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ffiilike tiie Dutcb Prooess % No Átolíes gmf Other Cíieinicals I I ,f are used in the I ' Ï 11 1 preparation of IJjJW.BihriCo.'í Breakfast Cocoa, which is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than ihree times the strength of Cocoa mi.ed vrith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economíeal, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co.. Dorohester.Mass. P7„" ft y jj iu il ejL IsCHSFFW!Af4M'SAsi.hmaCwsg a -ver fails to ipe iiiíit'-infc relief in f:he, worst S ' JHcases, and effectA cures ivlierc otJtcra fll. H Trial Puckagfl F3LJLE of Druggiste or Huil. B trDll.)i. SCHIFFMANN, St. Tan!, miniSJ V!'."g-T.-'rM-'ir7s"F''-mmiMgiHiiiitjjaLi)ijmir-r"iffi! oíste? ktjot 3oíh the metbod and results wben áyrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud reí'reshiüg to the taste, and acts gently ye,t promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, eleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qnalities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ïs for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by ali leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any jubstitute. CALIFORNIA F6 SYRUP CO. SAfl FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW VORK. N.Y. t L '% ff í i At the expense of little 'Jj !$i r t mo.icy and his spare jfflfflgtí8?!? t i time obtain a fair ?■ V, v' i ing education. I."'■ l'i ' STUDYATHÖMEl THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UKIVERS1TY OF CORRESPONDENCE 1NSTRUCTI0N, i Comprising the leadingcorrespondence schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. 4 E ft l Al The School of Law prepares pupils for admission j I I Mil to the bar, by an extended, thoroufjh course. Htis f 9 .n BB over l6oo stucients in every part of the country. Í mnnilAI lOM This school teachcsjoumalistic j { JUUnNALlom zZ'y work from the foun' íontXU lrCniUO This school is conducted by i DUUlV'IVLLrlnb one of the ablest tcacliers of t j UUU1' M-- II1U book-keeping in America. J 'PUflllT Ullin This school teachessliort-handby ! ' NnllK I ■nfiHU the lestsystem,amlftomtl,ebe. Í J JIIUIII IIWI1W gnnng the „pcrt work. J J nnrrll _„J I ITIM This school i Í Lintrn 8tlfl LA I IN ltion, composWon and i J UlIi-'-l "HU -nt I history. from the founda. j tion to the most advanced worlc in the classics. ' The nbovo schools teach lij the j t ence niethod only, and recugulze no rirals i: i theír respective llelds. f. - Address, stating in j i flíOTjN -h.' vtfi)$jr stamps for catalogue, j DEÜL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, ne provecí by reports of lead i n(? physicians. State age in ordering. Pricc.Sl. Cataloffue Free. ff% O ff% A safe and speed; HM l cure for O Ie et, wa mt Strlcture and al! unnatural discharges. PriceSRS. fREEKSPEClFICiiïeo8oaü Wand Skin Slfieases, Scrof nlons Sores andSyphflltic AfTectlons, with outmercury. Pricc, S3. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 189 Wiaconsin Street, MILWAUKKE, WIS, I _ Reprint Frank Leslie's Illustrated I ■ T eeÉly War Illustrations 1S01-Ü5, two ■ 8 toIs. ■ ■ Iy. Deliveredbyexpressprepaiii. Send I ■ for illustrated circulare. Al salesmea I ■ wanted. 1 STAKLEY BEADLEY PUB. CO, I 5 EAST 16TH ST., N.Y.. U.S.A. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Meda! and Diploma.


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