That Tired Feel ng. Is a dangeraus condition directly due to depleted impure blood. It should not 'be allowed to continue, as in its debility tlie systetn is especiaHy lutble ito lerious attacks of illness. Hood's 8arsaparilla Is tlie reanedy for L-uoli a comdition, and ;ilso ior tihat -veakness Avhioh prevails ;ii tlie eof eeason, cfUmate o-r Ufe. The iollo'wlng is a schedule for the union meetings to be held at the variour cliurches during the summer montlis : Sept. 2d- Baptist. Rev. C. A. Vounff. Scpt. 9tti- Methodist. Rev. J. W. Bradsliaw. Sept. 16th- Conaregational, Kev. J. M. Gelston. Sept. 23rd- Presbyterian. Kev. N. S. Buvtou.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier