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Climatie Infiuence on Health. It caniiot be denied that the influenee of climate upon heaith i.s great, aad it is In recognitlon of this (act that physicians scnd patients suffering with pulmonary diseases to great distances lor "change of air." But when the sufferer hafipens to be too to act upon the adyice his lot is hard indeed. But it is not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Diseovery can be had at any medicine store, and to it thousands hese cases were considered desperate, owe their Iives. Up to a certain point in the progress of Consum)tion, Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery i.s a positive remedy. But delay ;s dangerous -with Consumption. In all the conditions that lead to is, the "Discovery" is the remedy. With eevere lingering Coughs, or weak Lungs, nothing acts so promptly. Bvery disease 'that can be reached through the ltlood yields to thls medicine. The Scro.'ulous affections of the lungs that's called Consumption is one of them. For this, and tor every other iorm of Serofula, for all blood-taints and disorders and all chronic Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affections, the "Discovery" is the only remedy so certain that, once used, it is always in favor. Gin anything else be "just as good" for you to buy ? Don't you believe it. Keep the steaks- Butchers. Early rlsers- Mushrooms. Has the law on lus side- The judge. Look sh&rp - Bazors. QIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pieree's- Pleasant Pellets To any onc sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Henee, our object in sending them out bvadcast -- - ON TRIAL ... They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia_and kindred derangements of the StomachLiyer and Bowels! Von't accept some substitute said to be "jusl as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. H IS profil is in the "jusl as good." WHBRE IS YOURS? Address for Free Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Assoclatlon, A'o. 663 Mala St., BUFFALO, N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier