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Republican County Convention

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A Republiean County Convention to nomínate county ofíners and to transact such olher business as may properly come befnre ii.wili be held at the Court Honfe, in the eiiy of Ann Arbor, 011 Thnrsdny. Sept. 20th, 1894. a t 11 o'clock a. m. The various townsliips andwardswill be entitled. to one delégate for every fifty votes cast tor governor at the last preeeding election. Ann ArhorCity- Plttsftelcl 0 First wnrd 10 Salem 6 i Second ward i) Baltnê '. ' Thlrdward Sclo 10 Foartb vard s SharOD 5 T-'ifrh ward 4 Superior 6 Slxtb ward S Sylvan 12 Arm .rtior Tuwn 7 webster ñ Augusta ti York 1U Krldgcwatcr i Ypsllantl Town 6 Dexter i YpBllantl City- Fvcedom ö First ward 8 I.iinít 5 Sí-f.-ond Avard 6 Lndi Tblrd ward ! Lyndon 4 F(mith ward 5 Mancbester 1! Fifcbward 7 Northfield 6 By order of Cominittee. HORACE G. PBETTYMAN, i X. D. CORBIN, iniau. I Secreto ry Dated, Ann Arbor, Sopt. 5, 18ÍI4


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier