Literary Notes
Tlie aimount of light that Harper's Weskly was able to w upan the remóte ci.nd little-known country of Korea, the instant that public attention was directed to it, may be taken as au indicat:on of the almnst boundliees resources of ct.he paper, and its capacity to deal -promptly and oomprclu nsively with eVery oecurrence of interest to The ptiblic. Tlie ideal magazine prints nat only timely articles on events nnd place.-, hut storlee of the right length to read aloud by üie evemtng la;mp. The September Harper's eontaine "A New Einglamd PropJiet," the story of an Adveinti-t alarm, by Mary E. "Wilkins; "The Gcneral'.s Bluif," foumded on a frontier caimpaig'n of (leneral Crook, by Owen Wister ; "The Tug of Wiat," a tale oí Bng'llsJi ineii and women in Greece ; cJiapters of "The Golden House," Charles Dudley Warner's novl of New York society, and tlie fitst of a two-p'art story of Narragansett Pier, by Brander Mattlu-ws. Harper's Bazar is presenting a grcat varlety of fasciinattag styles for tJie eiariy autuimu, illustarted by Sandoz aaid Chapuls, the facnious Paris artists, aoid selected from Wort.h's most dist tact i creations. These autuimn toilettes for oivt-door a;nd in-door occasions surpass anything previous'.y eiwywm in ia fashion journal. Tlie September Lssues wStl be enricdied by elcgaait goAvns and hats for walking and drU-ing, and by beautiful calling costumies. A briHiant novelette by M. McClelland, "St. John's AYooing-," will run through several numbers. Tlie scène of tliis story is in the far SOuth, aaid it is iutensely interesting fiom start to finish.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier