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The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen met in biennial convention at Harrisburg-, Pa. Db. Swaïze B. L. Mermix dropped dead in the Illinois Central depot in Chicago from heart disease. Heavy frosts were reported in several of the western states. The crowning event at Pittsburg-h of the twenty-eighth national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic was the parade of the ola soldiers and sallors. Thirty five thousand veterans raarched over a route 3 miles and 500,000 people cheered the marchers. Thomas Osüokn and Marcus Murphy quarreled over hog-s at Polkviile, Ky., and killed each other. Mr. amd Mrs. Orson ITiggins were killed and a little girl fatally injured by a train at Putnam, N. Y. By a large majority the New York constitutional convention struck out the 85,000 limitation which may be recovered in case of death by accident. W. F. Breckman, a farmer, killed his wife and Robert King, his stepson, at Rosebury, Ore. Family quarreJs led to the crime. At Cedar Rapids, Ia., Judg-e Shiras decided contracts exenipting railroad corporations from liability for fires are i not ag-ainst public policy. Heavy rains bave benefited corn and vegetation generally according to United States weather bureau reports. Two masked highwaymen held up a stage coach near Phoenix, Ari., and relieved the passengers of their valuables and f500 in money. Peter Jackson refused to sign articles for a fightwith Corbett before the Sioux City (Ia.) club, and has drawn down his stake money. W. D. Pinkstón, secretary-treasurer of the Western Iron Works company of Butte, Mont., is $13,000 .hort. War between the cattle and sheep men has agfain broken out in Colorado. Three thousand sheep were driven over a clifï near Grand Junction and a herder was fatally injured. Algeknon H. Wilcox, wlio was said to have made 81,400,000 by fraudulent land schemes, was arrested in New York. Five valuable imported stallions owned by M. W. Dunham were killed by at U'ayne, 111. The G. A. R. encampment at Finsburgh listened to reports of officers and decided on Louisville as the next place of meeting-. The report of Com mander in Chief Adams sbowed that 7.283 veterans died during the past year, leaving the total membership 369,083. Kkv. Dr. Charles S. Pomeroy, for twenty-one years pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in Cleveland, dropped dead in his home. He was 60 years old. At the third annual meeting in I sas City of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo William E. Barnes, of St. Louis, was elected grand snark. The Citizens' bank at Rossville, 111., was robbed of $10,000 by a man who seeured an entrance during the noon huur. The Mehrkof Brick Manufacturing company of Little Ferry, N. J., went into the hands of a receiver with liabilitieis of $127,500. Isaac jS. Woixott, a wealthy farmer living near Chestnut, 111.. killed his wife, who had begun snit for divorce, and then blew ofï his own head with a shotgun. The Post Office Clerks' National association in session at Boston eleeted Benjamin Parkhurst, of Washington, as president. Marshall H. Abbott, an extensive real estáte operator at Salem, Mass., failed, with liabilities estimated at $500,000. Nkar Charleston, Mo., a train was hurled from the track by a cyclone and two passengers were killed and a score injured,a number fatally. G. C. De Bronkart, the Belffian consul at Denver, died suddenJy while vis iting' in Chicago. North Memphis, Tenn., wassweptby a tornado in which one man was killed and two others injured and a property loss of 8250,000 inflicted. Maskkd men tarred and feathered Rev. Charles Clanee.y, of Frontier, Mich. , and then rolled Mm down a steep hill. Joskph Bbohtblhbimbr and his wife reeeived probably fatal injuries in a runaway accident near Young America, lnd. The directors of the Western Union Teleirraph company have declared the reg-ular quarterly dividend of 1M per cent. payable Oetober 1. On the Terre Haute (lnd.) track Alix trotted a mile in 2:04, equaling the world's record of Naricy llanks. Carbonate lowered the 2-year-old record to 2:10. The drought has left an epidemie of typhoid fever through all the Upper Miarni valley in Ohio. At Piqua in one day eleven corpses were awaiting1 burial. Buck Hablan, a notorious counterfeiter, was capturetl by secret service men near Shelbyville, lnd. At Terre Haute, lnd., Fantasy lowered the record for 4-year-old mares, trottiug the mile in 2:06, beating' her own time one second. "VVilliam Enochs, of Marticsville, lnd., was driven from his home by white caps for alleged cruelty to his wife. Kansas farmers were their hog-s for transportation charges to market, to feed them. The of testimony was completed in the trial at Chicago of President Debs and other offleers of the American Railway union. The arguments will be made on September 25. Bernakü Tokee was shot and killed at Connellsvville, Pa., and his wife Mary fatally wounded by Franz Morris, a 13-year-old boy that they had befriended. The lad stole $13 and escaped. Official returns of the Arkansas state election held September 8 show that over one-half of the counties in the state voted against liquor license. The iïorwegian steamship Forbuna, from Java, landed in Philapelphia Arthur Vincent, a New York boy, wlio had circled the globe without a cent of money. He left New York two years ago at the age of 14. ('or,. Thomas (ï. Lawleb, of Rockford, 111., was elected commander in chief of the O. A. R. at the Pittsburgh encampuient. The Paughters of Veterans elected Mrs. Ellen M. Walker, of Woreester, Mass., as president, and the ïïoman's Relief Corps selected as president Mrs. Emma R. VY allace, of Chicago. Me. and Mes. J. C. Fettebs were killed at Edon, O. , by a Wabash train an hour after their wedding. Ovkr thirty buildings were consumed by fire in Francisco, the loss being Í1OO,OOO. The custom of publishing ín newspapers the list of unclaimed letters at postoffices has been auaudoned, i gress having íailed to make a sufíicient appropriation for the pnrpose. In a suit at Bioomington, 111., Judge Tipton ruled thatdruggists, dry goods and grocery dealers ere not coinpelled to sell to colored people. H. B. Morgast, postmaster at Peoría, 111., refused to deliver out-of-town newspapers not bearing postage of a cent a copv. Statistics compiled by tne oureauo-j. statistics show that during August the exports of breadstuffs araounted to $10,851,336, against $22,630,848 a year ago, and for the eight months ending August last to 885,348,714, against $129,361.102 for the corresponding period of 1893. The exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 14th j gated 1858,268,145, against $794,888,688 the previous week. The decrease, cornpared witb the corresponding week in 1893, was 7.8. Sam Johnson, a 21-year-old negro, sold himself to Col. Stark Oliver at Selma, Ala., for SOO. Thebh wei-e 207 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 14th, against 215 the week previous and 314 in the corresponding- time in 1893. The forest fires in Wiseonsin were extinguished by the first heavy rain that has fallen since June. James Baükett was hanged at Eddy, N. M., for the murder of John Holihan at Seven Rivers. Enoch Dayis, who killed his wife, was shot at Lehi, Utah, he having chosen that mode of execution in preference to hanging'. At Terre Haute, Ind., Eobert J. paced a mile in 2:01X. all records. Carbonate put the 2-year-old mark at 2:09, and John 1Í. (entry cut the stallion record to 2:03% in a race, j In accordance with a recently enacted law Judge Lippincott, of Jersey City, ref used to receive a plea of guilty made by a murderer. Thomas Taylor, 33 years of age, killed his wife, who was 25 years old, in Washington by shooting her and then shot himself. Jealousy was the cause. A BOTTI.E of pop exploded at St. Joseph, Mo., and put out the eyes of Wiltiain (iardner, aged 3 years. The iirst snow of the season feil at Omaha, Neb. Adam Forepaugh's circus stranded at Blurftou, U., on account of no funds ! to pay employés. WhUjE flowers in a cernetery at Hoineworth, O., a tombstone feil on Susan Johnson, an ag'ed woman, inflicting1 fatal injuries. Así increase of from 00 to 65 per cent. in prices has been made by the tack trust since January 1, and small dealers were being" forced to the wall. The American liner New York made the K,408-mile mn Southampton to Sandy liook in 6 days 7 hours and 20 minutes, breaking all records. At Neligh, Neb., Uarrett Scott was convieted of $32,000 while treasurer of Holt eounty. Fked Miilek, 70 years old, while drunk fatally stabbed his wife at Kenton, O., and then drowned himself in a well. IN' a quarrel over a line fence at Nortbport, Ala., John and Alexander Tyler (brothers) killed each other. Two ew counterfeits are in circulationj one being' a $10 silver certifícate, check letter A, series 18Sft, and the other is a S5 note of the First national bank of Cinc-innati. Bevekly Adams, a negro, was hanged at Hopkinsville, Ky., for murder. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Nomixatioxs for congress were made I f.s follows: Illinois, Eig-hth district, j Lew Stevvard Michigan, Second district, J. S. Gorman (dem.); Seventh, C. E. Carleton (dem.). sin, Sixth district, O. A. Wells (dem.) renominated; Eighth, L. E. Barnes (dem.) renominated; Tenth, E. C. nedy (dem.). Indiana, Twelfth district, W. F. McNagny (dem.) renominated; Thirteentli, Lew Waraer(dem.). Minnesota, Sixth district, M. K. Baldwin (dem.) renominated. Ohio, Thirteenth district, A. H. King, (rep.). Missouri, Seventh district, J. P. Tracey (rep.). Mississippi, First district, J. M. AUen (dem.) renominated. Pennsylvania, Eighteenth district, D. Gr. Smith (dem.); at larg-e, Thomas Collins (dem.), Henry Myer (dem.) At the Maine election H. B. Cleavea was reelected governor by a majority of 37,000, the largest in the history of the state. The four republican congressmen - Thomas B. Iteed, Nelson Dingley, S. L. Milliken and C. A. Boutelle- were reelected by increased majorities. The leg-islature will have a workíng republican majority of 125, which insures the reelection of Senator William P. Frye. William H. Hatch was renominated for congress by the democrats of the First district of Missouri. Don Pio Pico, the last Mexican governor of California, died at Los Angeles, aged 94 years. Bridoet