The News Condensed
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In the senate on the 20th the amended sugar bill and the coal, iron ore and barbed wire bilis were reported. The bilis placing wool, coal and iron on the free list were ordered placed on the calendar. The senate then went into executive session, but owing to a lack of a quorum adjourned until the 22d No quorum could be got together in the house, consequently no session was held. The senate was not in session on the 21st.... In the house there was not a quorum present ■when its session began, but members sought to take up severa! measures by unanimous consent.. The senate bilí állowmg an additional $54.000 for the public building at Little Rock, Ark., was passed. The senate bill for the exclusión and deportation of alien anarchists was called up, but objection being made to ita consideration it went over under the rules. IN the senate on the 22d the members present at the opening session numbered twentyone- less than half of a quorum The vice president announced nis signature to the deflciency bill. A motion was made that the sergeant-at-arms be directed to request the attendance of absent senators, which he dld. and an executive session was held. The house was not in session. After an hour's walt the senate on the 23d was unable to secure a quorum, and adjourned. A clerk reached the capítol with some important nominations, but owing to the absence of a quorum they could not be laid before the senate In the house the chairman of the oommittee on naval affairs presented the proliminary report upon the investigation of the armor plate and billets furnlshed to the government by the Carnegie Steel eompany. The bill to give the Hutchinson & Southern Railroad company two more years in which to build the road through the Indian territory was passed. In the senate on the 24th the house joint resolution was adopted for a final adjournment August 28 at' 2 p. m.t after which an executive session was held, and all nominations to which no objections were offered were conflrmed In the house a joint resolution was adopted for a final adjournment on the 28th. The antianarchist bill was brought up and an amendment to it offered, but objection being made to its consideration the bill went over. DOMESTIC. The Four freig-ht depot and adjoining- building-s were destroyed by flre at Cincinnati, a loss oí f rom 8300,000 to $500,000. Sixty-six of the larg-est business houses of Beeville, Tex. , were destroyed by fire,entailing a loss oí $100,000. By the explosión of the boiler of a traction engine near Elwood City, Ia., two men were killed and another fatally injured. The annual convention of the Society of American Florists convened at Atlanta City, N. .T. Fivk men were arrested at Sedan, Kan., charg-ed with the rnurder of J, B. Frazer four years ago. M BS. Kate Lufberry and her 5-yearoíd son were burned to death in a fire which destroyed their home at Newcastle, Ky. Rev. D. P. MacDonald, D. D., died at Gilbertsville, N. Y. He was a chaplain under Gen. Lee during the war. Charles McCoy, an architect, and Jiiss Josie Calwell, ag-ed 20, were drowned in Peoria lake at Peoria, 111., while out boating-. By the explosión of a traction engirfe on the farm of Hiram Berksmith near Byron, 111., two men were killed and four boys fatally injured. Catholics who re f use to recog-nize the temporal and spiritual power of the pope met at Cleveland and org-anized the American Cathoüc church. Late rains have improve.l corn and vegetation g-enerally throughout the country, thoug-h in certain sectkras droug-lit was still complained of. Fire in Chteag-o destroyed the Chicago & Northwestern freight house with all its contents. A house which was being torn down in Worcester, Mass., collapsed, burying- a dozen children and three men. Seven were rescued, severely injured. August Lessig, of Merrick county, Neb. , got drunk and shot his wife in the temple, his daughter in the hand and himself in the head. All three were fatally shot. The American Bar association convened in annual session