be run as olten as thecity council shall prescribe provided that cars shall not be requlred to ruu oftener tnan fifteen minutes betwecn the liours of 6 a. m. and S p. m., daily, or uftener than ever thirty minutes betweeii the hour of 8 p. m. and 12 p. m., daily. If electricity be used as a motive power, said company is authorlzed to erect and maintainall the necessary poles, anus and wires required for the full electrical equipment lor the propulsión of their cars. Where practicable the poles of existing companles shall be nsed. Poles shall be eitlier round or octagonal in shape as may be daterralned upon by said street Railway Company, and bepainted to correspond in color with the foliage of the shade trees. All wires and overhead work shall be suspended not less than eighteen feet above the track. AU material and work shall be of the best, and subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works. lf propulsión by means of storage battery shall be generally adopted as electrical motive power for si reet car purposes in other cities th same sball be adopted by thls company and the use of poles and wires dispensed with. The cars in nse on said railway shall be run for no otber purpose than to transport passengers and their baggage and the cars and carriages for that purpose, shall be of the best style in use on such railways and properly heated in cold weather by a modern heating apparatus, provided that other cars may be used for cleaning and repairing said railway. After sunset all ears while running shall be provided with suitablesignal lights in both front and rear cars. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect in ten days after legal publicaron. Paseed in C'ommon Council August 20, 1884. Approved August 22, 1!)4. O. G. DAKLIXG, Mayor. W. J. MILLER, City Clerk. Relief in Six Hours. Distressimg ICidney and Bladder diseases relieved lm six liours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." Tlds new remedy is a jrreat surpriso on account oí lts exceeding promptness in pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part af the urinary passages út male or témale. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing it, almost lmmediately. If you -want qulck relief and cure this is yo'ur remedy. Sold by H. J. Browm, drugglst, Ann Arbor. Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowels Each Day. - In ordei to be healthj this is necessary.
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