Martin Haller
A I beg leave to cali yonr attention to my Lar ge M m ==- - - - 1 sortment of LATEST SPRING STYLES I OF "- " Furniture, Curtains fH Draperies Special attention lias been given to the selecting of the present stock and the goods combine the latest styles witli the best workmanship and the highest quality possible tobe attained, considering the low prices at wliich the goods are marked. PARLOR FURNITURE. Thisline comprises all the latest novel ties in Solas, Divans, Arm Chaira and Reception Chairs. The increasing demand for LEATHER FURNITURE has encouraged me to put in a íull line of Leather Chairs, Couches and i Rockers. My CHAMBER SUIT STOCK was never so extensivo. I have every grade and style in Ash, Oak, Birch and Mahogany. Of IRON BEDS which begin to be so popular, I have some handsome patterns, also odd Dressers, Chiffoniers and Dressing Tailles. My line of Lace, Irish Point Silk and Chenille Curtains, is complete. BABY CARRIAGES in twenty different styles. STRAW MATTiNGS very reasonable and beautiful patterns. Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Linoleum and Shades. Ten different styles of Folding Beds. , I Your kind investigation of my Stock is eheerfully ' j solicited. Respeetfully, W 0 Passenge: lElevator.
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Ann Arbor Courier