Real Estate Transfers

Gottleb Luick to Johu S. Sinke. Ann Albor ï 1,000 00 Julius Bordine. et al, to Charle H. Torrey. Augusta 50 00 Laura K. Visel to Mary Baumgardner, Ann Arbor . 200 00 Martha Kellogg, et Helen Gormer, .saline 000 00 John M. Wheeler. by heirs, lo Thos. D. Kearney, Ann Arbor. 2,800 00 Jolni M. Wheeler, bv hcirs, to James O'Kaoe, Aun Arbor 1 00 Thos. P. Geer, et al, to Mary .1. Geer, Salem 1 00 Mary I). Geer to Thos. 1'. Geer, Salem. 1,200 00 Thos. D. Kearney to James O'Ka; e, Aim Arbor . 225 00 John P. Reeve to John Wesléy Keeve, Ann Arbor . 215 00 E. W. Borden, by heirs, to M. 11. Horden, Ann Arbor 1 00 M. H. Bordeu. byex'v, to Arthur B. Edwards, Aun irbor : 4, Louis Gerstner to Ch I or, Au tl Arbor 1 00 Christopher Low to F. K. Kneholz, ;.:iu Arbor 700 00 Julia, MoCarthy, et al, to Mary Mcthy, Vnn Arbor 100 ge S. Wheeler to Mary A. Brown, m 1 325 i"1 Newton Pruddeii I . ma 1,100 00 I A.Ta; " to Chas. F. Thompson Augusta 2,8 J. T. Jaeobs to Frank N. Cole Ann Arbor 1,200 00 Ann Arbor City to ( onrad Schneider- 1 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Gottlob Luick
John S. Sinke
Julius Bordine
Charles H. Torrey
Laura K. Visel
Mary Baumgardner
Martha Kellogg
Helen Gormer
John M. Wheeler
Thomas D. Kearney
James O'Kane
Thomas P. Geer
Mary J. Geer
John P. Reeve
John Wesley Reeve
E. W. Borden
M. H. Borden
Arthur B. Edwards
Louis Gerstner
Christopher Low
Julia McCarthy
Mary McCarthy
George S. Wheeler
Mary A. Brown
Newton Prudden
P. E. Chase
Edward A. Taylor
Charles F. Thompson
J. T. Jacobs
Frank N. Cole
Conrad Schneider