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Hermam BtierLc, of Manchester, , was in tliO city over ,Sunday. Mrs. D. D. Travis, fit Plainwell, arrived in the city iMomday. Mr. Beach and wife, ,of Flint, epent Sunday with "W. Jesse Bootli. Mis. E. A. Keitli .and son George, are in Detroit with rebatiros. Andrew E. Gibeon was 4n Genesee ooumty last week on ileg-al business. Ghest-er Beardsley, of Grand Ivpdge, was an Aun Arbor ,visitor yesterday. Mrs. iR. A. Beal returned last TJiursd.y from a vislt ;to frlmds in Alpena. Trosecutor O. F. Hant, ,of Detroit, was in the city ,Friday ou legal businees. Mise .Teininie Woods hs been visiting- Oheteea friends during the past week. Archie Wilkiiison and Mortimer Freer, of Clielfsea, were iin the city Monday. Miss Caroline Bell left ,last Monday for Minneapolis, where she Is eng-aged in teaching. Mieë Amelia McLaren, has returned home from a three .week's vacation spesut in Detroit. Mrs. M. MoGee returned to lier home in Jackson, Monday, after a visit with her sons liere. Miss Clara Baur, of ,Cincinnati, has been the guest of Ann Arbor relativos during the past few weeks. Miss FxunmiO Gardner left yesterday a. m., for a four week's visit with relat ives in. St. Louis, Micli. Walter S. Hicks has .returned from a down soutli, ,and resuaned his position in the Cook , House. Miss Flora Krause and iMiss Louise Schianderer were guests of Miss Schumaelier at Chelsea, last .--eek. Mts. J. A. ICedth., of Mt. Ctemens, is in city íor a few days visiting Mi-s. Geo. H. Pond ,and otlier friends. Mr. iind Mts. G. M. Burd, of Betroit, bave been visiting ,the city during itlie week, preparatory ,to i-emoving- Jiere. , Hou. C. M. AVood, ,of Pinckney, accoctnpanied by In wife and daughter, spent the past week ,in the city visit ing friemds. Miss Warren, of Buffalo, JS. Y., who has been the guest ,of her sister Btrs. A. L. Noble,, for.some weeks, retumed home on Tuesday. Mr. flnd Mts. J. J. Goodyear retm-neü Saturday, from their seastern joua-ïiej-, looking as if the enstem atmospiiere was invigoratins. Miss Nettie Baniels, of Gregory, Midi.., has resiigned her chnir in thé California Normal icJiool, to iacce$n one in Michigan', at ;Ypsilanti. Any person dcsirrng to enter the Ann Arbor Art School in any of it6 branclies of wort, is requested to cali upon Mrs. W. S. Perry nt 61 E. Washington st., after six o'ctock p. m., until Sept. 15. ïor ternis aud iniormatlon. ïlie writer of this Item saw annmber of boys come out of a city Hunday School last Sund:iy, and go directly to a m'ighboring yard and wil hout permfesiom dielp themselves to a quantity of peai-s. Was there somet.liing wrong with the boys, with the Sunday School, with their paréate, or wit.h all three? Tliis awhil 01L6 is elipped ir om the Adiian Press : "Here goes 8. W Curtiss, íormerly cosmected "with the Aiim Arbor Argus, and coanmits matriimomy uext Monday, at Rapids, lii'iT Mise Margaret Shaw beooimes his wif j. And to t hiak that he shoull do tliis wheii lady editors, editresses, cr.itrixes - wel! aiever miad the grammar - oí Aun Arbor are p'.eading for nn o'.d maid's iu.-iurance oriïanizai inn. ainl at tlte s.iine ,timi? running one ot tihe liveliest newsijiapei-s in the state. Tliere's KOinetliin;;' Avrting' with tliit. administrati'O'U eurc.'' On August 26th, at the liomie of the hride's mother, Mrs. Louise Osborn, occurred the marriage of her daughter, Mies Lulu Osbonie, to Mr. Georg-e Knoll. The bride is a gradúate of tile High School, class of '94, and well liked among her companions. He.nry Osborne acted as best man, and Miss Donna MacLean as bridesmaiid. The following is a list of the teacher's granted 3rd grade certifícate at the recent examination : Carrie Crysler, Katie Crysler, Edith Judson, Robert B. McLachlan, Hattie Jacobs, Florine Eenau, Agnes Finnell, Viola B. Hess, Nellie Purfield, Mary Cope, Georgia A. Stephenson, Clark N. Hill, Julius F. Schmidt, Thomas ' C. Hagan, Jessie Flagler, Edla Jules, Nettie L. Rowe, Nettie McMullen. On Wednesday last, Dr. James K. Breakey, medie. '94, left for Pontiac where he goes to take a posltion on th medical etaff of the state asylum for itlie iaisane. The Dr. did intend to continue his studies here another year and take his dejrree from the literary department, but tliis position came to liim in a very pleasant way and so lie accepted it. He wüU haTe ma.ny good wfehes foilow him in thla coiinmenecment of active Avork in his profession. Teachers, officers and young people of St. Andrew's Sunday school, together with the choir boys, will assemble on Thursday morning, Aug. 30, at 10 o'clock in Harris Hall, whence conveyances will transport them to Parker's grove. Geddes. Contributions of "good things" will be thankfully received, both from the parents of the young people and from other ladies in the congregation. Such contributions should be left in Harris Hall at 9:30 a. m. Thursday. All members of St. Andrew's congregation and their friends are invited to attend, though transportation in the Sunday school conveyances cannot positively be guaranteed them. In case of rain the baskets will be left in the hall unopened until evening, when a Sunday school social will be held.


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