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The Maccabees have au excursión to Laiistag Sept. 11, witli round trip rat e at $1.25. The burning of oome .rubbish in the rear of No. 18 1-2 ,S. Thayer st., eaUed out tlie lire .department Sunday. Services will le resuimed at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning, September 2nd. Mr. Sunderand will preacli. Kailroad Cominiissioaier S. E. Cillings, is to be .liere to-onorrow to inspect the street crossings of the railways, It thumdered quite heavily this about 6 o'clock, ,to the east of us. Good hidication of a storm - soine'wliere . The street car wires ,are being put in order this week and the work is beiug done ia a ,tvhorough and workniaalike manner. Soime young" scamps broke into Iünsey & Seabolt'e gi-ocery store Sunday evening, but there was notliing of any importanc-e taken. Fred K. Babcock, ]it. i'85, has beeu fortuoxate dn being taken in as a member of tlve great jteiw firni of AVhiston & Meagher, in Chicago. Praneis L. York, of Detroit, wili resume üiis work ia iteaching music in this city September Gth, with headquarters et "Witeey's .on State st. Rev. L. M. Bemnett .announces tJiat lio will preach next Sabbath, Sept. 2d, at the corner ,of 4tli ave. and Washington ets., at .i ,o'clock, p. m. Capt. Chas. H. Marniy formally announces hiinself as a .candidate for longress on the democratie .ticket, iu tliis district. Tli captawi Jias a ■great many friends in tliis city and "lcinity. The mew directora of tihe Ann Arbor Street Kailway Co. are F. H. C. Reynolds, F. W. Weeks, A. F. Bradbury, M. H. ICeldey, J. G. Carroll, H. P. Gtover, Clias. E. Hiscock. All eastern anen exoept tlie ,last two mentioiied. The new ftlioe firon of Jacobs & Allonamd will open up tlieir new store in the Washington block to-day, and liave a fine stock of goods in tneir Jino i-eady for the inspection of the public. 'This is one oï the nandsomest stores in the city and these gentle men are pCeasant ones to deal wfcth. Do not forget the annual school meetng,Monday, Sept. 3rd. The public schools of this city will not open untilMonday, Sept. 10. The Detroit conference of the M. E. ohurch, meets at tía ult Ste. Marie, September 5th. Doigs killed a number of sJieep on tliO iamn of Mr. Fiegel, in Pittsfield, a few nights ago. Tliere are ïmany trees about the city dyiniff tor want of water. Tlie draugth is simpdiy fearful. Th.O clerk of Ann Arbor town will bO in tlie county clerk's office on the last Tlmrsclay iu August, the 30th, to receive woodchuck .calps. Miss Hattle Loaig, -who recently returned home from Toledo, is now accepting pupiite im guitar, mandolín and banjo playing at her home 69 Miller ave. ' It has been decided by the chairman and secretary of the republican county cotnmittee, to cali the county nominating convention in this city on Sept. 20th. The caucuses will probably be called Sept. lö. Hom. J. I Lawrenee is the member oí the rcpublioan. eongreseional eoinmittee frojn this county. The other members are Albert Btyles, Jackson ; T. D. Shulle, Teeumseli ; Dr. J. M. Coliyer, riymouth. Tlie repaire on the auditorium of the M. E. church are not yet coanpletOd, but tlie pastor ,will coaiduct a general class meeting in the doublé parlors aiext Sunday at 9:15 a. m., and preaöh in tbe lecture rooan at 10:30. Dr. W. F. Breakey was called to Betliel ,N. Y., on the lSth inst., by the death of hls mother, Mrs. Mary A. Breakey, wtoo died on that date of oíd age haring attained nearly her 80th year. The Dr. returned home on the Wednesday foilowing. The democratie couinty convention has been called for Tuesday, Sept. 6th at the cowirt house in this city. Besides noiSinatlng officers the conveaition wlH elect 21 delegates to attend the congressional convention to be held Sept. 11, at Adrián. The Detroit News is respoiisible for tlie cttenient that the coming Btate Fair bids fair to be a nummer. And it is hoped by everyonie that it will be. The state bociety is in very bad condition financially, and neds a few huimmers. ThO burning of garbnge is not only O.'fensive, but it is unlie-althy. There is a eertain neighborhood in the city where people are kept awake nights, aiaü made wek by the smoke from a heap of house refuse and garba ge that is burned up fuetead of being caiTied aivar. Rev. Dr. C. II. Cobern leaves for conference next Monday morning. Tiie Michigan Central R. E. runs a special train to Mackiiiaw, leaving Detroit at 7:45 a. m. and arrivhig at Mackinaw at 7:30 p. m. Anyone deslring to attend the ,conference can obtaiu round trip tickets to the "Soo" and return for $8.00. Mrs .Mary Jano Warner died yesterday p. m. at the residemce of her tlaughter .Mrs. John Boyian, aged 82 years, 7 months. She Avas aiso the mother of Chas. C. Warner, of tuis city ; Edgar AVarner, of Fenton ; and Mrs. J. B. Bushnian, of Buffalo, X. Y. The rein-ains will ,be taken to her oid boime at ,LeRoy, X. Y. by lier son Charles, this ewnhig. Funeral this afternoon. Wliether Wffliie- mort the Kentucky WlUie - ever wrote tjiis eomposition otr ïiot, is doubted, but he is credited with it, by Bome of our exchanges : "Soap is a kind of stuff made into oatóe iii.ii i-iiulls good and tastes awful. 8o:ip juice always tastes the worse AvJien y ou liet it int o your eye. My fatlior rsays the Eskimose dón't ne-.r use t-oap. I wiah, I was au Eiíkimose."


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Ann Arbor Courier