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NOTICE OP DRAIN LETTING. NOTICE IS IIEREBY i;]YKX. Tliat I. ]). W, Barry, County Drain Comraissioner of the County oí Washtenaw, State of Michigan, wïlli on the20th day of September, A. ]., 1894, at the lower ojid of ditrh, in the township oí Augusta, at oiie o'clock in the afternoon of tliat day, ■proceed to receive bids for the cle'aring out of knowu and designated as "The Biick ( r,f Drain," loca teel andes lished in the sairt Township öf Augusta, aud ei bed as follows, to-vit: Commencing where snid Drain crosses e north line of the Wabash Railroád riirht of way.on thee '.■ of w J, ei4 of n vri of-sec. 29; Ihence runuingin a northwesterly d-irectiun to the highway, which runs northerly through w '.. of sec w. in suM Towaship o'f Augusta, in all bom 410 rods. SiUd job will be K-t by sections. The seetiou of the outlet of the Drain will be let tirst. and entions in their order ap stream, in accordance with the diagram now on file with the other papers pertaiuing to said Drain, in the office of the Commissioner, to which reference may be had by all parties inl,and bids will be made and reeeïved accordingly. Contracta wil) be made ith the lowest reáponsible bidder giving adequate security for the performance ni the work, in a 8um then and thereto be (ixert by me, reservim; to myself tin' right to rejeot anyand all bids, 'I hedate for the complet i on of sucb contract, and the terms of payment therefor, shall lounced at the time and place of letting. N0T1CB IS FÜBTHER HEBEBY SITEN, That at the time and place of said letting. or at such Other time and ilaee thereaf'ter to which I. the Drain Commissioner nforesaid, may adjourn t lio same, the assessments for benefits and the laude comprlsed wtthin the "Buck Creek Draiu Special Assessmeiit Bistrict," will be subject to review. The followlng is adescrintion of the several tracts or pareéis of land eonstituting the Special Assessmeiit District of said Drain, viz: The e % of n w % sec 29: e V2 of wWofe '4 of n w i sec 2J; all of the w % of n y2 of n w j ec2i, south of ditch and north and west ot railroad. 1S acres in u e corner of w % of n XA of n w 4 sec 29 ; w Hof eK of w U of u w í sec 20; e l of e y of w }j of n w % sec 20; e W of s e i sec 19 ; w % swjseo ai);sji of w U of e % of s e %, sec la ; s w of s e lA sec 19 : ñ Y2 of w l2 of e Y2 of s e VI sec 19 ; n w % of s e H sec 19; w % of e y2 of 11 e li, except south 20 acres. South 20 acres of w li e % n e V, sec 19e JÍ of n e J4 sec 19 ; w J-Í n e J4 sec 19 ; 11 w J4 sec 19, except IV acres in n e corner. 19 acres in u e corner of wy. ne% sec 19; all in Towuship of Augusta. Also the Township of Augusta at large. Dated this 3(1 day of September, A. D., 1894. D. V. BARRY, County üriun Commissioner of the County of wasntenaw. Notiee to the Public. Whereas, my wife. iMary Kearns, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, and without my consent, I hereby forbid auy person harbori'ng or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay 110 debts of her coutractiug. MICHAEL J. KEARNS, Dated, A1111 Arbor, Sopt. 3, 1894 34 Estáte of James G. Raymond. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in thoOity of Aun Arbor.on Wednesday the tweuty-secqnd day of August, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and ainety-four Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of ProIu the matter of the estáte of James G. Raynioud. deoeased. .Morton h. Raymond, the administrator, with tue will annexed, of said estáte, coinés into court and representa tuatheie now prepared to reader bis final account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the26tb day of September next, at n-n n'rlock in the forenopn, be assigned for examlnlng and allowing such account, and that the devteeea lesatees, and heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons Interested In sald estáte, are ■ il to appear at a session oi aald court then to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, lu said County, and show c'luse,if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to the persons iuterestediu said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof by pausing a copy of this ordcrto be published' in the AnuArbor Courier.ancwspnperprinted and oirculating in said County, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing [A true copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITÍ ... , , T.„,,... T , Judge of Probate. . U. 1)01 . Probate Register.


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