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Miss Pamella Noble is Yisiting Jacksoii iri-nds. JI s I). Craxner is visiting friends in M n iinee. E A. Mattpson lias goue to Sew Y o k on business. J. Raie'gb Xe'son lias returned from a trip down east. Maniu's i-Mll and wife of Dexter, were in ih? city yesterday. ■J'hos. B. Cooley anti J. R. Rogers li.iv.' returned from Georglan Bay. Mis A. I'. Feigiison returned Thu'.sday evening from a trip to Alpena. Rev. Hcni.v 'Tatliu'k and family are home from thelr stay at Old Miselon. Irvimg K. Pond. of Chieago, is p mimi? the -veek with Jiis parents, in this city. M-s. E. D. LoviQg and danghtei; Nellie are to spend the winter in Viiginia. M:s. Vi-+ori;i Morris and cbildren wil return from Old Mission this week. Miss Eïmma Kemper has returned from a tw.i week's trip to ïolodo and Detroit. Wlrt Doty, o' Detroit, spent Sunday witli his parents, Mr. and .l:s. A. M. Doty. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 'Hndrickson, o S. State 6t are visif.nig thelr daughter in Detroit. W. ('. Spraigue and wife of tvoit, speiat Sunday with [rienda in Ann Arbor. Miss Lilian Cole li -:s retu nsd home iific.' an extended visit v.i.i friends . n Chicago. Mis. K. Wanty, of Muskegon, is in ihe city epending some time with Mis. A. Bell. M,s. Gei-havd Josenhans, of E. Ann st.. and dauighters, returned from Detroit Friday. Miss Clara Feiner is teaching the school at Delh', commencins her du:'c Mondáy. Mr. and Mis. E. M. Walsh of E. Huron si., tiéve raturned from their 1 1 i-i down east. [.s. ( Ims. Shètterly has been visitin;- relutives at St. Louis, Mich., du in i 1 He wek. Marcus Cook, of Dextei was inth e city yesterday, Just ïeeliag the political pulse a lit tle. M ss Nina Howlett returned Monday from a two week's visit with relatives in Jackson. (has. Feiner reutrned to Clinton. Iowa, Monday, alter visiting nis old home here for a time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Butler have been spending a few days at Grosse Point duiiirj; the week. M.s. "Win. Noble returned last week fioiu 'the east, where she had been ■ calleU by the death oí ;i sister. M s. Mamie Dais and eh.ldren, Formerly of Detroit, are her sister Mrs. E. A. Keith, for a time. ï'rof. Levi B. Wines will move into nis new house on Oakland ave. and Arbor et., the latter part of this week. Ross AVhilman has se.'ured a position ae bea h;er in the public schools oï Chlfeago, and lelt llierefOL' last wetk D.-. ; n 1 Mes. Nancrcde, accompanied by fcheir cliiidr.-n, 1 -ft last Tharsday lor a two week's etay at Üld Mission. M'ss Ida Pulcipher returned last we k trom a six weeks visit with lier sister Mts. Ambrose Pack, at Xew Haven, Conn. Travis Field Ueal is the name o!' a youug gentleman who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Junius E. Bea] Monday a. m. Aid. (hris. Martin and John Meyer have gone to Denver, Colo., to attend the meeting of the Suprerne Iyodge Harugari. John IJndensehmidt leturned 5'esteiday from a trip to Rochester, N. Y., to puicluiss goods for the A. L. Noble store. Mis. Belle Alexandcr Mi Is and child, formerly of Cliicago, are with Mis. Mills' aunt, Mrs. E. B. Pond', to remaln eome leagtli of time. Miss Abbie Jïize, of Lansing, fornierly a teacher in the Arm Arbor high school, spent the past week with Mis. CJia.s. Tripp, on E. Hui-on st. Miss Abbie A. Pond, who has been spend'ng the eummer at Flint, returned t Ann Arbor last Thursday, and is HÓw living at No. 17 S. Thayer st. Thomas Coibett, who was married some nionths ugo, and went to England and ii eland on hls wedding tour, has returned home with hls bride. Dr. and Mm. A. C. Nichols, accompanled by Dr. Howell, ol Alpina, went to Tecumseh yesterday to aitend a reunión o the Howell faiuily. Ihey .iic expected home to-niorrov. "VVill II. Price, who is now at Ashvills, N. C, in the mountain región, writes to C. I!. Davison that he is inipi ovin;, and he has mu;-h iaith iu the pine ciad hilU ol the south to help him to health once more. Frank M. Porch, of Bridgeton, N. J., special i-evcnue agent, was in the city Mondar, in company with Richard Kcariis, of Detroit. líeiiig a gradúate of Princeton, Mr. Porch carne up from Detroit to look over the University. Dr. W. H. Dorpance retui-ned home from the east Saturday night, and is slowly improving. H s daughter Susie ,whom he accompanied to Nev Yoik lor treatment for tumor, is albo coayalesclng, and it is thought she will eventually iully recover her health. Wm. E. Bolles, oí Detroit, managing editor oí "the student' illustrated paper, "Wrinkle," eliowed his jovial face at the Oourler office Saturday. He says "Wrinkle" wiU survive, and he thinks wlU be ïnoro prosperous than ever, this year. He has not yet fully determined, but believes he will return to the University again next month. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark returnec home Thursday frora a three week's trip íimon.íí the northern resorts. Dr Clark says that he feels that tramp iag paye the best for the money in vested oí anything else in the world at thLs time of year. He return. wlth ïecuperated spirits and feady for another year's tussel witii the Hospitai's,


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Ann Arbor Courier