County And Vicinity
Th is begins to knock out the oldest inhabitant once more. St. Ma.ry'8 ehurch In Manchester ís being removed to tlie corner lot next to the parsonage. Amos Dibble lias solil his farm in Marión to a Salem man for $3,200. - Howell Republican. It costs ft Clinton man just about an even $10 bilí to be found intoxicated on the st reets of Manchester. Jolin. Koch of Lima whose baras were burned recentty, will build a new ome at once, 36x66 ft. in size. Geou-ge Webster lias opened a new merdumt tai'.oring establishment in the ald post office at Cheleea. Burglars stolO $150 worth of goods from stores in Wayne one night last week. It Is time stealing should be O'ii tho wayne. The villagre marshal of Manchester arrests all youugsters tliat are found upon tlie Btreete evenings after tliey should be In bed. Base ball clubs wiuo do not desire to 1O knocked out had better keep away from Mamohieeter. The club in tJtoat town uro liummers. "Warren Guorin. of Lima, paesed lils 44 th blrthday Aug. 15, and hls f i lends made liiin Bit down They g-ave him a $16 ehair to sit in, however. l'ire destroyed labomt 200 cords of ■vood iand enougii logs to make 70,000 pickets, On Jacob Beidel's farm in Bridgewater, one day last week. A day of sport, with all sorts of games, 'base ball, foot ball, foot races, bicycle races, and so on to tlie end, is 'propoeed for Manchester, in tle near future. Mercihaints t Manchester are right in the show business. One íirni has a lot of juinptaig beans to attract attentiom, while another hae a circus with brownies for performers. On "Wednesday last the grand Sunday School rally at Howell brought out S,000 or 10,000 people. It was a ona;niíicent Buccess, nearly every townshïp in t he county being represeaited. AU denoiminations joined. linee bara.3 and contente belonging .to Oranje Bangs, of Unadilla, were coosnimed by lire last Sunday ntght. 1 )-s. $5,000. No insurance. A baxn bsJiomging to Eider Ñorth also burned ilir sanie night. - flielse.i Herald. M. A. I.owi-y, president of the Chelêea I)istrict Fair association, says : ''We will gLÍna. to have aai exhibition tJiiat wi',1 be a live and properous Catr, alioiinilinti in fresh and novel flgihts amd features tli:it wil be st;on' and interest ing liecause new and stranu,e to the eyee of those who wltnese them." One of (rar exchanges makes the wise suggestion to pareuts, tliat it they are Igotag to allow their children to go to seliool at all, they should send .theim on the first day. It is oiten a great detriment to eliüdren, and alAvays a hindrance to the teacher, to diave them eome stringing along foir several days or weeks. AYe inidei-stand that there is to be a weather report card in the P. O. at this place. Tlie report is to be sent by telegrapk from the chief of the weather bureau, to warn farmers and others of appraoching storms. - Phiekmey Dipateli. Well, hurry up with the warming. The approach of a storm would be heralded with slioute of Joy and peans of glee. Ko more joyful tiding-s could be borne to a people. A storm ! a storm ! a kinigtkwn for a storm ! This, 'from the Adrián Press, has am Ypsilanti fast norse flavor to it, bilt isn't bad: "The Yp.silanti Dnvtaig club has (perfected articles of incorporatloe and will be soon ready business. The noorporators are E. W. Heimphill, F. K. Owen, J. B. Co:lvin, M. M. Reed and Wan. Evans. All liorses with a record less than tour (minute?, are barred. That preventö us (rom fjetting an honorary membership. But we suppose Bro. (teband wül be rigjit in it, unless liis nag got spavined in tüie race for Cap. Alleoi's inomination. AValt until our youiiK Duke of Tvo-Six, sire of Patiii'inder, 2:09, can be trained, when we ■vill come over and have some fun witJi Bob. Henipliill and Doe. Owen, who will le foreed to drop Golddust a.fter we give tíiem a whirl. Just ïiow we have to be content with a wiw norse whicih we owu. luit do not drive i great deal." NOXEOÜS WEF.DS. A correspondent of the Manchester Enterprise, slgning hlimseli "H", tells forne pialo bal goepel truths in these semtences : "Much has been said in the agricultura! papers of late in regard to milkweed or prickly lettuce, tnat new pest or piant that has lately appeared to annoy and disinay the thrifty farmer. "In o. recent jooirnèy froin Brooklyn on tho oue eide to Ann Arbor on tho other I wias led to the conclusión that the great mu jority of farmers are tliemselves, through neglect tu keep .the highways and lands clear of doek, burdock, elecampane, tansy, thistle, yarrow, and milkweed or prjck'.y lettuco not to ment'. on agreat aiMl inereasing variety of weeds not so in Uieir growth, much to blame for the spread of these nmch dreaded pests. "I venture to assert that not one in ten of our overseers of highways have fully complied with the law so dearly glven in liis warrant in regard to tiie destructiom of noxious weeds Llomg the roadside. This is a matter of vital importance and tiliould be promptly met by every progreesive farmer. "I presume there is not a road difctrict in the country perfectly free fTOm prickly lettuce, but many are ateolutely overruai witli it. It is already pretty late t-o oomtend with it yet mrueli may be done by either pulling or cutting it and burning the stalks proniptly to prevent a wholesalc eeedins' the first windy day. 'We ïead nmdi of an appropriation for dcstioying the Kussian thistle but of wliat benefit could it possiKy be when the fai-m.ers o? the west like their ■brotliers in ècutbern Michigan await to a spirit of inocuous desuetude' the ap-prnoeli of these eneanies to good fai -mir.g. 'It Ib a ehame that within a mile in iilmiHt t;ny direct ion irum Manchester may le found roads almost ehoked by prickly lettuce, though (fo not understand me as believing that in the vicinity of Manchester these weed pests abound in any greater profusión tlian elsewhere."
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier