Hood's Pilis are purely vegetable, oarefully preparad from the best ingrediente. 25e. Annual Excursión To Petoskey and Traverse City, 1 day, Sept. 4, 1894, by special train and ■it very low rates, via the Michigan Central and Grand Rápida & Indiana Railroads. Time of Round j Stations. Train. Trip Kate. Lv. Detroit 7.45 a. m ...!fñ (K) " Ypsilauti S.17 a. M 5.00 " Ann Arbor 9.05 a. m 5.00 " Uexter t.28 A. H f.00 " Chelsea 9.34 a. m 5.00 " Jackson 10.15 a. m 5.(jO Ar. Traverse City 7.40 p. M " Petoskey S.00 p. M _ Train stops twenty minutes at Grand Rápida for dinner. Tickets are good for returu by any regular train, excepting Michigan Central trains designated as Litnited Trains, until ïhursday, September 13th, inclusive. The special train will stop at Cadillac, Mantón, Walton, South Boardman, Kalkaska, Mancelona, Elmira and Boyne Falls. Passengers for Traverse City will change cars at Walton. Baggage checked through to destination. The fine train service, ampie hotel accommodations at low rates, the niany sights, the enjoytnent and benefit yon will receive, can not íail to make this the excursión of the season. Early apílication should be made for seats in Parlor Car. H. V. Mayes, Agent. Cure for Headaches. As a remedy for all forras of Headache, Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual Bick headaches yield to its influence. "We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and gjve thls remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constlpatlon Electric Bit ters cures by givlng the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long reBist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Iarge bottles only 50 cents at The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co'e Drug store, and Geo. T. Haeussler. Manchester.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier