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Syndicated Affections

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He wanted her for all his own, as some foolish lovers do, but she was not an emotional monopolist of that kind. On the contrary she had syndicated her aSeetions, and there were half a dozen young1 men each of whom was quite as mueh to her as was this young Romeo J. Gould. Not only had she disposed of a number of blocks of stook in her heart, but she gloried in it with true speculative pride, and when he would seek to claim her as his own, she would taunt him with it and teil him she could not afford to make an emo tional specialty of him, and that he must be content with what she feit inclined to let him have. Oh, cruel woman! It is ever thus. "Spare my tender feelings!" he cried to her one eveningf in the gloamtrig af ter she had told him how tis account stood. "Spare my tender feelings!" She emiled wlth sardonio sweetness. "I'm sorry I can't accommodate you," she responded, using a wellknown brand of commercial or business tone of voice on his plea - "real sorry - but I can't. The best I can do for you is to tender my spare feelings." Then, after the long depression, the crash came, and he sunk into hopeless emotional bankruptcy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier