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Z. Koalh hae Jjone to New York. D. P. Allmendinger went to To edo Saturday. Walter C. Mack le:t íor New York Saturday to pairchase goods. Mis. ly. B. Oheever Ha returned atter an absence of four weeks. Frank OMinger. of the Daily Times iorce, is taking ii short vacation. Albert "West. oï the iire department, is visiting a daughter iu Buifalo, N, Y. Mre. ('has. LeSuer, of Toledo, O., is visiting her sister llrs. C. I!. Davison. J. J. Quarry has returned home from a visit to his old home in Canada. J. C. Hoffstetter, of Krie, ra., has been viaiting his old home for afew clays. Mrs. X. H. Dráke has been entertaining Mrs. George E. Hall, of Cliioago. E5d. i. Mingay, of Toronto, Ont., s the gu-eet of liis brttther Torn w. Mingay. Hon. l'erry F. Powers, of the Cadillac Newfl and Express, was in the city Saturday. Miss Bertha TVeinmann. who lias been visiting friends in Detroit, bas returned home. J. E. l'eal was called to Alpena yésterday by the severo il!nss of his tather J. B. Field. Jamos E. Kearns has returned ii-oin Pittsburg, Pa., wheire lie went to visit hia son WIU. Fred Overton and sister Miss Julia, a,pe visiting r;'laiives and friends in rtkiimond, this state. Miss Orace who vrua the Kuest of Detroit fripnds a couple of weeks, has returned home. TheodO're Wetzel, formerly with H. .T. Brown. noiv of Calumot, is visiting hia old lioms lor a, time. The Mieses Flcn-cnce Sterrett and Lena Michael roturnpd last evening from a week'a stay in Detroit. Herman Armbruster lias been in Detroit this week attending' ft jneeting of tlie Detroit Rchutzenbund. Mis. Theda Y. Beardsley has iretnvned from Harvard, 111., and is with her öaughter Mre E. A. Keith. Pror. E. F. Johnson returned from LansngBaturday, where he had been attending a meeting of the K. O. T. M. Mis. Hirnm .T. Beflkes and Mrs. Samuel Wllíatfl Beakes yrill receive their lady friends on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cuestor Beardsley, of Grand Ledge, lia ve been spending a few days witlx Mr. and Mrs. E. A. KeithMrs. W. I'. Eaillie kas been caTled to Minneapolis. Minn.. by tlie serious illness oí her son Krank, "vith "typlioid f e ver. Miss Fannie A. Garclner returned last Priday' froim a tliree week's visit with am uncie, Mr. (Jass Curtis, at St. Louis, Mieh. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jacobs, of Chicago, have been in the city ïor a lew d.-iys past. called here by the death of Miss Sitorms. Mre. Sed James and daughter, Miss Oussie, of Indianapoiis,, Ind.. have been Titóting olü friends in Anu Arbor duiing the week. Mr. and Mtb. Jonothan Sprague, of thds city, have been visiting their dauu,iiter Mrs. G. E. "Williams, at Milan during the week. Chas. Jacobs has retumed f rom bis trip tlirougli the Rocky mountains, g'ieatly improved in healtii. He liad a remarkably fine time. Mrs. W. P. Brown, oí Minneapolis, Mina., and Mrs. W. IC. Brock, oí YpKilanti, Arere guests oí Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown last Thursday and Friday. Col. Dean, J. Q. A. Ressions, and bhe entire. contingent oí G. A. 1!. excursionists wlio went to Pittsburg, Pa.', returned home Friday and Saturday. Tliey all a-eport a great time. As the local po itical pot begins to siminer, preltminary to the boiling tompernture later on, it is noticeable that the pot is beginning to eall the kettle black, wtth the üelusive hope that he may divert the public eye l'roin his own short-comings to those of the "other iellow." ïhat those ■vho pursue such childish and shortsighted táctica ai-e very superficial judges of human nature is quite evident, lor every sensible jjerson is a lover of fair pílay, and a departure f rom a fair line of argument on the prcspntation of personal political claims or qualilicatioos, to a slanderous distortion oï facts, is sure to react upon the author and créate sympathy ior the pi'rson assailed. The wise and successul politician ot political writer doesn't -vork along such deba.sing linee.


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Ann Arbor Courier