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In accordance wlth the cali soma flíty or more citizens, among ivliom were several la dies, assembled at the couneil room in the court house Satuiday evenins', to aominate a ticket to bi voted or at the s.-hool elect'.oii MondMy. Capt. (has. II. Manly was called to the chair and Johu I,. Dufy was made secretary. After Borne explanations by various people present, it was resolved to - nominale tin e:; candidates to be membe s ol the school board, by ballot. The i st ballot, to süccesd Pliil.p liach- ulio it was stated, had d ■- cllned a ic-thction - resulted in 50 votes vArn; cast, of which 31 were for Jonn R M nër, 7 for P. Bach, 6 [or Mis. Burt, 5 for W. J. Booth, (j or Mis-. 1! nver, and 4 scattering. Mr. M.'ner was declared the choice oi' the c:msus. A ballot was t hen ordered lor a member to succeed Evart H. Scott, with the followlng result : "rt'hole number oí votes cast, 51, oí which Mr. Scott received 33, Miss Bower 5, Mr. Booth 4, and several soattering. The reeult of the third ballot, to Buceeed John V. Sheehan', was : Vhole number cast, 52, oï which Mr. Slicelian reeeived 31, iliss Bower 8, balance scatterlng. A committee was tlicn appointed, oonslsting of John II. Miner, Fred H. Belser and M. .i. Lehman, whose bus'neea it should be to see that next yenr a similar caucus shouid be calied to nomínate a ticket. A resolution was a!s:j passed expiessiii.i Uil' thanks oí the people of this city t.i Philip Bach for' his service of 41 years npon the school board. It was a gratu.tous service, had been cheerfully given, anl Mr. Bach deseryes these thauks in some more substantial manner, in a form for instance, that could be kept and tieasured by him and his family. THE EJ.ECTIOX .MO.NDAV. Monday witnessed another lively school election. It reminded the citizens very ïnucli of other days when the same interests, oniy with Httle different cornbinations, brought out an overwhelming vote. 'J 'here were 088 votes cast altogether, while there has been in the past over 1,300 votes cast. Uheie were two regular tickets in the iield and one mongrel, and the mon.gicl cante out ah. -ad. The first ticket was nominated by and composcd entirely oï la dies, tlien there vas what might be termed the regular ticket, the one nominated by the c;meus Saturday nlght, and haring the Mi, port of the Board ; and then some one got u;j another ticket, placing the uame o: one of the ladies, Miss Bower, bet ween ftwo names fi om the regular ticket, Mr. Minar and Mr. Seo'tt. The resul t oï the election is as folio xv s : John R. Miner 5G0 Evart H. Scott 582 Enima E. Bower 524 John V. Sheehan - - - - - 470 Mifi. A. B. Stevens - - - - 395 Mis. B. C. Burt - - - - - S82 The thiee highest were dsclaied elected. There are a nuniber of óur citizens who ïeel that the result was unfortunate. Not that there is anything against the lady e'.ected by any means, for there is not. She is an excellent business woman, and that she wül make a model member of the Board, no one doubts íor a moment. But .there are other eircumstances, that enter unïortunately into the question. Our city has been pecuHarly fortúnate Ín never having had any trouble wifch the relig'ious question. The schools have been eo conduoted that the largo nuniber of Cathollcs in our city have been satislied with their management, and have helped sustaiu tliem cheerfu'ly, both with taxes and patronage. Mr. Slieehan was the only repxesentative they had upon 'the board, and he had been ai prompt, progressive, and valuab'.e membei' thereof. There ivas no reason íor liis being retired. AVhile it was Hot the re igious question except in a very small degree, that entered into this contest, yet it will be attributed to that no doubt, and thus cause bitter feelings. The real causa lor Miss Bower's election lay in the f act that she is a great favorite in the ilourishing order oí Maccabees. Takirug the wives oí the members ol that order, together with the members and the L. O. T. M'Si and there is a íorce of over 1,000 iieople. Tliis is an immense íorce and its influence was heartily at woi-k íor Aliss Bower. Instead of scattering their Totes, they concentrated thcir opposition upon Mi Sheehan, believing, and wisely so, that in so doing they would be more certain oí success, and they were bound to win. Then again there were a few oï Mr. Sheehan's own political associates who thought this would be a harmless time to pay him lor throwing hifi influence with the Municipal League last spring, but this force was not largo. There vrere still others wlio believeii that no bookseller should be upon the Board. A at our shoulder suggests that Mr. Sherlinn should have put off his marriage until after the school election. ' "Why, didn't you notice," says he, "that all the single -vromen werë very decided ngainst 'Jack' this time. whlle hereto'ore they have always voted and worked lor him ?" Under ilip circumstances Mr. Sheehan made a remarkable run, he had many things to contend against, and the:'O were people so conidnt of his defeat tbat they placed the figures at 2 to 1 against him. But in a total o.' nearly 1,000 he was defeated by only 54 votes. The Dexter Leader give.s the coming countj fair tlüs i:ne send off : "'The coming county fair which will ba held on the fair grounds in Ann Arhor next month will be the best exhibit ever glvan in the county. Ses. F. E. Mills is making every ei'fort to have the fair a suscess and has secured the famous Wild West Show which will be there four days and give a performance every day. This show has fifty men and a spièndid lot of trained horses and in addltion to all the other íe:itu:-es wil' give a genuinc cowboy race every afternoon. Eveiyöne should manifest an interest in ithe county fair both by exhibits and attendance." There will be a reunión of the 2nd Brigade, lst División. 5th Army Corps, which comprised the 9th and 32nd Massachusetts, 14th New Tork, 62nd Pemisylvania and 4th Michigan Regiments, and Weeden's Battery C, lst Rhode Island Light Artillery and Battery D, and 5th ü. S. Artillery. on Wednesday, September 12, at 10 o'clock a. m., in Common Pleas Court No. 2, Room No. . 1, county court house, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. It is hoped that a ffoodly number of the comrades of the old brigade will be present on that occasion. For further information address Robert Campbell, Ann Arbor, Mich., chairman of executive committee. - Daily Times. J.'imes L. Lowden of Ypsilanli town is pioposed for the senatorial nomination on the democratie ticket. Mr. Lowden has served a term in the Housp, whre he held an influential position, and his suggestion for the upper branch is a natural and suitable one.- Ypsilanti Commercial. That's all very true, but what do you propose to do with the Ann Arbor and Jackson democratie statesmen who are after the same tliing ? Wel!, it won't make much difference anyway, ivho gets it, you know.


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