New Disease
"Among the many discoveries made by Europeaa land-grabbers ou the west ooast of África is a distinotly new disease," said Altred P. Douettof London, England. "I was out on the coast last year and saw several men die of a malady which defied the most experienoed physicians. The only symptom is sleepiness. At first the victim shows exceptional dislike to getting up in the morning, and very soon he falls to sleep almost every time he sits down or quits physical exertion. Finally the patiënt sleeps almost incessantly, and has to ba aroused in order that nourishment may be administered. No treatment seems to have the slightest effect on this disease, and I can scarcely imagine anything mora painiul than to see, as I did, an intímate friend and companion literally sleep away his lile, dying finally of starvation and exhausti n. Almost every white man I met talked of the disease aml had a more or less rational theory to account for its presence and fatal inñuence. As a g-eneral thing a tendency to sleepiness is regarded as a gaoá thing by doctors, and to hear it said that a man's life is in danser because ho insists on sleeping1 af ter dinner sounds very. much in the nature of a paradox."
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier