Board Of Public Works
Office of the Board of Public Works, i Ann Aebor, August 17, 1894. f Special session. Called to order by President Keech. Roll called. Full Board present. President Keech stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of considering specifications for the construction of lateral sewers. A petition signed by Mr. Coon, asking permission, until April, 1895, to temporarily lay stone walk in front of his residence, on Washtenaw avenue, in order that he may save shade trees, that must be lowered by the grade established, also stating that he accepts the grades as established by the Common Council was presented. Mr. Schuh moved that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and recommended to the Common Conncil for appropal. Yeas - Messrs. Keech, Schuh and Clark. The Board after considering part of the lateral sewer speciücations of Mr. Clark and the City Engineer adjourned. W. J. MlLLEB, Clerk. Office of the Boakd of Public Works, i Aun Arljor llich., Ang. 15, 1894. f Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Keech. Koll Called. Full board present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The bill of tbe M. C. R. R. that was recommitted by the Finance Committee of the Council to the board of Pub lic Works, tor a copy of the contract as to work done by the M, C. R. R. Co., in coustruction of main sewer, was reported by the Clerk and referred by the Board to Mr. Keech, with instructions to report thereon. Mr. Clark moved that this Board recommend to the Common Council an amendment to sidewalk ordinance, that the sidewalks along the east side of S. State street between Monroe and Hill streets be built of plank instead of stone, on account of steep grade at this locality. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Clark. On motion the Board adjourned. VV. J. Milljer, Clerk. Arm Arbor, August 22, 1894. Eegnlar session. Called to order by President Keecb Roll called. Full board present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Dr. J. L. Rose asked tor the con struction of a plank crosswalk along the south side of lJackard street across State street. Referred to Mr. Clark and theStree Commissioner. The Board spent all the evening considering lateral sewer speciflca tions, directing Mr. Clark to compile and have the same put in typewritten form. On motion the Board adjourned.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier