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CO L i ■ S CO S 2 M H 2 g IRONM He art f ïTi AND "II ü %y POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISE&SE, NERVOUS PROSTRfiTION, EPILEPSV. Sleeplessuess and all aerangement oi the Nervous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by AVheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. THe unión Bunday Evening services will be held Sundny evening next in the Preebyterian church. Eev. J. W. Brudshaw will wpeak. scratghjOïêars Suffered, Scratched, and Bied. Doctors No Relief. Cured by Two Seta Cuticura Remedies. I wish to expresa my thnnks for the benefit I have derived f rom ueing Cuticura Remedies. Kothiug like them was ever manufactured. For three years have I suffered twith a sore head. I would break out all over my head with pimples which would forra a watery matte-r, and I would have to scrateh untíl I would bleed. After doctoring with'two doctors for three years, more or lees, I finally made up my mind to try your Oütici'h'a Remediks with rflfrult entirely satisfactOTy to me. After using two sets of Cuticura Remedies, I am entirely cured. I have recommended your remedies to several persons, and they all teil me they aro No. 1. Ojr druggistit doing a nice buBinoss in Cuticura Remedies, Bince my cure. I Hm iriven him the privilege of ueing my name as proof of thoir efficiency. I enclose my portrait. A. F. GRAMM.rbotographer.Mt.lIoreb.Wis. My wife hae been troubled vt'úh the Baltrheum for four yeare. During thia time doctors of Wisconein, Uliuoie, and the most eminent doctors of Chicago, failed to give relief. 1 bought the Cuticura Remedies, and Bhe used only one box of Cuticura, Cuticura Soap, and half a bottle of the Cuticura Resolvent, aud these have cured my wife coropletely. C. M. 8TÓNE, 141 State St., Chicago, 111. Cuticura Resolvent The New Blood and Skin Purifier, internally, nd CuTicuitA, the great Bkin Cure, and Cuticuiia 8oAr,the exquiöite tikia Beautifier, extemally, iustantly relieve and Bpcedily cure every dinease and humor of the skin, Bealp, and biood, with loas of h;iir, from infaucy to aye, frora pimples to öcrufula. Sold every wherc. I'rice, Cuticura, 50c. ; Soap, 2"c; Hesolvent, $1. I'repared by the Pottek l)UUa AND C'UEMICAL CORPORATION, BootOU. " IIow to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illuatratious, and teatimoüials, mailed free. PJMl'LESjblackheads, red, rough, chapped.and I I III oily skin cured by Cuticura Soap. J HOW MY BACK ACHES! aÍX Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and WeakjAl uess, SoreuesK, Lameness, 8 trui nu, and I l'aio relieved In one minute by the Vmr Cuticura Antl-fain Piaster. ÍN UNO WOMEN 3S Inc: the Conirbivillk Mpo. Co., ÍIanvii.le R. I., infgrs. of Normandie Pinshcs. end 1', cents for samples, particulars, and secure ngency. Mention this paper.


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