at Saratog-a, N. Y., the opening address delivered by the president. Judge T. M. Cooley. W. T. Thompson was taken from jail at Klamath Falls, Ore., and lynehed by a mob. Thompson was held in jail on a minor charge, but had a bad reputation. Gov. Matthws, of Indiana, borrowed from a bank 41,000 with which to pay the Indiana militia for their services during the recent strikes. By the explosión of a traction boiler on a farm near La Mourn, N. D., John Lind and Louis were killed and four others injured. L. O. Loffkr was killed and Matt Goschet seriously injured by a f all from a scaffold at Omaha, Neb. William McCormick, aged 21, deputy postmaster at Wordsworth, O., was drowned at Lake Brady. The entire business portion of Talmage, Neb., was wiped out by fire. Benjamin Remeb, aged 21, son of Maj. A. M. Remer, ot Omaha, Neb., was run over and killed by a Rock Island train near his home. The Society of American Florists. in Bession at Atlantic City, N. J., selected Pittsburg-h as the place for holding the oonvention in 1895. Fritz Brinkman, a Nebraska farmer, commltted suïcide at Manicato, Minn., by han ging. Miguel Coucharty, a full-blooded Seminóle Indian, was sentenced to death by the Seminóle council for the murder of Dan Brooks. As A north-bound express train of the Paducah, Termessee & Alabama railway was nearing Hazel, Ky., it struck a wagon loaded with people, killing1 five of the occupants. John T. Callahan, a meinber of New Orleans' city council, was convicted of receiving a bribe and committed to jail. Libut. John R. Eathbon, U. S. A., oommitted suicide at Perry, O. T. Miss Madoe Howe, ol Springfield, 111., was elected president of the Ladies' Aid society, auxiliary to the Sons of Veterans, at the national encampmeiit at Davenport. There were 234 business failures In the United States in the seven days ended on the 24th, against 226 the week previous and 410 in the corresponding time in 1893. TWENTY'FIVE oí líybakowski's coramonwealers were inj.ured in a fight with deputies at Buffalo, K. Y., and 150 more were placed under árrest. Accobding to the report of Patent Commissioner Seymour, 21,498 patents were issued during theyear, and 13,197 expired. John Vermillion and William Jackson were killed and a number of others seriously injured by the of a sawinill boiler at Frankfort, Ind. Capt. H. O. KlNÖ, a mechanical engineer of Memphis, was killed by Alex Carr, an employé to whom he was inde bted. Noïwithsta xdimq industrial disturbances and the continuance of droüght in certain sections, trade continúes to show steady improvement, according to Brad.street's. Two jikx were killed and eleven injured by an explosión of gas in the Gilberton colliery, near Ashland, Pa. An explosión of gas in a mine at Franklin, VVash., imprisoned sixty-tvvo men, thirty-seven of whom were taken out dead. RlLEY Walker and Richard Jordán, two negroes convicted oí murder, were taken from a train at Mitchell's Station, Ala., and lynched. The exchanges at the leading clearing housês in the United States during the week ended on the 24th ag-gregated $818,4?,6S1, against S?90,öS3,lS5 the previous week. The decrease, compara! with the corresponding week in 1893. was 19.5. Asdehson Boyd (colored) was eommitted to jail at Knoxville, Tenn., on the charge of murdering1 Ed Uhl in Marión county, O., ten years ago. Cakl, Lower, an ex-employe, fatally wounded Alois Mehetretter, a tailor, at Buffalo. The president has signed the general deficiency appropriation bill, the last of the appropriation bilis of this session. Philip Peters (colored), was hanged at Helena, Ark., for killing his wife. At Ashland, Wis., an entire block of business buildings was destroyed by fire. LlGHTXlXG struck an emigrant's wagon near Columbns, Tex., killing husband and wife, but leaving their babe unhurt. David Ferran, aged 20, a deaf mute living at Curtisville, Ind., was run over by a switch engine and his body ground to fraginents. Hugh Lyon, who killed a peddler on Sanary island, was hanged at New Westminster, B. C. A Chicago, JIilwaukee & St. Paul freight train