Gorman, known as tha queen of gypsies in America, died at her camp near Cincinnati, aged S5 years. The populists of New York met at Sa ra toga and nominated Charles B. Matthews, of Buffalo, for govei-nor. CongjhessioííaIj nominations wera reported as follows: Michigan, Eighth district, Rowl and Conner (dem.). Wisconsin, First district, James Tl. Doolittle (dem.). Ohio, Sixteenth district, O. 0. Barnes Maryland, Sixth district, F. Williams (dem. ) Alabama, Ninth district, T. II. Aldrich (rep.). Minnesota, Second district, John Jloonan (dem.); Sixth, Kittle Halvorsen (pop.). ' Colorado republicatis met at Denver and nominated a ticket headed by A. W. Mclntyre, of Alamosa, for governor. At a convention of the American Protective association held in Chicag-o ü. H. Mann was nominated fór state treasurer, S. D. Snow for school superintendent, and W. S. McComas, J. W. Pickens and J. B. Strubel for congress. R. P. Keating was nominated for governor and G. E. Gignoux for congressman by the Nevada democratio convention in session at Carson. Candidates for congress were selected as follows: Wisconsin, Fifth district. Henry Klank (dem.). Alabama, Xinth district, T. 11. Aldrich (rep.). California, Fourth district, T. B. Shannon (rep.); Fifth, E. V. Loud (rep.) renominated. Virginia, Gardiner Tylfsr (dem.) renominated. The official result of the election in Maine gives Cleaves (rep.) forgovernor a plurality over Johnson (dein.) of 88,424. The follovving coyressional nominations were made: Wisconsin, Seventh district, (i. W. Levis (dem.). Colorado, fSecond district, T. M. Bowen (rep.). Virginia, Tenth district, Thomas Goode (rep.). New Mexico, T. B Mills (pop.). ëx-Skxator üooi.ittle declined the noinination for congress tendered him by the democrats of the First Wisconsin district. B0LTER8 from the democratie party met at Carson, Nev., and nominated a state ticket headed by Theodore Winters for governor. Daniel, who for nearly a quarter of a century was a justice of the peace of Chicago, died of pneumonia. FOREIGN. 1t was reported that the Chinese f orces were cornered in northern Corea without supplies and were killing their ponies for food. Tut. governor general of Cuba has been ordered by the Spanish authorities to restore the import duties oa American products. The sultan of Turkey has contributecl 300 Turkish pounds to the fund for the relief of the YVisconsin and Minnesota forest fire sufferers. Capt. Adolph Frietsch, who sailed from Sew York August 5 in a schooner-rigged skiff 47 feet long, reached Queenstown in safety. Fifty-five Brazilians were executed at Montevideo by order of President Peixoto. Military and naval officers were among the unfortunates. , At the Rosedale track, Toronto, F. F. Kadway, of London, lowered the 100-mile bicycle record to 5:01:10 1-5. A FiRE in the leather market in Londou caused a loss of $1,000,000. Thirty persons lost their lives and 2,000 buildings were destroyed by a fire in Chung-King, China. LATER. Owens was said to have been victorious in the contest for the democratie nomination in the Ashland (Ky.) cong-ressional district. His plurality over Breckinridge was estimated to be 410. "William Í5LANFOBD,an alleged forger of Clinton, Ind., was arrested after a search of two years. The Mexican congress was opened by President Diaz, who, in his speech, said tliat Mexico was on friendly relations with all nations. M. L. Davis, of Little Rock, Ark., tendered his resignation as American consul at Merida, Yucatán. Andrew Bee, who recognized Jefferson Davis when the latter was escaping, died at his home in Martin, Allegan county, Mich. Leonard Blodgett, of Luzerne, N. Y. , aged 55, attempted to assault a girl and fatally wounded both her parents. Whii,e passengers were being trans ferred past a wreek atHammond, Wis., an oil tank exploded and twelve were seriously burned. A wrsDSTOBM did great damage at Niágara Falls and caused the suspension bridge to svvay like a eradle. Fifteen persons were injured, several fatally, in a runaway accident near Irondale, O., caused by the raising of an umbrella. In a decisión at Des Moines, Ia., Judge Spurrier held the mulct liquor law to be constitutional. The Mutual Benefit Life Association of America closed its doors under orders of the insurance departinent of iiew York state. J. L. Goodman and B. Y. Armstrong, Gatesville (Tex,) editors, shot each other to death in a street duel. At Portland, Ore., J. TV. Stanegels, a civil engineer, killed Mrs. Mabel Calvin and coinmitted suicide. Jealousy was the cause. At Monticello, 111., Mr. and Mrs. George Clouser oelebrated their seventieth wedding anniversary. Thiktekx men were indicted by the grand jury for eomplicity in the recent of six negroes near Mülington, Tenn. Scraxton, Pa., suffered a loss of $250,000 by a blaze in the business district. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the national league ior the week ended on the 15th were: Baltimore, .084; New York, .653; Boston, .647; Philadelphia, .5TÖ; Brooklyn, .54(5: Cleveland, .513; Pittsburgh, .492; Chicago, 438, Cincinnati, .425; St. Louis, .400; Washington, .847; Louisville, .277.


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