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Nerve j% Blood Jr amLj iKWidW J descriptivo JL JBTwhrW&ifÈfE v-V pamphlet, 6 ir &i.50.T$$r sclienectadv. N.Y. Northern Michigan Resorts Few places offer so many advantges for tired people as do the popular resorts on the shores of Luke Michigan and its tributary bays. Bay View, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Cltarlevoix, Traverse Gity, and Grand Traverse Bay Resorts are peculiarly invitfng during the hotweather she braciug air. cool rdghts and freedom from lust cootribute to make this región a natural 'anitarium,for the reeuperation of exhausted energies. To tliose interested. Bay View offers special idvantaees in thegreat Chatauqua course and Assembly. held in July and Angust, the program ofwhiehwill be of unusual excellence his year, comprising classes iu niany branches of learning and lectures by uqted professors and teachers from the highesf colleges and tnlversltles of this country. The Way to Reach these RESORTS IS VIA. THE CHICAGO AND WEST MICHIGAN Railway, which runs through the entire region, and. is known as " The fSccnic Line," on account, of the beautiful scenery through which it passes, traversing the shores of lakes, rivers. and bays, for miles, which. with the splendid service ofiered by this line makes the tri] a delightful one. Thröugh parlor and sleeping cars from Detroit to Petoskey and Bay View, are run during July, August and September; via. the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Iinilroad to Grand Rapids, thence via. the C. & W. M. Tourist tickets at redneed races are sold at principal stations on these and other Unes from June lst to Sept. 30- good to return until Oct. 31. GEO. DgHAYEN, Gen'! Pass's Agent, Grand Rapids, Michigan. ï!fl. S. - Send for our Tjook, " ïours iu Michigan. DO YQÏÏ EEEF i ■ If you want a clean pleasant stable, f ree from offensivé stable odors, dry bedding and clean healthy horses, use our STABLE DRAIXEKS. Easily put into any conimon plank floor.J &MERIGAN FLGOR GRfilN COMPANY Ann Arbor. Samples at Volland's Harneas Store and Schuli & Muehlig's Hardware Store E. IST. B3X.J3IE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlín Germanv. Cau be seen Tuesdays and Fridays at his rooms, 51 N. Main Street, Ann Arbor Organ Companys' Block. FOR SALE. Hy stock of Farm [mjplemsnts and Secds; also store propertj 25-27, Itetroit St., junetion 5th Are., tor sale or rent. Inquire at residenee, No. 7 X. División St. 22 K. J. ROGERS. JÜÊÏÏpï W. H. BUTLER, Postoffice Building. WHÊRE THE SUMMËFbREEZES BLOW. Would ynn f]y if you could To a glen iu the nood, Toa spot in the shade Tnat nature hath made: Rich with lerns and wild flowers One of uature's fair Bowers? What Is Ufe to the soul If to taborls all? What i joy to the heart When lor rest wc depart To the woods aud the dells. Does your heart cry for rest In a place that is biest, With uo shadow or sorrow Nor care for tlie morrow? If so, send your address for a list of "SUMMER TOURS," published by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway. Geo. H. Heafford, Gen'l Passensrer Aerent. Chicago, IIITHE NEXT MORN'ÍNG 1 FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS SETTER. My doctor says it acta gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys. and is a pleasant laxative. Thia drink is made from herbs. and is prepared for use as easily astea. Itiscalled LAN ES MEDICINE All dniKEistssell it at 50c. and $1 apackage. If yoa cannot get it, send your addresa for a free Bample. J-ane'H Family Medicine moven the bowels enen dny. Jn oriicr trbe healthv thisis nocessarv Notice to the People. A-y person knowing of the existence oí any aulsaoee detriniental to public health will pleuse leave a nolice with the city elerk, in wiïting to any meinberof the Board of Health. The nulsanee will be investigated and abolished at onee. J5y order of the Board of Health. Db. John Kapp, Health Offlcer. II. B. DOBSLIST, Inspector. ELI V. MÓORE, Ass't Inspector. Ann AflBOK, June IS, 894. Sejit. 19


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