was held up at Deerfield, 111., by two men, who killed a detective who was on the train and robbed the conductor. Mrs. L. B. Cheist, together with her two children, was burned to death as a result of a gasoline explosión at Forest City, Mo. George L. McCahan, of Baltimore, was elected grand high chief of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Jlasons at the convention in Topeka. Jakk Morris, ayed 17 yfais, feil from a freight train at Mex'co, Mo., and his head was severed from his body. FoüB persons were injured aud much valuable property destroyed by an explosión of dynamite which was bemg tised in excavating in New Vork. By a decisión oí the attorney general women will hereafter be allowed to vote for siiperintendent of public instruction in North Dakota. Ohio miners who have been on strike for an advance in wages would resume work September 1 at the operators' prices. J. M. Winstead, a bank president, committed suicide by jumping from a balcony on the fourth story of the city hall at Greensboro, N. C. Henry R. Pearsox killed himself in Kansas City. He was short in his accounts with the Piano Manufacturing company. James Hale was ruurdered by white caps near Pennington Gap, Va, His offense was the of a boy. Geobge Baldwijï was foully murdered in the presence of his family by Deputy Sheriff Jackson Lily aiid a posse in the Chootaw Nation. The national encampment, Sons of Veterans, in session at Davenport, Ia., elected Col. William E. Bundy, of Ohio, commander in chief. Threk men were killed and three seriously injured in a wreek on the Chicago & ivorthwestern road near Fort Atkinson, Wis. Squike Wtt.t.TAiM Blajíd, a. prominent citizen of the Conemaugh, committed suicide at Johnstown, Pa., vvhile melanèholy from business reverses and drink. A. S. Tucker, a prominent board of trade broker at Chicago, committed suicide. Unfortunate speculation was assigned as the cause. Pbof. Charles J. Hinkel, who for years occupied the chair of Latin and Greek literature at Vassar colleg-e, died from heart failure at Amagansett, L. I. Slav and negTo miners indulged in a fight at West Overton, Pa., during which one man was fatally shot. The great textile strike has developed into a lockout, and as a result 25,000 mili opera ti ves of Fall River, Mass., are idle. Hknry Hknbici, jobber in woolens at New York assig-ned with heavy liabllities. Before the American Bar association Moorfield Storey said public honesty and trust had reached a low ebb. Adam Stivetts, father of John Stivetts, the Boston baseball player, was accidentally killed in a coal mine at Ashlands, Pa. William Day, former champion cross-country runner of the country, hanged himself because he had been accused of embezzlement. A ííew York syndicatehasfurnished the whisky trust 85,000,000 to take ta spirits out of bond, the Illinois trast and savings bank of Chicago to act as trustee. PERSONAL AND HOLITIGAL. Nebraska republicans in convention at Omaha nominated a ticket headed by Thomas J. Majors for governor. Congressionai, nominations were made as follows on the 22d: I chusetts, rixLii cnstnct, oóaú o. vtii.liaras (dein.), Missouri. Third district, A. M. Dockery'(dem.). Texas, Twelfth' district, A. W. Houston (dem.). Wisconsin, Sixth district, Riley Bishop (pop.). Kentueky, Second district, E. G. Sebree (rep.). Michigan, Fourth district, Dr. . L. F. Weaver (dem.); Ninth district, Roswell P. Bishop (rep.). Iovva, Third district, Re.v. S. H. líasher (dem.); Eleven th district, Bernard Graeser (dem.). Indiana, Fourth district, W. S. Holman, (dem.); Tenth district. Dr. J. J. Hatch (rep.). California, Second district, Anthony Caminetti (dem.); Sixth district, George S. Patton (dem.); Seventh disI trict, W. II. Alvord (dem.). Nomination'S for congress vvere made as follows on the. 2öd: New Jersey," First district, II. C. Loudenslager (rep.) Tennessee. Third district, Posj ter V. Brown (rep.). Isebraska, Sixth district, Ornar M. Kem (pop.). Kansas, Third district, V. T. Sapp (dem.). Pennsylvania. Fortieth district, D. S. Walton (rep.); Twenty-eighth