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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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ÏWONDERFUL CURES] I THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. !Bafora Treatment. After Treatment. Belore Treatment. Alter Treatment. M Nervous Debüity and Catarrh Cured, Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas JMinchin says: "I was reduced to Major Simfield saya: "I liad Dyspepsia I a nervous wreek- only weighert 118 pounds. and Catarrh of the Sfr.mach for many I ihe result of early abuse was the canse. 1 years. ïo make mattere worse I I had the following symptoms : Miserable ed a Constitutional Blood Diceaee My I mentally and physically, melancholy, nervbones ached. Blotches on the skin looked H onsness, weakness, specks before the eyes, liorrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. I dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & I heart, flnshing, cold hands and feet, weak Kerpran. I begantheirNewMethod I back, drenms and losses at nipcht, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man the morning, pimples on the face, loss of with renewod life and ambition. I canambition, barning sensation, kidneys weak not say too much for those scientific docetc. Doctors could not cure me; butDrs. tors who have been in Detroit for fonrKennedy & Kergun by their New Jiethort feen years. I eonversed with hundreds of Ireatment, cured me in n few weeks I patiënte in their offices who were being weigh now 10 poar.ds. It is tb ree years cured for different diseases. I recommend since I have fckon their treatment." them as honest and reliable Physicians." The Celebrated Specialists of Detroit, Mlch. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TQ GORE SSitrJnTSSR I Rheumatism: Neuralgia; Nervons, Elood and Skin dispaees; Stomach and Heart die eases; Tapeworm; Piles; Ruptura: Impotency; Deafnees; Dispares of the Eye Ear E INose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseaees of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors oj Youth; E Falling llanhood; Diaeases of the Sexual Organs: Female Weakneas; Diseasea of Men ■ and Wornen, and Chronic Disea&es in general. They cure when others fail ! ÏWONLY CVRABLB CASES ARE TAKEN FOR TSEATMEST Their VV HfTlinn I T)F ITUIÍVT knówn the worlt'. o-er, is carimr diseases of every L" I JL1 JlULf I Jiuuiiiuu! naturs' thüt hes burilen heretofore t!iH ripdical profession. Tliey are not I 'family doctors' - they make a specialty oL Ghronic and diflicnlt dieeases. "S 9 HICFASFC AF Ml FM ïhe5 gnamntpe to cnre all Weakness of Men arisinf? K BlOLAOLk5 UI I ILli. frm self abuse, lat"r exceeeea or disease. Young K man, yon need help. Drs. K. & K. wiil cure you. Yon may hare been treated by B Quacka - consult Scientilic Doctors. ís'o cure, no pay. Consult them. nKFAQFQñFWnMFW wllJ' suffer in ilence? They can cure yon. I UUöLAaLiJ Ui TTUl ILn. Female Weakness. Barrenness, I Displacements, Irregularity, and paiDful periods cnred in a short time. I Kenewed vitality giveu. lllustratad Iiook Free. lnclose stamp. CPFflAI niCFAQFQ Spermatorrhcea, Varicocele, Oleet, Innatural I JÍ LVilAL UlaLAoLO. Discharges, Prívate diseases, Stricture, SyphI Hs, and all Blood diseases guaranteed cured or no pay. 14 years in Detroit - 150,000 E cures- National repntation. Books free - Consnltation freo - Ñames confidential. If I unable to cali, write for a list of quebtioneand advice free. DRS. KENNEDY & KERQAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH. I


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