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NEW MEAT MARKET. Senil the girl or boy wilh your order, and rest assured that the quaKty and weights will be the same as ii you eame yourself. 1 carry in st ck everything l'uund m a CL J SS Meat Market And buy only tbe best stock. I ain better prepared tliau ever to supply my customers in iny new marke J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phone 705 83-105 RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BfiREBY, GRQCERY, AND FLOÜR AND FEED STORE. We keep constan tlv on hand BREAD, CRACK EBS, CAKES, etc, lor Wholesale and retal] trade. We shall also keep asupplY of SWIFf & DEÜBKL'S I5ESÏ White Wheat Fionr! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOÜR, CORN JIEAL, l'EKD, etc. at holesale and retail. Aeeneralstockof GKOCEEÍIS ni PEOYíSI eenstantly on hand, whicb will be sol I reasonable terms as at anyother 1 citv. Cash í.aid for ISUTTKK, EGGS, ana CO'üNTttY PRODUCE generally. GoodR delivered to any part of tlie city without extra charge. RIN8ETT & SEABOIT. Chas. W. "VoR-el, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. Poullry, hard. etc. EVËRYTHING NEAT and CLEAN Ko. 9 E. Ann St., Ass Arisor. Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos , Boots. Stoves. etc. PIANOS A3SB HOUSEHOLD -:- GOO13S AU kinds of heavy and light Braying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFRSY, 'Phoue 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fonrth Ave. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTJST, Rooms over Ami Arbor Savings Banks, Oi.p Court House Square. VÏTAL1ZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating eiïects íollow, whiie teeth are extractad without pain. FÏRE ENSURANCE AGENCY, 54 SOUTH MAIN STREET. At office of MACK & SCHMID. WALL PAPER mTPAPËR Of all the Latest Designs. AT Tlie IDecorator. 70 S. MAÏS ST.. ANS ARBOE SAFËTYDEPOSITBOXES TO KENT, In the New Vaults of T2B IN ÍMI WIE MIE. Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM Notice to the People. A?y person knowing of the existence o f any nuisance detrimental to public health will please leave a notice with the city clcrk. in writing to any member of the Board of riealih. The nuisance will be investlgated and abolished at once. By order of the Koard of Health. Do. John Kapp, Health Offlcer. H. B. Dodsley, Inspector. En W. Moors, Ass't Inspector. Akn Arbok, June 18, 894. Sept. 1!) Garfield Tea s; Cures Sï!tri's f1, ii in (!,-xiMii,Sav?a Doctors' Bills. Samplo f ree. ÖARPIKLDTai.Co.,31fl W. tóthS6.,N.Y. Cures O@nstipation


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Ann Arbor Courier