district, Aaron Williams (dem.). North Caroli11a, Sixth district, J. A. Lockart (dem.). New York, Twenty-third district, W. T. Foote, Jr. (rep.). Missouri, Seventh district, C. B. Wisker (pro.). Virginia. Fifth district, Ciaude Swanson (dem. ). Sixth district, 0. C. Rucker (pro.); Tenth district, Edmund R. Cooke (pop.). Missouri, Fifth district, B. P. White (pro.). Florida, Second district, C. M. Cooper (dem.); Mont Atkinson (pop.). Xebkaska popllists nominated a ticket headed by Silas A. Ilolcomb for governor. Dbmocrats in state convention at San Francisco nominated Congressman James Budd lor go vernor. FORE1GN. A THEASHING machine in William Hayward's barn at Forest, Ont., broke the cylinder shaft and fired the straw and two men vho were in the mow were burned to death. Forty Moorish rebels were killed by the sultan's troops at Azimoor. BiEON MrsDAr, founder of the Salvage society, committed suicide at Vienna by shooting while insane. A CAVE-Iíí occurred in one of the mines near Durango, Mcx., burying ten miners. Six of the men were rescned alive, but the others were dead when found. Beitish Consul Hatch and several Americans vvere decoyed to prison by Spanish authorities at Bluefields." A plot to assassinate President Ilippolyte, of Ilayti, was exposed by the sweetheart of one of the conspirators, most of vvhom were captured. Can adían liberáis, throujrh their leader, Sir William Laurier, have declared ior free raw materials and a revenue tariff. Advises from Corea state that in a battle between Chinese and Japanese 1,800 of the latter were killed. Christopher F. Fbazeb, of Toronto, until recently commissioner of public works in the Toronto cabinet, wa3 found dead in bed. American'S and Englishmen arrested at Hluefiölds by Madriz consented to be taken to Managua for trial rather j tlian submit to exile. LATER. A TEBKDBLB 1 U"r:iane swept over the Sea oí Azov, in Bussia, and many vessels were stmk and over 1,000 persons drowned. Thomas W. Heathcote, chairman of the Pullman strikers' committee, declared the strike at au end. Tuk democrats of the Fifth California district nominated J. P. Kelly for congress and Daniel C. McKinnon was nominated by the populists in the First district of Florida. In convention at Reno the republicans of Xevada nominated A. C. Cleveland for governor. Adam A. Parrott, his wife and two of their three children were drowned while attempting1 to ford the Scioto river in a wagon near Portsmouth, O. Twestï persons were badly injured by the falling of a bridge in Fairinount park at Kansas City. The steamer Kew York made the ] passag'e from Southampton to liew York in six days eiffht hours and thirtyeigrht minutes, breaking all previous records. Lightning from an almost cloudlesa sky killed William Carr, aged 20, who was bathing at Atlantic City, N. J. H. F. Gristvold and William Lake, who held up a St. Paul train at Deerfield, 111., and killed Special Ofiicer Owens, were captured after a running fight in which they shot an officer and both were wounded. In her speech proroguing the British parliament the queen said strict neutrality would be observed in the war between China and Japan. G. E. Williams won the bicycle road race from Buffalo to Pittsburgh, traversing the 234 miles in 20 hours and 37 minutes. At Washington park, Chicago, Di rectly paced a mile in 2:10%, lowering the world's record for two-year-olds a quarter of a second. John Newell, of Chicago, aged 64, president and general manager of tha Lake Shore railroad, died of apoplexy at Youngstown, O. Abk Buzzabd, the notortous Pennsylvania outlaw, was s.entenced to eleven years' imprisonment for burglary. The town of Guerneville, Cal., was destroyed by fire. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the national league for the week ended op the 25th were: Boston, .660; Baltimore, .640; Kew York, .635: Philadelphia. .5 1; Cleveland, .540; Brooklyn, .525; Pittsburgh, .500; Chicago, .45(5; Cincinnati, .430; St. Louis, .404; Washington, .330; Louisville, .311.
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Ann Arbor Courier